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What are your MT Goals for 2016?  Big or small, simple or complex, pro or novice. Maybe you want that first fight, shins of steel, to be healthier or to get that first KO...

As a middle aged novice (40) with 14 mos. of training, I look at MT as kind of a fountain of youth and a place to further develop self defense skills.

GOALS:  1)train minimum 4x/week  

               2)one heavy bag intensive day/week

               3)poker face when sucking

               4)proper warm up every session to minimize injuries

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I think my 2016 goals will truely form after I come back from Thailand :) 

What I can say for sure for now:

1) Loose weight (that's my goal every year...never accomplished) through training & dieting

2) Perfecting the techniques I'm already decent at (right jab, middle kick, low kick, right hook)

3) Learn some throws and trips for clinch!!! (that's totally my number 1 goal)

4) Get better all-around, to be able to spar with the "badass" people at summer camp without much damage

5) Learn how to read openings on opponents - or at least start working on getting a clue how to do it

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I'm aiming to move down a weight class and to fight every 6-8 weeks instead of every 3-4 months. I may be aiming high on the fight frequency as a US nak muay, but I have two fights lined up already so hopefully we can keep the momentum.

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What are your MT Goals for 2016?  Big or small, simple or complex, pro or novice. Maybe you want that first fight, shins of steel, to be healthier or to get that first KO...

As a middle aged novice (40) with 14 mos. of training, I look at MT as kind of a fountain of youth and a place to further develop self defense skills.

GOALS:  1)train minimum 4x/week  

               2)one heavy bag intensive day/week

               3)poker face when sucking

               4)proper warm up every session to minimize injuries

I have that "poker face when sucking" goal also.

Landing my hands in combination and with heaviness - stopping someone with my hands would be great.

Work on my flexibility a little bit. I don't want to be doing splits or anything, but I'm losing range of motion in my shoulders and wrists and stuff, so I'd like to be more on top of that in a preventive manner.

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Good idea to write down our goal! 

1) harass my coach to get fights (I hope I'll do at least 5 in 2016, it's kind of a big goal since I've never fight yet)

2) keeping a smart training and healthy diet (already started a few month ago, and going well)

3) more sparing and more clinch (to get better/to be less predictable mostly but also to get used to see opening)

4) travel to thailand (how unoriginal is that ;) )

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-keep learning muaythai

-coach succesfully my students/partners

-make 2 of them Spanish Champions (amateur, male and female)

-be certified as a personal trainer not only muaythai (I am just a muaythai coach certified by ifma)

-Thailand again (of course)

-the last one dont tell it because I really want it and Im very superstitious.  :woot:

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) Train year long 6x a week (Have been training 10 days straight since New Years, physically well mentally not so much)

2) Mental training - this is probably the most important one for me

3) Work on my boxing defense and Muay Thai fundamentals

4) Get as much fights/experience as I can

5) Help build up a team again but it kind of fell apart.. Got a young up and coming kid to work with

Things aren't going so atm but hopefully things change for the better

6) Maintain healthy habits (thankfully I don't really drink - food is the hard part)


I'm sure theres more but thats all I can think of off the top.

Chok dee everyone

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1) Fight more

2) Increase overall strength with bodyweight training

3) Improve on footwork and hands

4) Rehabilitate labral tear in hip with consistent strenthening exercises

5) Learn to use my reach better

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This is a great idea! My 2015 in Muay Thai started off well, but the second half of it went pretty badly, so I'm looking to make some big changes this year.

1. Change my training environment. This is important because I don't think any of my other goals can be achieved without this one.

2. Fight more frequently than I did in 2015.

3. Get my boxing back to the standard that it once was. My hands used to be my best weapon and won me some knockouts, but I've become more of a kicker recently and holes have started appearing in my boxing as it's been neglected along the way.

4. Be first. I have a bad habit of waiting instead of initiating exchanges, but when I do push forward, it works much better for me. I just need to make sure I do it. 

5. Meet/train with as many of you guys as possible! (Micc is already meeting up with me and Kelly tonight, which I'm excited about  :smile: )

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This is a great idea! My 2015 in Muay Thai started off well, but the second half of it went pretty badly, so I'm looking to make some big changes this year.

1. Change my training environment. This is important because I don't think any of my other goals can be achieved without this one.

2. Fight more frequently than I did in 2015.

3. Get my boxing back to the standard that it once was. My hands used to be my best weapon and won me some knockouts, but I've become more of a kicker recently and holes have started appearing in my boxing as it's been neglected along the way.

4. Be first. I have a bad habit of waiting instead of initiating exchanges, but when I do push forward, it works much better for me. I just need to make sure I do it. 

5. Meet/train with as many of you guys as possible! (Micc is already meeting up with me and Kelly tonight, which I'm excited about  :smile: )


3. Totally understand that, every time I focus on kicking I feel I forget "boxing", but recently I've focus on boxing and now I forget to kick in sparing! haha 

6. Will be there by the end of this year, hope I'll meet you !!

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-keep learning muaythai

-coach succesfully my students/partners

-make 2 of them Spanish Champions (amateur, male and female)

-be certified as a personal trainer not only muaythai (I am just a muaythai coach certified by ifma)

-Thailand again (of course)

-the last one dont tell it because I really want it and Im very superstitious.  :woot:

When you come back to Thailand go to the reclining Ganesha temple in Chachoengsao and whisper your last one into the ears of the rats, who are Ganesha's minions. They remind him of your wishes and increase your chances of them being granted :)

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My goals for 2016 :
# have at least 3 good,well prepared fights this year
# keep training and teaching 5/7 days a week
# go training @ Sitmonchai Gym  :cool:  :cool: 
# raise even amount or MORE then last year with my project :Muay Thai 4 Orphans
# pass the exam for Black Mongkol

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. Work on my clinch, big time.

2. Learn trips and be able to use them (I feel this is separate to the first).

3. Train in Thailand 2x a day for as long as possible.

4. First Muay Thai fight in Thailand, and have a minimum of 3 fights, hopefully 10 but depends if any injuries occur so I'll keep my goal low.

5. Volunteer at an orphanage, I've seen some orphanages that teach the kids Muay Thai so even though I'm not a master or anything it would still be good to help them with the basics or just hold pads.

6. Make friends using Muay Thai.  :smile:

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I recommend, :)


Thanks a lot I was planning on going to this one as John Wayne Parr is fighting Michael Wakeling and I have never seen Iman Barlow fight live.  I also usually go to Yokkao but have found a couple of them super long (12 hours I was in there watching fights for one of them waiting to watch Harrison who didn't fight until almost 1am!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you come back to Thailand go to the reclining Ganesha temple in Chachoengsao and whisper your last one into the ears of the rats, who are Ganesha's minions. They remind him of your wishes and increase your chances of them being granted :)

Thank you Sylvie, very appreciated!

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  • 5 months later...

A mid-year update on my 2016 goals:


I have managed to move down a weight class as I wanted, but sadly I've had two of three fights fall through so far. I'm *hoping* to fight next month, but we'll see if someone signs up and shows up.

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Damn, I'm not doing much progress with my goals.... aaaa  :wallbash:

Congrats to you NewThai for accomplishing one of yours! Keeping my fingers crossed for more fights to come your way :)

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  • 3 months later...

Well I guess I only will have the one fight for 2016. I was put on a few different shows with no opponent, and then last month I was in a bad car accident and am only getting back to a somewhat normal gym schedule this week. Overall it was a pretty disappointing year for my muay thai goals.


Before the crash, I did sign up for a Strongman competition in January. I wanted to kick off 2017 with something that I can train for that doesn't require a match being found. We've also discussed moving me down another weight bracket. I'll be working on that in the next few months to see if it's doable. I'll make official 2017 goals in a new thread later. I just wanted to make an update here as my 2016 is over now regarding muay thai. :|

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I totally forgot about these but it was good to see what my goals were and realise that some progress was made. 

1) Fight more4 fights this year, which was more than I expected as I thought I would still be doing interclubs

2) Increase overall strength with bodyweight trainingcan do a few small sets of chin ups now

3) Improve on footwork and handshands have improved slowly, not sure about footwork though

4) Rehabilitate labral tear in hip with consistent strenthening exercises - haven't been consistent with this but at least it doesn't seem to be getting worse

5) Learn to use my reach bettergetting better at this but need to work on finding the right distances

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