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Found 2 results

  1. I enjoyed last year's goal thread quite a bit, and am happy to report my goals were accomplished. The best one I set was to be patient and not to be embarrassed to be a beginner. Why just yesterday I fell on my ass and ran into a wall practicing flying knees and roundhouses lol; I was not really embarrassed at all. Totally fun. From one point of view I am no longer a beginner, from a fight point of view I am. I did accomplish my goal of having my first smoker which at age friggin-old is pretty fantastic and I am happy about that. The only goal I can articulate right now is no more apologizing (unless truly warranted) - thanks New Thai. Otherwise I have to get a shoulder mri next week then I can set my 2017 goals. Look forward to reading everyone's.
  2. What are your MT Goals for 2016? Big or small, simple or complex, pro or novice. Maybe you want that first fight, shins of steel, to be healthier or to get that first KO... As a middle aged novice (40) with 14 mos. of training, I look at MT as kind of a fountain of youth and a place to further develop self defense skills. GOALS: 1)train minimum 4x/week 2)one heavy bag intensive day/week 3)poker face when sucking 4)proper warm up every session to minimize injuries
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