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This is a topic that really gets under my skin, every single day. 
In Australia, there are always the 1-4 girls in the gym that want to show off everything they got; but in Phuket, it seems like there is a painfully small amount of women who don't actually want to expose every inch of their body.

Now, I'd like you to know I am all for women (and men) expressing themselves and feeling good in their own skin... But these particular women that wear crop tops that literally cover half their (usually fake) boobs, and bike shorts that show what should be our 'private parts' all too clearly. If you're comfortable dressing like this, well, that's wonderful. but don't you see that you're attracting all the wrong attention? Married men are struggling with themselves to not feel some-typa-way, young boys can see you... (I've even had one of my trainers 10yr old sons come up and ask me why P'Jazmine doesn't dress like the other ladies, and then whisper in my ear that he could see her 'peepee' and he's happy I dress like a boy, I should wear big clothes all the time. Then later told me I should keep my shirt on, not always dress like a boy. Haha.) And in most gyms there are usually one or more little girls running about too; like, I know it is common for mother's to dress their daughters up how they deem 'beautiful', which clearly some mothers think sexy = beautiful, instead of cute and innocent. But what kind of example do you think you're setting for them? They're looking up to you and watching you whether you like it or not. That is our next generation. And it's all fine and dandy for people to say this generation is quite f'd up, and I completely agree, but who raised it? Who was this generation brought up by? Yes, it is a hard truth to swallow. But it's just that: the truth. 

Ultimately, you're setting a screwed up example for young girls, and even other women. Of course everyone can think for themselves and it shouldn't have to be your responsibility per say, but it is unnecessary, distasteful, and disrespectful to your own body, and to others too. 
And on another note: if a man is married or in a relationship, don't flirt with him. If he thinks it's okay to mess about, set him in his place. It may piss him off, but you will earn more respect for doing so. 

Much, much more to be said, but that's all from me for now. Your turn! :thumbsup:  

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Oh, yeah. Before coming to Thailand I had never seen a woman train in a sports bra/crop top. And I thought it's no big deal if they wanted to, anyone should wear whatever they feel comfortable wearing.

Then in Thailand, I've ended up at a gym where most women are serious about their training and not about their looks. Until one day a woman came in for the day and trained in a sports bra. It was so weird. The trainers were making comments about it, jokingly telling us "Tomorrow, you, too!" The boys weren't sure if they should stare at her or ignore her. I was glad she was only here for a day.

If it was just the grown-up foreigners at the gym, whatever, I don't care. But there are mostly 13-18 year old thai boys here, brought up in a culture that doesn't generally embrace nudity. It just feels wrong to provoke that kind of attention as a grown-up woman .

I came to Thailand having done my research about the culture and left everything that could be considered offensive back home. I don't like wearing a t-shirt and shorts in a sauna or pool, but I accept it. When I see girls dressing the way they do back home and trying to bend the rules, I can't help but think that they are being disrespectful. And irresponsible, too, because why would you want an 18 year old boy to develop a crush on you, if you are 10 years his senior and leaving in a couple of weeks?

Same goes for the guys, too. You never see the Thais go for their run shirtless, so why are you doing it?

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Interesting you ladies mention this. Lol I always am very careful to throw a shirt on any time I leave the gym (even if it's just stepping outside briefly), even when it is deathly hot out. Surprised how many people come to other countries and don't respect the local culture. There are always going to be mistakes made, but at least try!

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Basically, I'm fat so I usually feel unconfortable in tight clothes. I went a long road to even start wearing thai shorts (and I ALWAYS wear them on long leggins) that were exposing my fat tights :D I felt most comfortable in my baggy pants and t-shirt, but as I went on training I realised it's not the most comfortable attire to train in for me, so I changed it a bit. :)

In my understanding a gym is a place where we reveal a lot of what we don't normally do among people - we sweat, we exhale loudly, we shout (sometimes), we get all red in the face and on top of that we train together while being all sweaty. This is why I want to expose as little as possible of my skin that comes in contact with another people's skin - e.g. during clinching. I feel distracted when I wear a shirt that has a bit of a lower neckline and I don't want to get the attention of anyone by flashing my cleavage while streching. I don't really care if anyone sees it, but the point is, I come to train, not to show off my body (not that I have anything to show off anyway :D).

I really like rashguards though, even though they cling tightly to your body, they are a "wall" between my skin and the skin of others :D I don't know if this can be understood as "revealing" though...

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I've seen both men and women dress completely inappropriately for the gym - men wearing speedos, and ONLY speedos to train in, not wearing a shirt when running (down here in Pattaya it seems the no-shirt and no-shoes goes everywhere; even saw a woman in the 7-11 wearing a bikini and no cover up at all), men and women not wearing underwear... the thing is that for the men, it makes us women incredibly uncomfortable but my all-male Thai trainers never cared. They think it's funny, but Den said "I'm a man, he's a man, why should I care." Basically, he's not looking.  But for women, even clothing that isn't considered inappropriate in the west garners MASSIVE attention here. And behavior exacerbates that; you can wear sweatpants and a T-shirt and still stir up the gym with flirtatious behavior.

It's so interesting to see so many of you talking about how your gyms are, because it's very much the case and not something that westerners think about at all when they come here. You're basically training with young boys. By watching how absolutely rude, inappropriate, impolite and culturally "off" westerners can be when they come to visit Thailand (it's not only westerners, but the gaffes tend to be in a different direction from tourists of other varieties) it's that we seem to think that the entire country is keen to host our "MTV Spring Break" vacations. Thai culture isn't like that - in fact, OUR culture isn't like that, but we're on vacation and so we act outside of what's acceptable for our own behavior and the non-confrontational nature and kind of "adult playground" of Thailand's hands-off approach to legality creates an atmosphere where a lot of people are just being total asses.

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Interesting, I'm not a fighter but I've recently started following Muay Thai and MMA fighters on face book and watching fights on youtube. Most of the women who show up in my feed are wearing shorts/skorts and a sports bra/crop top. As someone who is an outsider to the sport I assumed that to be the standard attire for female fighters. 

Do gyms have a dress code? Are there rules about what fighters can and can't wear in the ring?

Of course sex sells and in many professional sports women's attire is revealing to appeal to a heterosexual male audience.


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Interesting, I'm not a fighter but I've recently started following Muay Thai and MMA fighters on face book and watching fights on youtube. Most of the women who show up in my feed are wearing shorts/skorts and a sports bra/crop top. As someone who is an outsider to the sport I assumed that to be the standard attire for female fighters. 

Do gyms have a dress code? Are there rules about what fighters can and can't wear in the ring?

Of course sex sells and in many professional sports women's attire is revealing to appeal to a heterosexual male audience.


It's a complicated issue because what Jazzy initially started saying and what most of the responses have been coming from are based in Thailand, which itself a complicated thing to try to navigate. It's hot as Hades all the time and visitors to the country have a misrepresentation of the entire nation as being like the Bangkok Red Light District in movies (imagine thinking all of the US was like Vegas, or all of Mexico is like the resort beaches of Cancun), so there's an assumed "anything goes and I should dress like I'm at the beach all the time" attitude. Thing is, Thailand is a fairly conservative culture - not in all ways and not in all places, but pretty universally not the kind of place where dressing in less is going to be met with respect for your space and body. Thais don't even wear bathing suits at the beach - most swim fully clothed.

So the issue of sports bras and crop tops as discussed here is in reference to that culture. It kind of riles up the gym because it's still a heavily male space and how a woman dresses is perceived to be how she wants to be treated. Even if you wear T-shirt and shorts, simply being a woman means it's worth a go to flirt with you and see if it takes. But the clothes are seen as a message; I reckon that's true in the west, too, but in a less overt perception.

However, in Phuket it's not that unusual to see women fighting in a sports bra. On TV the "Muay Thai Angels" show, which is the biggest (as in most expensive) production of female fights definitely sells the looks of its fighters and the women fight in some pretty uncomfortable outfits, which include crop tops. I've been given a crop top to fight in on TV once. But you'll also find lots of Thai and western women fighting in tank tops or T-shirts, which I think is more standard everywhere. What's truly shocking (and I would find it so in the west also), are women who show up to training with their breasts barely covered by their tops, shorts that are too short or you can see their underwear or lack of underwear when they kick; some women, very rarely, will come to training in a bikini. It's bizarre. And heavily inappropriate.

I think this issue translates to the west as well though. Lots of women come to training in yoga pants or layered tops that are loose enough to shift around and expose more than what they seem to be covering. Women should be able to wear whatever we're comfortable in, but it's really not that simple because of the social messages - whether intentional or not - that come with those sartorial choices. Men generally wear shorts; that's it. Their nakedness isn't interpreted as anything. And some dudes need to wear some damn underwear; it's horrific when they don't.

The men at my various gyms (western men) really take the cake on needing to tone their shit down. They treat the space as one big men's locker room and will change their clothes right out in the open - fully naked sometimes. I mean balls out. And a couple men at my current gym will come and drop their pants right next to me (or my friend who came to visit, also a woman) in order to tie on their cups, or they'll do it in the ring which is basically a stage. The Thai boys will be in their underwear if they're stepping on the scale to make weight, but it's only for a brief moment and they cover with a towel immediately. They also put their cups on in the privacy of a restroom, although once or twice I've witnessed my trainer taking his off with some serious finesse by just loosening the string by barely lowering the waistband and then just pulling the whole gadget out - no exposure at all. So these guys who are making the space all uncomfortable are doing so apart from Thai custom as well. I don't know that this behavior would be considered polite anywhere, but it feels like a definitive "fuck you" to the women who are subjected to it. Meaning me, mostly.

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The men at my various gyms (western men) really take the cake on needing to tone their shit down. They treat the space as one big men's locker room and will change their clothes right out in the open - fully naked sometimes. I mean balls out. And a couple men at my current gym will come and drop their pants right next to me (or my friend who came to visit, also a woman) in order to tie on their cups, or they'll do it in the ring which is basically a stage. The Thai boys will be in their underwear if they're stepping on the scale to make weight, but it's only for a brief moment and they cover with a towel immediately. They also put their cups on in the privacy of a restroom, although once or twice I've witnessed my trainer taking his off with some serious finesse by just loosening the string by barely lowering the waistband and then just pulling the whole gadget out - no exposure at all. So these guys who are making the space all uncomfortable are doing so apart from Thai custom as well. I don't know that this behavior would be considered polite anywhere, but it feels like a definitive "fuck you" to the women who are subjected to it. Meaning me, mostly.

I'm kinda used to the guys taking their shorts off to put on the cup, I was witnessing this even during my junior/high school karate times, so this doesn't offend me...probably because I was witnessing it before I knew if this was proper or not. There are some guys though who do it in private, so I always assumed they are shy, but after reading your post, I think maybe they see it as inapropriate.  

I can't say I'm fully ok with them stripping down, but it doesn't seem to bother me too much, I just look somewhere else.  :whistling:

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I can't say I'm fully ok with them stripping down, but it doesn't seem to bother me too much, I just look somewhere else.  :whistling:

As a husband looking on I can really just feel the way in which some (western) men are saying: This is MY space. There is an unspoken degree of freedom, a freedom of movement that men simply accept as their own. Some don't think about it at all. Some do think about it, and make a point of their freedom. Come on Italian dude. Don't go stand next to a woman and put your cup on. There is something about power going on here.

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I dare say intent is more important than attire.


You could put the same outfit on 2 different people and get 2 very different results. Fact is if you come to a gym looking to be centre of attention thats what you will be. 


I dress entirely for functionality and often wear the gyms own merchandise as this is a good rule of thumb for what is appropriate. 


When training for a fight I will go shirtless when clinching. A sweat soaked t-shirt offers different traction to wet skin. You have to learn in a way that reflects the fight environment. 


I've even heard of people who won't wear 16oz gloves for sparring as the extra glove size screws up their use of range. 

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Yea most women who come to train at my gym are told in advance to not wear revealing clothing!

You'd be amazed at what some womens perception of revealing clothing is! Ha


it's just too foreign for the boys here and it's a family gym/home.

Those that have in the past have all been given nasty nicknames by the thai's and not taken seriously.


I generally wear tshirt or cut off shirts and some are big and if I lift my arms you can see a bit of my sports bra and my trainer gave out to me once haha

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The men at my various gyms (western men) really take the cake on needing to tone their shit down. They treat the space as one big men's locker room and will change their clothes right out in the open - fully naked sometimes. I mean balls out. And a couple men at my current gym will come and drop their pants right next to me (or my friend who came to visit, also a woman) in order to tie on their cups, or they'll do it in the ring which is basically a stage. The Thai boys will be in their underwear if they're stepping on the scale to make weight, but it's only for a brief moment and they cover with a towel immediately. They also put their cups on in the privacy of a restroom, although once or twice I've witnessed my trainer taking his off with some serious finesse by just loosening the string by barely lowering the waistband and then just pulling the whole gadget out - no exposure at all. So these guys who are making the space all uncomfortable are doing so apart from Thai custom as well. I don't know that this behavior would be considered polite anywhere, but it feels like a definitive "fuck you" to the women who are subjected to it. Meaning me, mostly.

Sylvie, you have the worst luck, haha! You've had to put up with men in Speedos AND dudes with their bare balls out? That is just too much. One of the guys from our gym actually asked me to untie his cup for him after his fight a couple of weeks ago. I realised that he was just desperate to get it off and asked the nearest person to him, but I still wasn't going to dig in his ass crack. I asked one of the other guys instead. 

A girl actually trained at my gym in a bikini top once. I wasn't there at the time, but I found out when one of the trainers put up a photo of her on his Facebook page!

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The topic of slut shaming came up in the thread on "Dating a Thai" http://8limbs.us/muay-thai-forum/topic/40-dating-a-thai/ and "Tribute to Caley Reece" http://8limbs.us/muay-thai-forum/topic/77-tribute-to-caley-reece/

I think it's also something we need to be careful about in this thread when we discuss individual clothing choices.

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The topic of slut shaming came up in the thread on "Dating a Thai" http://8limbs.us/muay-thai-forum/topic/40-dating-a-thai/ and "Tribute to Caley Reece" http://8limbs.us/muay-thai-forum/topic/77-tribute-to-caley-reece/

I think it's also something we need to be careful about in this thread when we discuss individual clothing choices.

I completely agree and am on board with moderating in order to keep slut shaming in check. But I do also firmly support that it is not a "free for all" in how we dress ourselves or conduct ourselves in cultures that are not our own. I believe in individual choice, but not without being well-informed about and also responsible to the consequences and ramifications of those choices.

I highly recommend this article by Callie Beusman on the decisive difference between the use of the term "slut-shaming" to create critical conversation about female sexuality in the public sphere, and the use of the term to essentially shut down conversation or engaging with critical thinking entirely. I want this forum to avoid the latter. The critical difference in the discussion over how women dress in gyms or dating within the gym is that we acknowledge that modes of dress are sending tacit messages which are coded to sexuality, rather than shaming the sexuality itself.

Excerpt from Beusman's article below:

"[T]he proliferation of "slut-shaming" has resulted in an inaccurate conflation of "being critical" and "prudishly or maliciously taking issue with female sexuality." Not all criticisms of public displays of sexiness are meant to shame, which is something many people seem to have lost sight of. [...] If these accusations of slut-shaming led to a nuanced discussion of the ways in which we interpret, discuss, view, construct and consume public displays of female sexuality, I would have absolutely no problem with that. But all too often, "slut-shaming" is used to police women... for policing other women, which is just hypocritical.

"In the a feminist sphere, telling someone she's slut-shaming has mutated into a method of dismissing her argument without engaging with it on any level, of taking issue with her tone and refusing to hear the content. Of course, the tone of these allegedly "slut-shaming"open letters and essays was often scolding or problematic in some other way, but still. It's unproductive for feminists to tell other feminists that their thoughts/anxieties about a certain kind of representation of women in pop culture have no validity whatsoever. And so not only has "slut-shaming" lost its meaning, it's also become censorious. Rather than helping to facilitate debates about how we view sexuality — as it originally did — it now shuts them down before they can even start." (Read the entire article at Jezebel.)

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UPDATE: just witnessed women, for the second day in a row, jumping tyre in the Muay Thai class at Top Team, in what appeared to be bikini briefs. Also the same ones as yesterday. I don't even know what to say. I feel uncomfortable even noticing but it's hard not to when you drive past and all you can see is white ass bouncing amongst an array of Muay Thai shorts.
My ajarn literally makes me go change if I try to sneak in the gym leggings (I really feel more comfortable in them than shorts sometimes, and feel like they show less of my body... The boys don't seem to agree; yet it's fine for anyone who's not... me? To wear them. Including men.  :confused: )

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My ajarn literally makes me go change if I try to sneak in the gym leggings (I really feel more comfortable in them than shorts sometimes, and feel like they show less of my body... The boys don't seem to agree; yet it's fine for anyone who's not... me? To wear them. Including men.  :confused: )

It's interesting about the leggings. In the US they have a few names but are basically all the same: running tights, yoga pants, leggings, etc. The general response from men regarding them is that they're tight and therefore sexy, so even though you're literally covering more with cloth, the tightness might be the factor that your gym is looking at. It's unfortunate though because YOU feel more comfortable and less exposed in them :(

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It's interesting about the leggings. In the US they have a few names but are basically all the same: running tights, yoga pants, leggings, etc. The general response from men regarding them is that they're tight and therefore sexy, so even though you're literally covering more with cloth, the tightness might be the factor that your gym is looking at. It's unfortunate though because YOU feel more comfortable and less exposed in them :(


I wonder if wearing both might be a solution to this? Just toss on Muay Thai shorts over the leggings. Shouldn't impede performance in any way and seems like a win win to me?

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I'm in the US, and I've only seen a small handful of ladies dress skimpy, and even then it's short shorts and a sports bra. So, not the end of the world. And for the most part, everyone, even dudes, dress appropriately.


Myself personally, I despise wearing pants and t shirts when practicing. Mostly because it's uncomfortable and everything gets caught funny. So I wear a tank Top, sports bra, and running shorts that give similar freedom of movement as thai shorts.


I know though that it does sometimes make people uncomfortable though because I am super big chested and the sports bras unfortunately don't always keep things in place. But I would rather be comfortable while practicing than uncomfortable and making someone else happy.

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  • 1 month later...

 Hi everyone..heaps of good response..ahh,nope,I don't wear what I wear in this pic ( a sports bra top) when I am training at the gym around people! Being in a humid city like Kuala Lumpur,I do wear a singlet and mainly retro Muay Thai shorts. Some may argue that its ultra short,but its doesn't ride up as much as the conventional classic cut competition shorts. I wear lady boxer shorts inside and its snug.  Heck..I just want to be comfortable with all the sweat trickling and to keep my washing load at its minimum. Its a different story in my country Malaysia,though where many are muslims. So,we get some women coming in with long sleeved shirts,long leggings and thats their choice. In my opinion,as long as I am not exposing any part that is tantamount to exposure of a bikini..I am good to go. Had this young girl who tried to pick up one of the trainers,she wore a very low singlet,jiggling and giggling her way in class....Now,thats a different story..do your thing after class,not during..thats when disrespectful behaviour adds on to distasteful exposure. 

 A disrespectful image just doesn't come along without a bad attitude. Who is going to knock down the reputation of a serious nak muay ying who may dress in hot pants and her sports bra,if she carries herself well,helpful to others,diligent at training and going for her goals. She really isn't disturbing anyone. Personally, I feel out of respect to ones trainers,..I wouldn't wear hot pants. Basically,I don't care what anyone else wears or doesn't wear around the gym,unless they are flashing bits right smack in my face..I am at the gym for my own training. I don't understand men/women who don't wear anything under their shorts though. Its okay if you're standing or kicking..but not sitting. One foreign fighter came by my gm in Kuala Lumpur and aired his balls when he was sitting on the canvas oiling his thighs. Thats gross. 

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Come on Italian dude. Don't go stand next to a woman and put your cup on. There is something about power going on here.

Ahahaha! I can confirm that italian dudes like to change in the open. The other day I caught one checking if I was looking and the parading in front of me while taking off his t-shirt. *facepalm*


I personally train in black opaque leggings at the knee and black nerdy longish t-shirts, I am big and curvy, but I also feel more covered that way and more comfortable.

But I just started, maybe I'm going to move to the shorts+leggings combo, I'm gonna ask around to the random girls.

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Maybe the changing in the open is a European thing. I remember when I was traveling through Europe the beaches had tons of topless women and dudes in the smallest of speedos. It seems there is less of a stigma against showing skin in European culture.

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WaffleNinja, beaches are a universe on their own :) I've seen a funny comic picture (can't find it now, it was in Polish) showing a man with a big belly and man-boobs in beach shorts, beside him standing his chubby wife, topless, also with a big belly and boobs - they look identical. And the man says "woman, you're indecent!" :) :) So I think men don't see themselves as everyone else does, they always think they look like a Greek god ;)

MissBruise, I'm big and curvy too, but I found that I feel most comfortable in rashguards with long sleeves even though they have a snug fit - especially when we're doing clinch. But I mostly excercise in sport T-shirts that are moderately loose, but comfortably snug and are from special polyester (?) materials that don't keep the sweat in (yuck!). 

Now that it's summer I train in knee-lenght leggins with thai shorts on it, but I feel so exposed! And my shinguards are uncomfortable. And kneeing the heavy bag rashes my skin :D :D hahaha first world problems...

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I'm probably lucky that I don't perceive sweat as yucky (omg today I was trying to grab the legs of my MMA sparring partner and he was so sweaty they just kept slipping through my hands!) but I think that everyone should defend what they need as a level of comfort/exposure/contact, respecting the sensitivity of the culture they're in.

In italy it's strange, there's an insane amount of slut shaming going on always, culturally (thanks pope), but I still have to understand the way women are perceived in my gym. I think I ended up in the niche of the "not attractive one" so probably nobody cares how I dress ;)

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MissBruise, I have the privilege to be the only female at my gym's Muay Thai classes, so other girls will probably look to me for style ideas, if they don't have their own ;) Or at least that's what I like to think.

The girls I met at other gyms usually wear shorts or thai shorts with T-shirt or tank top, I think everyone wants to feel comfortable and has a common feeling for what is "proper" in gym enviroment.

I struggle a bit with what is proper for my body type though, sometimes I feel that a snug tank-top is too revealing, because it clings to my big belly and you can see back fat and big arms...on the other side, it's what every other girl would wear, just in a smaller size, so maybe I'm just too self-critical. The same thing goes for wearing only leggins, without shorts on top of them...I've read so many critical things on the internet about chubby girls wearing leggins, that I'm scared to wear them.

Poland is an extremely catholic country (and in "extremely" I mean on the extreme side, which scares me a lot), but when it comes to gyms, fitness and stuff like that I see a lot of pictures on Facebook or blogs, where the girls show they finely sculped buttocks or other parts of the body and the male audience is happy to see it, at the same time other girls use it for motivation, so...I don't recall a case of 'slut shaming' really when it comes to the way you dress while working out.

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Being harassed or criticized for how you dress/look is not the monopoly of "attractive" women! You can be wearing sweatpants, a huge shirt, be totally red in the face and sweating like a pig and men will still flirt, make comments, cat-call, and harass. But signaling that you're not interested in the attention does help to quiet it down or direct it away from you.

It's interesting, Micc, that you mention how being the only woman kind of makes you the "standard" against which any other women who come in will take their cue of how to dress. I think this is the case with me as well. Just the other day an Italian woman came in and was wearing only her shorts and a sports bra, which I reckon she trains in back home, but I could tell she noted the difference in how we were dressed. I don't think she became uncomfortable (she's Italian, after all) but I'm curious to see how she'll dress when she comes back today. There are these two women who come in the mornings sometimes, just for fitness, and they've both adjusted their clothing choices toward looser-fitting clothing rather than the tank-tops they started in. I certainly don't want them to feel they have to, but I do see that they appear focused and comfortable, whereas they were very giggly and uncomfortable when they first started. That could just be the normal process of becoming more familiar with the space rather than a clothing thing.

There's a guy at the gym who is twice my size but wears my same size shorts. I think with men it ends up being comical more than it's a sexual thing (because it's a heterosexual space and the other guys aren't sexualizing him). But I reckon we'd all be more comfortable with a better fitted pair of shorts.

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    • "The distinctive time running through the shots makes the rhythm…rhythm is not determined by the length of the edited pieces, but by the pressure of the time that runs through them." - Sculpting in Time, Tarkovsky
    • Instinct and the Thai Principle of Tammachat (ธรรมชาติ) an expansion upon my journal entry This will remain somewhat obscure, as it's hard to fill the gap in my recent reading, but thoughts on the nature of Tammachat (natural), which is one of the more essential, basic yet obscured qualities of Thailand's Muay Thai - and one that non-Thais most deeply struggle with. How can something be "natural", which is trained? They seem a contradiction, or at the very least in strong tension. Into the gap Westerners try to place concepts like "muscle memory", as if you can create a new causal chain, a new "memory" in your body which then operates with something like "naturalness". This supposed manufactured "muscle memory" is often trained with great tension - a very high degree of unrelaxed, biomechanically precise constant correction. It does not really solve the problem of Tammachat, and instead inserts a mechanical bridge between between what I'll call Instinct and Thought. I'm drawing from these two passages in the excellent book Deleuze and the Unconscious (2007, Christian Kerslake), (see them at the bottom of this post), discussing the influence of the philosopher Bergson. Bergson is concerned with how matter and memory work together. In a certain sense we all have a powerful inheritance of memory, something which includes not all of our conscious experiences, but all of our experiences, much of it unconscious. This is not just things that we can recall to our mind, but rather the very large raft of causes well below the threshold of our awareness, including our biological instincts. Instincts are wisdom, skills, reactions, frames of perception which have been developed through not only 10,000 years of ancestry, but also 100s of millions years of life itself, well below our species. All of this is inherited, in a way, in "memory", the form of the matter of which we are made. When "memory" is acting, this by default is read as "natural". If someone fakes a punch and we flinch...this is natural. It is speaking from our memory. It flows, seemingly, without thought. But Thailand's Muay Thai has a concept of developed naturalness, which is to say the qualities of physical expression which also can flow with the ease that memory has. The temptation is to create "new memories" (that's why "muscle memory") is a thing. If we can train and cram-down memories back into our causal shoot, far enough in, then they too might come out some what "natural" in the future. You see a great deal of this in the proliferation of the "combo", a fixed pattern of strike that is trained over and over again, trying to force it back down into the causal chain, so it can come out "natural"...though it almost always, when trained like this, comes out "forced" and far from Thai Tammachat. The reason for this failing is identified in the passages below (though, this is just a note, and the passages themselves may be hard to decipher, I'm drawing out a line of their thought). The point or idea is not to create new memory, or new instincts (they will never be as strong as those inherited by the instincts of biology, or of those learned deep in our forgettable pasts), its to put Instinct itself in relationship with Thought (or, in the text Intelligence). The ideal state, the Tammachat state, is one in which Instinct and Thought alternate and affect each other. Not only does Thought shape Instinct, Instinct shapes Thought. In some sense the great history of our Being, our personal Unconscious (all things experienced, most of it well below our threshold of awareness) and our collective biological Instincts, all the causes of how we act, is placed in communication with Thoughts, Intelligence, Ideas, in the sense that there is dialogue and mutuality, and no priority of either. In "flow states", presumability, this communication becomes utterly suffused. This is why "play" plays such an important part of Thai training and development, it approximates in a low stakes way this suffusion. Aesthetics and Thought The role of Intensification. In the philosophy of Deleuze (and Deleuze and Guattari) there is emphasis on speeds. The exposure to speeds (sometimes in an absolute sense, sometimes in terms of changes in speeds) produces an intensification within oneself. Something that is too fast, but also something that is too slow...intensifies. In this framework I'll position this as that-which-challenges-thought, or that-which-is-where-thought-cannot-follow. This is to say, using Intelligence to keep track, plan and react is no longer sufficient. Intensification is what puts Thought in relationship with Instinct. (And keep in mind, here Instinct isn't just animal reactiviness, though it includes that too. It is the sum of our Unconscious causations.) Intensifications produce a dialogue. Muay Thai active training, aside from drills and conditioning, is thought of as "getting used to" certain speeds and intensifications, things that would just throw you into pure instinctive reactions if you were untrained. But, it is much more than that. The "getting used to" is not just exposure therapy, it is actually putting Thought and Instinct into communication with each other, by degrees. You want both dimensions, otherwise you will never receive Tammachat. This is how Thai aesthetics - to which a non-Thai must submit and be shaped by - work to sew together these two aspects of our Being. The over-arching picture of what the art of Muay Thai is, is what allows the space in which Instinct and Thought can develop together in unanticipated, experimental ways. Each must shape each...within the Aesthetic, held together by the Aesthetic. The use of intensification - there are many aspects of intensification, but we can stay with solely the quality of speeds - is to unseat Thought and place it into community with Instinct (your Past). If the intensification is too strong Thought will be forced completely down into Instinct, too light and it will operate over Instinct. The key to Tammachat is that they suffuse, the "wisdom" of each in combination. This is why Thailand's traditional Muay Thai, its very high level of command over the fight space, is an art. Fighters develop within a sphere of progressive, integrating, creative intensifications, and the fight is conducted at the level of a Tammachat suffusion of Thought and Instinct. This is what the great legendary fighters of Thailand's past exude an extraordinary degree of being "at ease", which is why they are so "natural" in their speeds and relations. One is not simply "getting used to" speeds and intensifications. Your Past (the full causal panoply of what you are, reaching much further back than even your person, into what you are as an organism) is being synthesized into an Aesthetic, a certain kind of creative completion, or some variation thereof. The Role of "Technique" Techniques are not bio-mechanically pure modularities, any more than words in a language are distinguished by perfectly performed phonemes. Techniques, which each contain their own intensity, shape, duration (duree). You cannot train techniques by rote to bury them into your past, hoping that they will come out in a kind of blind apparition that is Tammachat. Techniques are like words given to you to actively use, to express yourself within the social space (the fight space), as you encounter intensifications (speeds) that unseat thought. It is the use of techniques, as a kind of language, to weave Instinct and Intelligence (Thought) together. They perform a kind of active armature of expression, which of which holds its own intensification, just like poets let us know that words do. Do not get lost in techniques. The appeal of Thai techniques to the West and other non-Thai centers of fighting is clear. It is the most modular "piece" of the fighting Art of Muay Thai that can be exported outside of its art, like borrowing words of another language. Techniques yield to bio-mechanical reproduction, they can be analyzed by Western sensibilities and translated into angles of force and body position, accelerated by video replications and study. They can be and "are" extracted...but as extracted become nearly useless in the pursuit of Tammachat, the synthesis of Instinct and Thought. They instead operate, usually, with a jarring abutment of Instinct and Intelligence, expressing a mechanical repetition, amid exposures to intensifications of speeds which unseat Thought, often placing Instinct and Execution of technique in a kind of war or struggle of expression. No matter how much one trains technique and practices by rote repeated patterns of striking, one can not reach Tammachat.   What is Intensification? The Relationship to Speeds The great Russian filmmaker Tarkovsky in his book Sculpting In Time wrote about his philosophy of editing shots together. Known for his dreamlike cinema, this concept of intensification in alternation is key to the way in which he places Thought in relationship to Instinct (our collective Past). He has compared the linking of shots together as to connecting pipes together of various diameters, differing pressures, through which water flows. A shots pressure builds up slowly, then he cuts. His art is about alternating and working through various pressures. Some quotes from his writing: The distinctive time running through the shots makes the rhythm...rhythm is not determined by the length of the edited pieces, but by the pressure of the time that runs through them Rhythm in cinema is conveyed by the life of the object visibly recorded in the frame. Just as from the quivering of a reed you can tell what sort of current, what pressure there is in a river, in the same way we know the movement of time from the flow of the life-process reproduced in the shot Editing brings together shots which are already filled with time, and organises the unified, living structure inherent in the film; and the time that pulsates through the blood vessels of the film, making it alive, is of a varying rhythmic press reading deeper into theory: Time and the Film Aesthetics of Andrei Tarkovsky, Donato Totaro, A Deleuzian Analysis of Tarkovsky’s Theory of Time-Pressure, Part 1. This is to say, Tarkovsky in his cinema Art makes use of the same unseating qualities of speeds (changes in intensity), which unseat the priority of Thinking, that Muay Thai training (and fighting) does. The highest level Golden Age Muay Thai artist is displaying speed/intensity changes expressively, in Tammachat, in the same sense that Tarkovsky is in his films, producing a dream-like synthesis of Thought and Instinct. It is dream-like because it overcomes the fundamental tension between Thought (directed, intelligent action) and Instinct (one's Past causal treasure trove), allowing each to communicate to the other. The qualitative Flow State. One does not "bite down" on technique when exposed to intensifications (speeds, but there are many others) which give rise to Instinct. Instead, one turns oneself over to the Aesthetic of Muay, and searches for "words" to integrate oneself, within Instinct, within Thought. Seeking the line of Tammachat. In this sense, ring Muay Thai could be regarded as a proto-form of cinema. The Role of Emotion Primordially, the greatest instinct that a training fighter encounters is Fear. The Art of Fighting is in many ways the Art of Communicating with Fear. One does not merely dull or annul oneself to fear, fear which contains great wisdom acquired not only through one's own life, but also through the history of the organism, passing through aeons back. The Art of Muay should be considered the Art of Fear...and with it the attendant Instinct of Aggression. Training includes the Instinct of Fatigue. Fear, Aggression and Fatigue can be thought of as the Instinct loom upon which Thought is woven, through the exposure to intensities and the arch aesthetic of Muay. One finds a language, one finds words, which work together the instinct and intelligence of Muay, in a new Tammachat, a new naturalness.  Returning to the original reference (below), emotion stands as that which exists between Thought and Instinct. Emotion is that which surges when Thought loses its footing, inviting Instinct in. It is the qualitative way in which we pass through the world, bouncing from intensifying state to intensifying state. For this reason the Thai Buddhistic approach to emotion plays a central role in achieving a new Tammachat communication between Instinct and Intelligence. Emotional reactions in training are to be expected - and emotion itself provides the bridge - but in order for the Aesthetic to provide the cover for development emotion needs to even'd out, understood as a connective force, but not reaching intensities that obscure the sought-for connection. Emotion is simply the sign that Intensities (speeds) have reached a place where Though can no longer adequately follow. It is the door that allows Instinct in. In the right regulation, the right temperature, enough Instinct will enter to guide, and technique (one's learned words) will be allowed to speak, joining Intelligence and Instinct together. Emotion is the conduit. The extension of emotion into a perceptual space (and not merely a spiking or depressive reaction), along Buddhist non-reactive principles, is what allows the art itself to work the synthesis together, properly in training in play. It allows the Tammachat to grow. Without emotion, the substantive expansion which exposed to intensifications that leave Thought & Intelligence behind, one cannot be nourished by one's collective Past. But, it is a question of temperature. Emotion drawn towards Mind. All of this has grown quite esoteric, but it is much more human, much more basic than that. In training one is exposed to differing speeds (intensities), and given techniques (words to speak), both with these speeds, but also amid these speeds. Importantly, these speeds are not just intensifications of fast, they are also intensifications of slow. One is working through a disorientation of the mind (thought, intelligence) in manners which are designed to provoke emotion, but emotion which is only a door to the much wider wealth of Instinct (Unconscious). Emotion is to be regulated, encouraged to be non-reactive, eased into a larger framework of the Aesthetic of Muay, so that the door to Instinct remains open, just enough, so Instinct and Intelligence can collaborate and find ground in a new Tammachat. The invocations of Instinct come out of the very form of training in the Kaimuay in Thailand, a summoning up of the Past, both individual and social, in a community of fighter development. One cannot simply "take out" the techniques of the kaimuay, from this matrix. As fighters train into fatigue, Instinct is also invited in, to speak and inform the Mind. The Aesthetic of Muay steps in to hold the two together, also brought together in the social glue of the kaimuay itself. There is an important mutuality to training, which also falls to the traditional forms of Thai hierarchical culture, a way that the Past inhabits the Present through social bond. Muay Thai is the art by which the Past is allowed to continue to speak, so as to inform (and be informed by) Intelligence. This occurs though, principally, through the exposure and involvement of speeds (intensities) designed to provoke emotion, which itself must be modulated by Buddhistic appeal. This is a fundamental shoreline in training, which then expresses itself in a higher state when fighting.  The Fighter and the Unconscious: the flinch and the archetype To follow along in this discussion its important to understand what the nature of the Unconscious is. We are very far from Freud's vision of a repressed Unconscious of drives. We are thinking of a productive Unconscious, the Unconscious understood as everything from flinching to (perhaps) Jung's concept of archetypes. This is because the Unconscious is everything that falls below the threshold of awareness. It includes all the aspects of one's personal history, the experiences of childhood and before, all the things learned as "forgotten", and (following Jung) the energies of one's personal force such as the Shadow or the anima/animus, etc. In training the fighter is engaging, in a systematic craft of intensity exposure and development (its no accidental that Muay Thai is by custom part of the pedagogy and maturation of male adolescents), eliciting emotion for its relative control, turning it onto a conduit. The conduit is connecting Mind (Intelligence, Thought) to Instinct (the Unconscious), and back again. It is drawing forth on the resources of the Unconscious (all of the Unconscious - from the composite of the organism and the species, all those reflects and affective capacities and perceptions, to archetypal forms of being in a social world, the mythos of the Individual - all of it), to animate and inform the art of the Muay, which operates as a continuous aesthetic. Both the flinch as a reflex, and the flinch as a half-memory when you were hit as child, (and also the flinch that served emotionally as a recoil from a dominance, a psychic positioning of your energies before a stronger energy), all of those levels of Unconscious capacity are drawn into the aesthetic of the Muay, and are given words to speak, so as to be symbolically present, imbued in movement. The movement is also informed by those Unconscious qualities and many others, made full, through the deeper knowledge of survival and persistence. Key is understanding that the Past is not regressive. The Unconscious is not limiting/limited. It is full of a wealth of the capacity to do...but, it is beneath awareness, and definitionally not accessible by Intelligence/Thought alone. The instinct to flinch, the reflex, following our example, despite violating the aesthetic of the fighter is imbued with tremendous resource, a speed of perception, a defensive priority, which surpasses any conscious action. Those extra-personal knowledges are to be folded into the Aesthetic of Muay. So this is the case with enumerable capacities to sense and act, affective energies of presence, aspects of the organism and the Self which are so infinite they cannot be known. Imperceptible transitions between modes and embodiments of Time. The training (and the performance) reaches reaches through up from the reflex to the sweep of the mythic Self, all of it inaccessible to the direct perception of the Mind. Emotion and Intensification Noted above, in training intensification gives rise to emotion, which opens the doorway to the Unconscious (Instinct). Intensification on one level, let's say in terms of sparring (play), operates along the aspect of speed. One is exposed to speeds, including changes of speeds (tempos), which defy the capacity of the mind to follow, which gives rise to emotion. The intensification though is not emotion. It produces emotion. Emotion that rises to the point of object obsession (that "fighter" is doing this to me, that "technique" is doing this to me, making me feel this) has already lost its role. It's role is to open Thought to Instinct. The coaching and calculating mind, the analytical mind, will lead emotion in the wrong direction. That is why the Buddhistic aspect of Thailand's traditional Muay Thai works to solve the mis-steps of emotion. The Buddhistic aspects of Muay Thai are embedded in its aesthetic form. One doesn't have to think of emotion in terms of Buddhism, but it can help. This is to say, the directionality of the rise of emotion is toward Instinct. One wants to open a two-way door toward the Unconscious. Because Muay Thai is trained also through fatigue and an aesthetic of dominance, intensification (and its attendant rise of emotion) can also occur through fatigue or dominance. Together they can create a very large doorway, weaving together both the materiality of the Body (fatigue) and the psychodynamics of personhood and social status (hierarchies). Turning to the aesthetic of Muay, its conditioning of Ruup (body posture and form), its characteristic display of presence and being at ease (physically), its flattening of emotion, allows the doorways of intensification/emotion to remain open, productive and expressive. Ideally perhaps, emotion per se is stretched out toward Mind, experienced more so as direct intensification alone, a portal to Unconscious Instinct, and the formative powers of what one is. The Mythos of the Self and the Fighter Thailand's Muay Thai is culture bound, which means that its figures of significance and valorization are drawn from the culture itself. It operates within a Thai-Siamese mythos. For this reason great legends of Thailand's Muay Thai past, let's say of the Golden Age of the sport or before, stand in the same light as the gods that are performed and invoked in the Ram Muay. In my discussion of the 10 Principles of Muay Thai I call this "be the god". The meaning of this is to be understood within the mythos of the Unconscious, both at a personal level, but also at the collective level of a people. The fighter in the ring draws up from the Past (the Unconscious) the supra-personal forces that go beyond their mere ego (constructed identity), so that they can assume a symbolic capacity within the ring, making of the art a collective rite. This occurs through the aesthetics of the sport, and the ways in which the fighter has attained the capacity to transmute intensifications into Instinct and Thought syntheses. In this sense fighters can become embodiments of a collective, mythic past, drawing on the forms of what anchors a people, but remain inaccessible to Intelligence alone. The openness of this capacity is achieved in the openness of training, through play and the aesthetics of Muay. Time and the Nature of Muay (the Natural) Bergson's concept of Duration (la durée) is an important building block for understanding what is happening in traditional training and in fighting. A duration for Bergson is an unbreakable envelope of Time. Returning to the example of cinema, a shot holds a certain complete shape to itself. If you edited it in any way you would break what it is. Bergson describes duration as Time what is "swollen with its past". Just as a story is told in a narration, the ending of the story is swollen with its history, the telling of it from the beginning. A duration is anything that cannot be broken, in terms of Time. There may be durations within a duration, unbreakable envelopes within the duration, this does not disturb its wholeness. The image is given of music where one has the musical piece (a duration), and individual notes played (a duration), as well as refrains, phrasings, melodies, etc. Our lives are durations, our days, our thoughts, our bodies, anything that swells with its past, with the passing of time, so to complete it. When one enters a Thai kaimuay to train, or enters a ring to fight, one is entering as a duration (in fact a duration made up of many durations). And one is joining a duration, the event. The rhythms and shapes of the event envelop your duration hold you in concert with other durations you will encounter. In a kaimuay these are the patterns of training, the aesthetics and customs of the art as trained; in the ring it is the aesthetics of Muay as it is fought. This is the set-up. As you train your duration, what is the you of you, your temporal wholeness will be challenged by intensities of speed, fatigue and dominance. This will lead to intensification, and usually emotion. As Thought ceases to be able to manage one's place, one's wholeness, one opens up the the Unconscious/Instinct, to draw on resources that allow your duration, your rhythm, your wholeness to persist. The Time of which you are made (your duration) is enriched by the rise and integration of Instinct, and that which usually falls below consciousness. Your duration is expanded. Fighting is the art of breaking another's duration, their rhythm and tempo which makes them whole. This is why Muay Thai is principally a Time War, and why it occurs under an aesthetic of narration (the scoring is narratively anchored, and not abstract point counting). The techniques of engagement are temporal battles, strikes holding their own duration within the larger duration, attempts to break the unbreakable coherence of the duration of the other. This is why Ruup and continuity play such a large role in Muay Thai aesthetics and skill building. The Natural, the Tammachat, comes from the presence and integration of Instinct, the presence of the Unconscious, which is engendered to flow with Thought. This is achieved in training, through the application of intensities and the invitation of modulated emotion/affect.       Bergson on Instinct and Thought, from Deleuze and the Unconscious (2007): one can leave aside the direction of this argument toward frenzy and the mystic. Important is the relational dichotomy of Instinct and Intelligence.      
    • Instinct and the Thai Principle of Tammachat (ธรรมชาติ) This will remain somewhat obscure, as it's hard to fill the gap in my recent reading, but thoughts on the nature of Tammachat (natural), which is one of the more essential, basic yet obscured qualities of Thailand's Muay Thai - and one that non-Thais most deeply struggle with. How can something be "natural", which is trained? They seem a contradiction, or at the very least in strong tension. Into the gap Westerners try to place concepts like "muscle memory", as if you can create a new causal chain, a new "memory" in your body which then operates with something like "naturalness". This supposed manufactured "muscle memory" is often trained with great tension - a very high degree of unrelaxed, biomechanically precise constant correction. It does not really solve the problem of Tammachat, and instead inserts a mechanical bridge between between what I'll call Instinct and Thought. I'm drawing from these two passages in the excellent book Deleuze and the Unconscious (2007, Christian Kerslake) discussing the influence of the philosopher Bergson. Bergson is concerned with how matter and memory work together. In a certain sense we all have a powerful inheritance of memory, something which includes not all of our conscious experiences, but all of our experiences, much of it unconscious. This is not just things that we can recall to our mind, but rather the very large raft of causes well below the threshold of our awareness, including our biological instincts. Instincts are wisdom, skills, reactions, frames of perception which have been developed through not only 10,000 years of ancestry, but also 100s of millions years of life itself, well below our species. All of this is inherited, in a way, in "memory", the form of the matter of which we are made. When "memory" is acting, this by default is read as "natural". If someone fakes a punch and we flinch...this is natural. It is speaking from our memory. It flows, seemingly, without thought. But Thailand's Muay Thai has a concept of developed naturalness, which is to say the qualities of physical expression which also can flow with the ease that memory has. The temptation is to create "new memories" (that's why "muscle memory") is a thing. If we can train and cram-down memories back into our causal shoot, far enough in, then they too might come out some what "natural" in the future. You see a great deal of this in the proliferation of the "combo", a fixed pattern of strike that is trained over and over again, trying to force it back down into the causal chain, so it can come out "natural"...though it almost always, when trained like this, comes out "forced" and far from Thai Tammachat. The reason for this failing is identified in the passages below (though, this is just a note, and the passages themselves may be hard to decipher, I'm drawing out a line of their thought). The point or idea is not to create new memory, or new instincts (they will never be as strong as those inherited by the instincts of biology, or of those learned deep in our forgettable pasts), its to put Instinct itself in relationship with Thought (or, in the text Intelligence). The ideal state, the Tammachat state, is one in which Instinct and Thought alternate and affect each other. Not only does Thought shape Instinct, Instinct shapes Thought. In some sense the great history of our Being, our personal Unconscious (all things experienced, most of it well below our threshold of awareness) and our collective biological Instincts, all the causes of how we act, is placed in communication with Thoughts, Intelligence, Ideas, in the sense that there is dialogue and mutuality, and no priority of either. In "flow states", presumability, this communication becomes utterly suffused. This is why "play" plays such an important part of Thai training and development, it approximates in a low stakes way this suffusion. Aesthetics and Thought The role of Intensification. In the philosophy of Deleuze (and Deleuze and Guattari) there is emphasis on speeds. The exposure to speeds (sometimes in an absolute sense, sometimes in terms of changes in speeds) produces an intensification within oneself. Something that is too fast, but also something that is too slow...intensifies. In this framework I'll position this as that-which-challenges-thought, or that-which-is-where-thought-cannot-follow. This is to say, using Intelligence to keep track, plan and react is no longer sufficient. Intensification is what puts Thought in relationship with Instinct. (And keep in mind, here Instinct isn't just animal reactiviness, though it includes that too. It is the sum of our Unconscious causations.) Intensifications produce a dialogue. Muay Thai active training, aside from drills and conditioning, is thought of as "getting used to" certain speeds and intensifications, things that would just throw you into pure instinctive reactions if you were untrained. But, it is much more than that. The "getting used to" is not just exposure therapy, it is actually putting Thought and Instinct into communication with each other, by degrees. You want both dimensions, otherwise you will never receive Tammachat. This is how Thai aesthetics - to which a non-Thai must submit and be shaped by - work to sew together these two aspects of our Being. The over-arching picture of what the art of Muay Thai is, is what allows the space in which Instinct and Thought can develop together in unanticipated, experimental ways. Each must shape each...within the Aesthetic, held together by the Aesthetic. The use of intensification - there are many aspects of intensification, but we can stay with solely the quality of speeds - is to unseat Thought and place it into community with Instinct (your Past). If the intensification is too strong Thought will be forced completely down into Instinct, too light and it will operate over Instinct. The key to Tammachat is that they suffuse, the "wisdom" of each in combination. This is why Thailand's traditional Muay Thai, its very high level of command over the fight space, is an art. Fighters develop within a sphere of progressive, integrating, creative intensifications, and the fight is conducted at the level of a Tammachat suffusion of Thought and Instinct. This is what the great legendary fighters of Thailand's past exude an extraordinary degree of being "at ease", which is why they are so "natural" in their speeds and relations. One is not simply "getting used to" speeds and intensifications. Your Past (the full causal panoply of what you are, reaching much further back than even your person, into what you are as an organism) is being synthesized into an Aesthetic, a certain kind of creative completion, or some variation thereof.                                  
  • The Latest From Open Topics Forum

    • The first fight between Poot Lorlek and Posai Sittiboonlert was recently uploaded to youtube. Posai is one of the earliest great Muay Khao fighters and influential to Dieselnoi, but there's very little footage of him. Poot is one of the GOATs and one of Posai's best wins, it's really cool to see how Posai's style looked against another elite fighter.
    • Yeah, this is certainly possible. Thanks! I just like the idea of a training camp pre-fight because of focus and getting more "locked in".. Do you know of any high level gyms in europe you would recommend? 
    • You could just pick a high-level gym in a European city, just live and train there for however long you want (a month?). Lots of gyms have morning and evening classes.
    • Hi, i have a general question concerning Muay-Thai training camps, are there any serious ones in Europe at all? I know there are some for kickboxing in the Netherlands, but that's not interesting to me or what i aim for. I have found some regarding Muay-Thai in google searches, but what iv'e found seem to be only "retreats" with Muay-Thai on a level compareable to fitness-boxing, yoga or mindfullness.. So what i look for, but can't seem to find anywhere, are camps similar to those in Thailand. Grueling, high-intensity workouts with trainers who have actually fought and don't just do this as a hobby/fitness regime. A place where you can actually grow, improve technique and build strength and gas-tank with high intensity, not a vacation... No hate whatsoever to those who do fitness-boxing and attend retreats like these, i just find it VERY ODD that there ain't any training camps like those in Thailand out there, or perhaps i haven't looked good enough?..  Appericiate all responses, thank you! 
    • In my experience, 1 pair of gloves is fine (14oz in my case, so I can spar safely), just air them out between training (bag gloves definitely not necessary). Shinguards are a good idea, though gyms will always have them and lend them out- just more hygienic to have your own.  2 pairs of wraps, 2 shorts (I like the lightweight Raja ones for the heat), 1 pair of good road running trainers. Good gumshield and groin-protector, naturally. Every time I finish training, I bring everything into the shower (not gloves or shinnies, obviously) with me to clean off the (bucketsfull in my case) of sweat, but things dry off quickly here outside of the monsoon season.  One thing I have found I like is smallish, cotton briefs for training (less cloth, therefore sweaty wetness than boxers, etc.- bring underwear from home- decent, cotton stuff is strangely expensive here). Don't weigh yourself down too much. You might want to buy shorts or vests from the gym(s) as (useful) souvenirs. I recommend Action Zone and Keelapan, next door, in Bangkok (good selection and prices):  https://www.google.com/maps/place/Action+Zone/@13.7474264,100.5206774,17z/data=!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x30e29931ee397e41:0x4c8f06926c37408b!2sAction+Zone!8m2!3d13.7474212!4d100.5232523!16s%2Fg%2F1hm3_f5d2!3m5!1s0x30e29931ee397e41:0x4c8f06926c37408b!8m2!3d13.7474212!4d100.5232523!16s%2Fg%2F1hm3_f5d2?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAyOS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D
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