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Mouthguards - What Kind Do You Use?

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I have a boil-and-bite guard from Shock Doctor:




There are detailed insteuctions in the package, but you boil water and drop it in briefly, remove and bite/suck to mold to your mouth, then run under cold water to set the shape. I usually do it two or three times to get it just right.


They also have a youth size, so perhaps one might fit without being trimmed?

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EDIT: I just received my custom guard from Gladiator Guards. It cost about $100 all together with shipping and custom logo. It fits so much nicer than the boil-and-bite. If you are in the US and can't afford to purchase from a dental office (mine wanted $450), do check them out.

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What kind do you use? How do you mold it?

I have a Leone but it's not a good fit for me, I have a small palate and when I put it on it always makes the gums on my back theet bleed. (I have very sensitive gums :( )


Any suggestion about smaller/softer brands?

I also use a youth size and it helps with the very back cutting into your mouth. I trim the back with scissors to make it fit as well.

For a couple years I used an Under Armour guard that was great. The one I have now is from a local shop and I don't know the brand. It was the Fairtex shop so I could maybe assume it's their own brand but there's no label on it, which is unlike them - they put their name on everything.

I put the mouthguard in boiled (not boiling; take it off the heat) water for about 40-60 seconds, lift it out with a fork and let it cool for about 10 seconds, then put it in my mouth and bring my bottom jaw forward a tiny bit before biting down. Then I suck all the water out while it's on my teeth and use my fingers to push the front against my top teeth. I grind my jaw back and forth a very little bit to create a good mold, then pop it out and stick it in a bowl of cold water for a couple minutes. Probably 1 minute is fine but I just leave it in there for a while and do other things.

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I use a single-mouthguard from a local Polish brand called Masters, and I mold it exactly like NewThai does. A normal size suits me well, coz I'm big - 175 cm (5'9).

I've seen and heard that smaller girls with smaller jaws cut the back of the mouthgard, just like Sylvie does.

I actually have a second back-up no-name mouthguard, but it's so rigid and I always have irritated gums after using it, the Masters one is really soft and molds perfectly - and it's cheap! 10PLN - so it's like...2,5-3 Euro/Dollar :) + another 10PLN for delivery ;)

I change it every 10-12 months, but I heard you should be changing it every 3-6 months because of the bacteria and stuff...

Every now and then I put it in boiling water or clean it with toothpaste - actually I don't know what good it does, but I feel cleaner this way ;)

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I use the Shock Doctor Ultra STC. It's great because the mould is really lightweight and comfortable, but the mouthguard still feels snug and protective. It's also one of the only mouthguards I can breathe properly out of because it's got these little holes in it.

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I got mine custom-made at a dental clinic and I'd never go back to using another mouth guard now. They put this weird putty-like stuff in your mouth to take the mould, then form the plastic around it. I had to wait for three days to get it back, but it's the most comfortable mouth guard I've ever had. It's not big or bulky at all. In fact, referees will often have to double check that I'm wearing it before a fight because they can't see it, since it's also transparent. I usually won't take it out between fight rounds, partly because the tight fit makes it a little difficult for my trainer to get out but mainly because it doesn't interfere with my ability to breathe, drink or talk, so it's fine. It cost me 3,000 baht to get it made. I don't know how much it would be outside of Thailand!  

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The fact that Micc pointed out that you should change it every 3-6 months AND the fact that last session it fell from my fingers into a puddle of sweat on the tatami PLUS my ipochondria made me decide to buy a new one and try to trim it before molding it. (Still a Leone, it's the only one they have in the shop close to me.)

I'll let you know if it gets better.


How do you clean it between sessions? I usually wash it with a toothbrush and some toothpaste.


@Emma: I looked online after your post and it looks like there's a place in Milan where they make custom molded mouthguards for around 150-200€. Still kind of expensive for something you should renew often... Or maybe it's a different material that lasts longer? Or since they already have your mold the next one is cheaper?

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@Emma: I looked online after your post and it looks like there's a place in Milan where they make custom molded mouthguards for around 150-200€. Still kind of expensive for something you should renew often... Or maybe it's a different material that lasts longer? Or since they already have your mold the next one is cheaper?


I've actually been using this one for maybe two years. I haven't though to replace it because it has zero wear and tear and still works/fits as well as it always did. I just make sure I keep it clean and it's good to go. 

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The fact that Micc pointed out that you should change it every 3-6 months AND the fact that last session it fell from my fingers into a puddle of sweat on the tatami PLUS my ipochondria made me decide to buy a new one and try to trim it before molding it. (Still a Leone, it's the only one they have in the shop close to me.)

I'll let you know if it gets better.


How do you clean it between sessions? I usually wash it with a toothbrush and some toothpaste.


@Emma: I looked online after your post and it looks like there's a place in Milan where they make custom molded mouthguards for around 150-200€. Still kind of expensive for something you should renew often... Or maybe it's a different material that lasts longer? Or since they already have your mold the next one is cheaper?

I've never heard about this need to change the mouthguard on a time-schedule, rather than just when it's clearly deteriorating. I brush mine with toothpaste and brush, occasionally will drop it in a mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide and water over night if there's blood on it from a fight. But I generally go a few years on each of my pieces. The reason I have a new one now is because I lost the other one (never made it back to me from my cornerman after a fight).

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I made a new one trimming it before molding it and it makes a world of difference, my god. I could have probably trimmed it even more. 

I'll buy some disinfectant and see how long this lasts. 

Also a training partner told me that now they have gel ones at Decathlon at very low price and they are very comfortable, but I think the shops are only in europe :(

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Just wanted to chime in...I use a JAWZZ custom mouthguard.  It is by far the most impressive mouthguard that I have ever had.  I have to actually pull this thing out of my mouth when I need to remove it.  

The basic, no graphics mouthguard is the same as the more expensive ones, they just have more custom design options. $65 for their basic one and you can pick multi colors. 

Several guys in the gym have them everyone raves about them.  

The process is how Emma describes it above.

The cons are the cost and that you have to send for the package, do your imprints, send them back then wait about 45 days to get it returned.  You end up getting it back after you forget that you ordered the thing in the first place- but then- WOW, EUREKA!

Anyways, just my 2 cents.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've never heard about this need to change the mouthguard on a time-schedule, rather than just when it's clearly deteriorating. I brush mine with toothpaste and brush, occasionally will drop it in a mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide and water over night if there's blood on it from a fight. But I generally go a few years on each of my pieces. The reason I have a new one now is because I lost the other one (never made it back to me from my cornerman after a fight).

Neither I have heard about having to change the mouthguard.

However some brand have an insurance if something happen to your teeth during a fight, so it might be a good idea to change it just in case, for people who don't have health insurance. I think mine was a year insurance, I have it for more than 2 years now... so definitively I should change it.


Also, about the cleaning, I've never "toothbrush" it, but I let it soak (when I actually think about it) during the night into a glass of water and apple cider vinegar and rince it. It's usually acidic enough to kill bacterias if there is any (and a big plus : it taste amazing when you wear it haha).

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  • 1 month later...

I use a ShockDoctor 1.5 because that brand happens to fit me and is comfortable.

But if you are fighting then ideally you should have one made for you by a dentist. The max fax surgeons at work (the ones who deal with damaged jaws and teeth) say that a custom made one will disperse the forces of a blow evenly. A 'standard' guard won't do that, which means that you can actually end up with more damage as pressure can get concentrated in one area.

As I progress I intend to get one made for me; in the UK it should cost £50-£100 and will last for years until your mouth or teeth change.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I use a custom-made from a dentist and wouldn't want to use a regular kind as I think even if they are comfortable and allow for easy breathing and talking, it should be a really tight fit. If it is going to to its job right, it should be very difficult to dislodge.

I've had my dentist-made one for several years and it remains good as new, no wear-and-tear at all. For cleaning I soak it in a mix of hydrogen peroxide with water or, previously, with the fizzy tablets made for soaking dentures (more expensive but I think no better than hydrogen peroxide with water). 

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I have one from the dentist. Its cost £35 but I have some veneers from a childhood accident that cost £2000 so a small price to pay.  I got offered the choice of 50 colours but I let the dentist pick as colour is unimportant. They also put my name in it under the silicone  as in larger gyms or inteclubs it makes it easier to identify. Like Emma it fits so well I don;t take it out and have been known to walk out the shower with it in. (sorry I don't have photos)

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The two clear mouthpieces are from a dentist.  One for bjj, one for striking (difference in thickness).  The red and white one is the newer JAWZZ (there are other companies that also do this) one that a dentist makes for you but you mold yourself with the kit.  The difference is that the red one you cannot take out using your tongue, you have to get you fingers in your mouth and get that sucker out.  Although it's thicker than the other two, you forget that it's there. The white part is also like a tougher plastic than the red.  It is by far the best mouth piece that I have ever tried and I find myself forgetting to take it out after practice when I'm talking to people.  I know I sound like a rep for this mouthpiece but it is the best piece of equipment that I have ever tried (others at my gym agree).  The con? A week to get the kit and then maybe 1-2 months to get the sucker back.  PITA. Essentially, it will arrive when you finally forget that you actually ordered the thing.  Decent cost for what you get.






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My dentist makes amazing custom mouth guards, from custom writing to multi colours. 

I would contact your dentist to find out and the thickness depends on your sport. If you are competitive, there is a specified thickness. If you are not competitive, then you can select the thickness when having yours made at your dentist. Most of them do customs for Footy players as well

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just received a custom guard from Gladiator Guards. It cost about $100 all together with shipping and custom logo. It fits so much nicer than the boil-and-bite. If you are in the US and can't afford to purchase from a dental office (mine wanted $450), do check them out.

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  • 1 month later...

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