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Kevin von Duuglas-Ittu

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Posts posted by Kevin von Duuglas-Ittu

  1. Found this while looking for gyms, only has girls training there. 

    Has some padwork and clinching, but mostly interview with the owner.


    That, from 4 years ago, is Gor. Twin Gym in Lampang. We had never seen it, but the girl in blue Cherry Gor. Twin Gym was a top, top Thai fighter for a while. She even flew to Japan as a young teen to fight Erika Kamimura. Sylvie has fought her a few times, a couple of years ago, giving up some weight. It seemed that she had retired or just stopped fighting, but then we saw that Cherry won a 48kg Gold in a Thailand tournament this month.

    Very cool to see.

  2. I had my first fight during Songkran 2016. I fought a girl with 15 fights, and I won by KO. Fought my 2nd fight outside Isaan, against a girl with estimated 25 fights, lost by decision. Just a few days ago I won my 3rd fight in Isaan by KO, against a girl with maybe 8 fights and also taller and bigger than me. But i was extremely sick in the week leading up to the fight, being hospitalised for a few days. My trainer's parents accidentally let those words out after my fight to the surrounding gamblers. Today I went to those fight match ups. Nobody around my perceived level wants to fight me. My trainer says that nobody with less than 40 fights are willing to fight me. I'm worried. I ain't good enough to fight girls with so much experience.


    It is one thing if I already had 20plus fights, and someone with 60 fights wants to fight me. But i have had 3 fights, and now the best in Sisaket wants to fight me. She have an estimated 80 fights already. Nobody listens to me when i say i am not ready. They insist that i fight like someone with 20 fights already. I don't. I am contemplating throwing my next fight, so everybody will stop overestimating me. But that had be disrespecting my trainer and myself. Hopefully someone can help me out, i may sound like i am talking big, but i swear i ain't. I can tell you guys more in details what happened if needed, even show you guys my fight videos.


    What gym/town are you fighting out? Are you aware of the role gambling is playing in your fight match-ups? Isaan match-ups are almost always driven by the side bet. If this is the case it would be a pretty bad idea to throw your fight.

    Also, are you fighting opponent's your size?

  3.  I'm still not sure what kind of figure the UN should go with, assuming they don't just sweep this controversy under the rug and forego choosing a replacement.


    I suspect that this was more a cross-marketing campaign from the studios and DC, more than a need from the UN, though one article pointed out that they used Angry Birds for a one-day campaign...maybe they are actively pursuing mass media counterparts for their awareness campaigns.



    A reasonable character might be Korra of the Last Avatar series. Not only is she more realistically dressed, she blends ethnicities, though probably is not without critics.


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  4. I think in the context of the United Nations pursuing the rights of women across the different cultures of the world, it is ill advised to treat scenarios like this as a counterweight to the social challenges faced by women that go in the oppose direction at much greater scale and magnitude. Countries which ban religious symbols like the niqab and burqa also ban symbols which have no bearing on ones perceived sexuality such as cross necklaces. It happens in settings like classrooms which are in no way sexualized.


    Why would that be ill-advised. For me it comes back down to the experience of the woman. We are talking about women's rights here, right? I cannot quite get my head wrapped around the incredible irony that an armed police force is forcing a woman to strip down, and to BE more sexy. It doesn't really matter if the police (or law makers) feel this is their motive. What matters is that the woman who is submitted to it experiences it. It is a violation of her modesty (let's assume she holds traditional values about herself). You are forcing a woman to bare herself. This is not categorically different, at least in my mind, than forcing women to experience all kinds of things that they find violating, or humiliating, but that men (just to generalize) or others of the culture, just find to be no big deal. "Hey baby, you should take it as a compliment", or "It's just a joke...lighten up." or..."Just a little advice, you'll probably do better in the company if you wear a little lipstick" are all of this sort. You have authority deriving itself from what is customary, often with a strong skew towards male experiences, imposing itself upon a woman's sense of her own sexual decency. It doesn't matter if the object is just to remove religiously coded symbols, if the imposed removal (or imposition) is experienced as a sexualization by the woman, then these are all of the same class.

    [edit: added] In fact I would argue that the hijab brings us full circle. One of the more notable cross-cultural difficulties that the IFMA faced was whether to allow the hijab as official dress for Muay Thai fights (they ultimately did allow it). Many argue that it represents a dis-empowerment of women, but others argue that by taking on this symbolic modesty Muslim women then are freed to empower themselves through fighting. I'm not sure who is more constrained: A western fighter who doesn't really want to take "sexy" photos with glossy lipstick, suggestive poses and belts all draped around her, because she has to be a sexy bad ass in order to be given opportunities in the world as a fighter, or a Muslim fighter who must don a hijab to indicate her modesty if she is going to transgress so many customary gender norms. My point is BOTH are being forced to conform to male expectations and ideals...and that is due to how each culture and custom hyper-sexualizes the female body, and thus ultimately the female subject.

    And equally so, there are women who feel empowered by being super sexy, and women who feel empowered by modesty.

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  5. Whilst I agree that what they did to that woman was awful, it wasnt because she wasnt sexy enough, it was because she was wearing something that had been banned due to religious associations. France and Holland have banned the burqua in public spaces. 


    That might have been the technical, legal reason, but this does ignore the very subtle fact that the removal of clothing, and the showing of the female body is essentially the customary dress on a French beach. This is "normal". Everyone does it, it is a socially sexualized place to a large degree, where bodies are watched and judged for attractiveness. I somehow doubt that 4 police officers would have approached this Muslim woman if she was wearing her burkini, walking down the street. It was only in contrast to the public (quietly sexualized) norm that she stood out. I'd also say that because a traditional Muslim perspective codifies the body differently than we do in the west, forcing a woman to strip off her clothing and make her arms bare is indeed forcing her to "be more sexy" (or expose parts of her body which may incite sexual response). This really is no different than if western woman was forced to remove her bikini top...from the perspective of the woman who is submitted to this demand. It is ostensibly a police demand to "be more sexy" for her.

    re: "I think they used WW as she is an already famous pop culture figure."

    Of course, but she is a famous western pop culture figure. Do you think she is famous, and embraced for her values in Kurdistan? Or in Somalia? I imagine that the UN would want someone who transcends culture to some degree, and does not represent one.

    re: "I think it is necessary and possible that all types of womens dress is allowed and that includes sexy."

    I think that there is a difference between what is allowed, and what is celebrated. I think it would be awesome if sartorial choice and autonomy could be celebrated, but there are differing standards in cultures. I guess I would ask this: Would a topless female character, with very enhanced breasts and prominent nipples be suitable for a UN campaign to raise awareness about female violence? I'm not saying such a character would categorically not be, but I am saying that we are very accustomed to the state of undress, and hypersexualizing of female "bad ass" women. It's not just a case of: Let Wonder Woman wear what she wants.

    Here is an interesting example of another woman who chooses to wear less when she goes into battle, humorously juxtaposed below:


    I'm not sure that we can, or even should, separate these kinds of by-men-for-men illustrative examples, when discussing the kinds of powerful and widespread violence against women that the UN is trying to make us aware of. This is not even considering the fact that so many woman don't have these kinds of bodies, and we should ask how much we want to hold these bodies types as ideals of female power.

    I cannot help but feel that rather universal by-men-for-men depictions like the one above are connected to the below (taken from a UN UNiTE Campaign):



    It just feels like the issues of liberation are ethically, and perhaps rightfully, being drawn in two directions, enough that it doesn't really make sense for the campaign to be represented by a character who problemizes ideals of liberty for many committed to the cause.

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  6. Isn’t it an important message to send to girls and women that they can control how they dress, how they look, how sexy they want to be and that they have ownership over their own bodies?


    There was this amazing, and incredible ironic photo where French police forced a woman to disrobe (partially) because she wasn't "sexy" enough...ie, was covering up her body in accordance with the modesty and custom of her religion.



    Yes, you want women to be free with their bodies, and to be able to control how they dress. But this would mean also controlling how dressed they want to be as well, not being forced to conform to pressures and codes of sex appeal. Here it is done by the police, in an almost absurd scene, but of course it happens in culture too.

    Where the UN may have to make its deepest inroads is in cultures where public modesty is a serious issue.

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  7. Isn’t it an important message to send to girls and women that they can control how they dress, how they look, how sexy they want to be and that they have ownership over their own bodies? I feel like the UN just sexy-shamed Wonder Woman. Like, how dare a sexy woman (a fictional character!) want to stand up for girls and women around the world? Get thee to a nunnery, Wonder Woman! You cannot have cleavage AND fight for women’s rights, don’t you know?


    There is a sort of catch 22 here. We are pretending that WW is an actual person, instead of a commercialized product -- and in this case, part of a marketed big Hollywood movie that will be coming out, to coincide with this humanitarian work -- yeah, it is great if WW wants to wear what she wants to wear...but WW isn't a person, she's a character invented by a man, and drawn for boys and men (largely). What she wears is really what women in the comic (and video game) universe HAVE to wear, if they want to be viable products.

    I think what maybe would best would be something like this: If you gave the assignment to artists to come up with a character that embodies the ideals that the UN is putting forward, would any of them come up with something that looks like Wonder Woman? This is something that is supposed to represent forward thinking in cultures all over the world. I'm not really sure that a woman wearing a USA flag as a bikini is the best for this. Not that WW isn't awesome, and the USA isn't awesome. This just seems a pretty big stretch. For those that are already familiar with her story, and know her to be a high moral fiber saint of a woman, the notion of a contradiction may not seem to make sense. But remember, not everyone knows who Wonder Woman is.

    If you anyone wants to read up on the remarkable inception of WW, this is the book to read: The Secret History of Wonder Woman

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  8. I'm not sure how I feel either, I mean OK her aesthetic is sexy, but why cant someone be sexy and a warrior? Also yes it is a comic and odd in the first instance..


    Sure, you can be sexy and a warrior. But, can you be a warrior, and not be pop culture "sexy"...is there room for that? Or...as is the case with many men, can you be sexy because you are a warrior, the fighting spirit transcending more conventional ideals of sexy or beauty. If you look at Hollywood action stars, many of them get their sexy glow from their action quality, on film. It becomes an aura of attractiveness, it confers charisma.

    This was the mission of the Wonder Woman campaign:

    Providing equal rights and opportunities will unleash the power and potential of women and girls everywhere. And we have to, because it’s our only pathway to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and leaving no one behind by 2030.

    On 21 October 2016, the character of Wonder Woman was designated as Honorary Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls, in support of Sustainable Development Goal 5 – to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

    The Wonder Woman campaign highlights what we can collectively achieve if women and girls are empowered – along with examples of women and girls who have made and are making a difference every day by overcoming barriers and beating the odds to reach their goals.


    Would WW be the visual example of "...every day by overcoming barriers and beating the odds to reach their goals", even to women and girls of different cultures?

    Interestingly, male action (and even just actor) stars are starring to be comic booked out, in terms of physique, a really good article: Building a Bigger Action Hero

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  9. Wonder-Woman-Sex-bot-political-warrior.j

    The online petition signed by 45,000 people read thus:

    "Although the original creators may have intended Wonder Woman to represent a strong and independent ‘warrior’ woman with a feminist message, the reality is that the character’s current iteration is that of a large breasted, white woman of impossible proportions, scantily clad in a shimmery, thigh-baring body suit”

    I found this slowly rolling controversy, and now its surprise ending interesting. Aside from the weird corporatization of the UN and it's social justice initiatives - using the UN as a marketing tool for DC comics and the upcoming movie...it is something I just don't know enough about to untangle, but does seem a little off - there is the encapsulated oxymoron of Wonder Woman herself, who is at the heart of the controversy. Female power or autonomy cast or re-cast into highly sexualized (usually male gaze) terms. 

    Read about the UN decision to un-deputize Wonder Woman here

    This is the thing we recognize. Wonder Woman embodies much of the "female fighter" dynamic that affords opportunities to fighting women in so far as they ALSO serve as male sexual fantasy objects...or are just "hot". It's always seemed to me that this is re-sexualization of the liberated, and ass-kicking woman is a sort of re-domestication of real, growing female power in the world. As women receive actual power in the world (rights, financial resources, decision making positions authority, etc), I feel like this shift in power becomes symbolized in culture, among other things, as fighting power. The autonomy of violence, in a contest of violence and wills, stands for all sorts of real world shifts towards women. But...this symbolized autonomy itself is recaptured as sexual fantasy. The new subject is given a hall pass to opportunities only in so far as she also grounds (largely male) sexual excitement...or at least its possibility. De-territorization, re-territorialization. We get it. This compromise of culture is a somewhat better exchange than the more Old School market conditions: Woman, you can have your freedom of self, but only in so far as you are also demonized: a witch, a whore, a slut, a fatty, a commie, or whatever, something we might call the Medusa Trade. Your freedom is the freedom to become a monster of some sort. In Wonder Woman instead we have a kind of acme of exchange. Your freedom, your autonomy is in exchange of becoming a hero, a hot hero...but still a hero.

    So here, in Wonder Woman and the UN we have this contradiction coming around full force. She no doubt was going to be used in sophisticated and highly coordinated campaigns that would have exposed the world of women and girls, Nations across the Continents, to the image of a fighting woman. A woman who literally fights, and conquers. Spread through media channels that maybe don't always carry such hyperbolic images of physical prowess for women, coupled with a healthy slather of Capitalist enterprise no doubt, this would have been an unprecedented measure of female fighter fantasy put to social awareness and social change. In all her years on paper, since 1941, and the causes she championed and represented, this would have been a chance to jump the gap and cross into policy itself. Kind of amazing. But...and here is the but...you would have to do this looking more or less like a sex-bot.

    Ultimately, I'm not entirely sure how I feel, because progress does not always progress along clean lines, and sometimes it is filled with oxymoric tensions. We like to think in principles: clean, outlined Ideas. And the world is much more twisted than that. More, movements toward freedoms, are usually issues of tempo. It's not: Is it right for Woman Woman to represent UN awareness and policy towards female rights and abuse? It's: Is now the right time for for Woman Woman to represent UN awareness and policy towards female rights and abuse?


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  10. 12-10

    Unfortunately this may not make as much ultimate sense if you have not seen Westworld the HBO series, but hopeful there is enough non-referential meat on the bone to make sense apart from that.


    Dolores (dolor - sadness) from Westworld, a robotic humanoid, is said to have uncovered consciousness when she solved the maze, when she found the center of the maze. It was Sylvie who spelled it out for me, where that center was. The illusion she said, is that you are the little white ball, and turn after turn you are looking for the center. You are looking to arrive at the center. Consciousness, she reasoned, is the realization that you are not the little white ball. Instead you are the maze itself. That is the “center” of the maze. She’s been reading some beautiful stuff on Buddhism lately, and sharing it with me, but somehow this flattened me. Yes, at the surface it sounds a lot like “there is no spoon” spiritual sophism, but in that moment, in the context of a multipart series tracing the track of non-intelligence aspiring toward intelligence, in a sea of coded and looped pain, it was really startling. It was startling in part because Sylvie has been that little white ball so much these 4+ years, bouncing off of maze walls, banging into deadends she’s come to know not only intellectually, but viserally, and it all somehow sandwiched all together, two laminates, mapping cleanly. Sylvie was a robot.

    Ha, what does that mean? There is an elegant analogy being carried out in Westwood. Very lifelike androids are programmed to loop in small emotional storylines over and over and over. Their emotional spectrums are sketched out – set to feature a modicum of improvisation – but still day after day these beings live out the same very worn grooves. And because they involve an amusement park designed for adults (humans) which gives very little consequence to action, these androids suffer brutal, violent lives. Only saved from that hellish horror, the painful and ingrained repetition, by the fact that their memories are wiped clean every day or so. They are in a hell they cannot remember, so freshly they engage in it, and repeat it ad nauseum. The analogy is that we as humans, though we have the experience of consciousness and choice, are also caught in very tight, emotional loops, and that there is a certain kind of forgetfulness that keeps us able to experience them anew, freshly, as if we are not madly repeating ourselves. We are all…robotic.

    There is an additional theory floating through the Westworld world, that the personality of each android, in its simplification and approximation of consciousness, is grounded in some nearly un-utterable original memory of pain. This event (the loss of a child, a heinous murder), in a way casts the mold of who they are. It gives them ballast and bearing, though they only remember this event in a dim sort of unconscious or fleeting way. Sometimes this event is portrayed as actually having occurred in a previous personality manifestation (version) of the android, sometimes it may implied to be programmed. In any case, it is there, conditioning all that is built, or sedimented on top of it.

    Now this is the interesting thing. Sylvie has fought over 150 times in Thailand in the last 4 years, more frequently and to greater volume than any other westerner, man or woman, ever has. In fact it is probably not even close. She has been android-like, mashing through what for a “normal” woman is a very violent event. But like the androids of the show, the violence has been a sort of testing ground for her consciousness, I believe. The violence – and the attendant straining for the art amid it – has an intensifying effect, as if purifying metal, floating the dross of it to the top. The pain in her body – and really it’s the pain in training more than fights, but both – repeats itself in loops not unlike the shallow emotional loops of Westworld androids. And this dedicated repetition to what is called “the grind”, a grind which includes fighting every 10 days or so, probably in some virtual dimension is acting out and rehearsing, and ultimately solving parallel emotional loops built into her “real life”, the coded stories that she and pretty much all of us serve.  And as she bangs into the wall of the maze over and over: Why can’t I throw elbows! Why can’t I step there! Why did I freeze! Why don’t I fight how I train? --- making small adjustments in herself along the way, it feels like she is coming to a realization. An incredible moment within herself.

    She is not the ball, she is the maze.

    It doesn’t change the violence, it changes one’s proximity to the violence. One is both closer and further from it and the grind. It changes the valence of the Body. It unhinges dimensionality. It makes for polyvalence. There is a moment precariously balanced in the season finale when different androids are poised between differing attitudes towards the foundational pains that stamped them early in their code. As one orbits outward, toward apogee, one makes a decision toward the foundational pain that more or less is “you”. Do you return to the code that you know, and that knows you? Or do you ascend to an alternate vehicle of Self? One that knows no loop, in any common way. This is what is fascinating about the sheer volume of fights Sylvie has had, and what makes her special beyond what many will know. There is a certain Groundhog day process that the soul must undergo. A certain boredom that comes from inescapable repetition, that in the context of violence breeds a certain discovery. The discovery comes straight out of the nature of Pain and the Body. The sheer, rote mashing of the self in violence, in search of art produces something…a perspective, and ultimately a certain kind of release. A release into the Possible.

    But we are ever left with the question of what we do when that sing-song tune comes round again, the dolorous ditty we hum in our sleep, the thing that stamped us.

    This is the most incredible journey.

    So one carves oneself into a maze, perhaps. The wall of you, the spaces, stretching out with the aid of the artifice of martial form. One constructs a labyrinth of freedoms, full of dead ends and false openings. Because you are weaving out of the very form of the Body, the thing that sheers the physical to the mental and back – Pain – the freedom of you movement under duress, in high repetition, as a certain unquestionable quality, ultimately a grace. But you cannot learn this I suspect, without fighting, and fighting into utmost repetition towards release.

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  11. Meksen said on facebook that she was being sabotaged the whole time and got robbed. Apparently someone backstage ran over her foot with a cart, a ringside doctor put disinfectant in her eyes, the other girl was headbutting without being penalized and the judges robbed her. A clash of heads did cut Meksen's nose really badly, but it didn't seem intentional to me. 


    Not saying none of that happened because China is notoriously very difficult to win in, and can be inhospitable (stories told to be sure). But...if you haven't lost much in your life (and not fought people who can make you lose due to advantages), you don't really know what losing feels like, or why it happens. Fighters with almost impeccable records sometimes lack perspective, though on their own they can be great.

  12. I found a HL video which includes clips from the ever elusive and apparently controversial match between Anissa Meksen and E Mei Die:




    Edit: I found the full video! You need a Chinese VPN to watch but here it is:






    Not the terrible robbery it was made out to be, just the hometown girl being favored in a close match. I did score it for Meksen though.


    I wasn't following the controversy. What was the story about that?

  13. 1). How does it feel to have your title given back to Little Tiger, a fighter who seemed to avoid fighting you for many years?

    2). I remember you saying that you wanted to fight in America...(I think?). Why especially America?

    3). Do you think you still will be fighting when you are 23 or so?

    4). You had a plan to fight 12 times in 12 months back in February, something that injury got in the way of. Do you feel like this was a reachable goal even without the injury (enough opponents and opportunities)? This would be a very high fight rate for a female Japanese fighter. Did Sylvie's very high fight rate (probably the highest in the world), or the fight rates of Thai female fighters factor in the goal to fight so much?

    5). Do you think that your clinch has improve enough to deal with Sylvie's strength which also has improved?

    6). What do you think of Thai female fighters?

    7). Do you feel that scoring in Thailand is fair to Japanese fighters?

    8). Do you have a desire or plan to fight top Thai female fighters in your weight like Loma Lookboonmee (the best), Faa Chiangrai, Peungsiam (who beat Little Tiger), Gaewdaa Por. Muangphet, Phetjee Jaa?

  14. Trying to figure out which airport is closest to Pattaya.  I see two listed but then I see that you must take a bus from the airport to reach Pattaya which is southeast of Bangkok.   There is U-Tapao but only Bangkok Airlines flies into there.  Not sure. Any suggestions?  


    I would just fly into BKK Suvaranbhumi and take the taxi to Pattaya. The other airport isn't that much closer, though we don't know anyone who has come from that direction. The taxi is maybe 1500 baht and takes about an hour or hour and a half.

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  15. wikipedia has a nice collection of terms:


      Thai Romanization IPA Jab หมัดหน้า/หมัดแย็บ Mat na/Mat yaep  [màt nâ] Cross หมัดตรง Mat trong  [màt troŋ] Hook หมัดเหวี่ยงสั้น Mat wiang san  [màt wìəŋ sân] Overhand (boxing) หมัดเหวี่ยงยาว Mat wiang yao  [màt wìəŋ jaːw] Spinning Backfist หมัดเหวี่ยงกลับ Mat wiang klap  [màt wìəŋ klàp] Uppercut หมัดเสย/หมัดสอยดาว Mat soei/Mat soi dao  [màt sɤ̌j],  [màt sɔ̌j daːw] Superman punch กระโดดชก Kradot chok  [kradòːt tɕʰók]



      Thai Romanization IPA Elbow Slash ศอกตี (ศอกสับ) Sok ti  [sɔ̀ːk tiː] Horizontal Elbow ศอกตัด Sok tat  [sɔ̀ːk tàt] Uppercut Elbow ศอกงัด Sok ngat  [sɔ̀ːk ŋát] Forward Elbow Thrust ศอกพุ่ง Sok phung  [sɔ̀ːk pʰûŋ] Reverse Horizontal Elbow ศอกเหวี่ยงกลับ (ศอกกระทุ้ง) Sok wiang klap  [sɔ̀ːk wìəŋ klàp] Spinning Elbow ศอกกลับ Sok klap  [sɔ̀ːk klàp] Double Elbow Chop ศอกกลับคู่ Sok klap khu  [sɔ̀ːk klàp kʰûː] Mid-Air Elbow Strike กระโดดศอก Kradot sok  [kradòːt sɔ̀ːk]



      Thai Romanization IPA Straight Kick เตะตรง Te trong  [tèʔ troŋ] Roundhouse Kick เตะตัด Te tat  [tèʔ tàt] Diagonal Kick เตะเฉียง Te chiang  [tèʔ tɕʰǐəŋ] Half-Shin, Half-Knee Kick เตะครึ่งแข้งครึ่งเข่า Te khrueng khaeng khrueng khao  [tèʔ kʰrɯ̂ŋ kʰɛ̂ŋ kʰrɯ̂ŋ kʰàw] Reverse Roundhouse Kick เตะกลับหลัง Te klap lang  [tèʔ klàp lǎŋ] Down Roundhouse Kick เตะกด Te kot  [tèʔ kòt] Axe Heel Kick เตะเข่า Te khao  [tèʔ kʰàw] Jump Kick กระโดดเตะ Kradot te  [kradòːt tèʔ] Step-Up Kick เขยิบเตะ Khayoep te  [kʰa.jɤ̀p tèʔ]



      Thai Romanization IPA Straight Knee Strike เข่าตรง Khao trong  [kʰàw troŋ] Diagonal Knee Strike เข่าเฉียง Khao chiang  [kʰàw tɕʰǐəŋ] Curving Knee Strike เข่าโค้ง Khao khong  [kʰàw kʰóːŋ] Horizontal Knee Strike เข่าตัด Khao tat  [kʰàw tàt] Knee Slap เข่าตบ Khao top  [kʰàw tòp] Knee Bomb เข่ายาว Khao yao  [kʰàw jaːw] Flying Knee เข่าลอย Khao loi  [kʰàw lɔːj] Step-Up Knee Strike เข่าเหยียบ Khao yiap  [kʰàw jìəp]



      Thai Romanization IPA Straight Foot-Thrust ถีบตรง Thip trong  [tʰìːp troŋ] Sideways Foot-Thrust ถีบข้าง Thip khang  [tʰìːp kʰâːŋ] Reverse Foot-Thrust ถีบกลับหลัง Thip klap lang  [tʰìːp klàp lǎŋ] Slapping Foot-Thrust ถีบตบ Thip top  [tʰìːp tòp] Jumping Foot-Thrust กระโดดถีบ Kradot thip  [kradòːt tʰìːp]


    These are probably best seen not as official titles of moves, so much as just plain descriptions.

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  16. 9-21a

    The camera was off. We had just filmed maybe a 20 minute round of technique with Golden Age legend Namkabuan, a fighter who held the 130 lb Lumpinee title for 6 years. He's this incredibly charismatic, handsome, funny, very athletic man in his forties. As with so many huge stars of the bygone era you would never imagine that he's a veteran of endless high stakes ring battles in the most brutal fighting sport on the planet. He had just been teaching an unbelievable knee to Sylvie, a thing of beauty that left me shaking my head. I've seen a lot of Muay Thai technique filming these legendary men as Sylvie tries to learn from them, and also plenty of ballet-like moves in the gym often from largely unknown trainers, but I had never seen anything like that knee. It just kind of exploded out of nowhere, submarining beneath the surface, launching in a horizontal trajectory with torpedo violence. Just beyond beautiful. I said something like: "The most beautiful knee in the world," and Namkabuan shook his head smiling. "No, Namphon".

    That was Tuesday night.

    What follows is a kind of detonation. A slow motion detonation of what that short, softly spoken sentence did to me. The truth of the matter is I didn't really know who Namphon was then, standing where I was. I knew he was one of the big names of Muay Thai, one that westerners in the last few decades, those that appreciated the sport before it became quite so well known, celebrated. I didn't know. I didn't know that he was Namkabuan's older brother. I didn't know that he would be pass away, would leave this earth, by Monday. When we got home Sylvie totally inspired by Namkabuan's energy and person watched all of Namkabuan's fights she could, well into the wee hours of the morning. It was then, I think the next day, that she found a Thai article letting people know that Namphon was seriously ill:


    My heart broke when I saw this, and in a way it is still breaking. I didn't even know this man, but this is everything. That night I watched and read everything I could about Namphon Nongkeepahuyuth. We didn't know that he was in such a bad way that things were terminal. We contacted Namkabuan asking if there was some way we could help the family, maybe to raise funds for his care and recovery. We reached out to another Golden Age legend who knew him to see if there was something we could do, but things were beyond perilous and he was gone by the next morning. So terrible, saddening. It's like a fallen hero of the Bronze age had been swept into dust, and everyone, the whole of the earth morns. I had watched his fights, I had Sylvie watch them too. The man was incredible. Not only made of iron, of metal, but artful and dexterous, way beyond his rough-sketch forward-marching reputation. He was the man who Dekkers first fought in Bangkok. Dekkers had beat him in Amsterdam a few months before in a bizarre decision wherein aside from a few seconds when Dekkers' hands connected, the entire fight was basically bagwork for Namphon, dragging Dekkers around the ring like a knee dummy. Then in the Bangkok fight then Namphon fought him an entirely different way, masterfully controlling the space with such precision, making Dekkers swing at air the whole night. Both fights were "su mai dai"...cannot fight.

    Later it was said to us, whether true or not I do not know, that the first decision came out of Onesongchai's genius. No matter what Namphon had to lose so the big fight in Bangkok had meaning to Thais. They wanted to see the fighter who had beaten Namphon. So Namphon just owned him in a different way. And you see in that Bangkok fight one of Namphon's running knees into the corner, like the one that Namkabuan was teaching Sylvie, visually symbolically demolishing his opponent, literally erasing him from view. The Nongki knee. Namphon really was the gateway to western fighting in Thailand, its ambassador to the ambassador. He took one for the team so to speak...perhaps. And he was there at the birth of Dekkers in Thailand, who only went 4-14 in the country but became synonymous with western fighting greatness, now called the greatest western Muay Thai fighter ever, by many.

    Namphon also lives in the annals of Muay Thai history due to his fights with Samart, everyone's favorite these days. So sad that of the 1,000s of fights and heroes of those eras, we have only fragments, a handful of fights out of which we in the west make up vast stories around the names that happen to be in them, like archeologists examining broken pieces of pottery deducing a civilization. Watch Samart laze his way through the final rounds against the unrelenting pressure of Namphon

    I just shake my head a little, as Samart plays to his reputation, slackening his limbs to steal the glory from this wonderful pressure fighter, Namphon. Ajax to wily Odysseus.

    I'm not really writing about his fights though, I only include mention of them because they are what I watched as I educated myself on the name Namphon, feeling as I watched him smash through opponents, or artfully turn them of to the side, that I was coming in touch with his heart. I had only just discovered him, really that day and night, I had only just come to see him, finally looking closely, to hear that he had died at 5:20 am the next morning...I can't really say, it overwhelmed me. I don't know why it had such an impact. Maybe it was because I had just met his brother who in his cheer and generosity showed no sign that there was a dark shadow of sadness coming over his brother, perhaps nobody even knew what was coming. Maybe it was because we can make our heroes out of a few bare things, a few videos, the face in photos. Maybe because the fall of Namphon mirrors so much of the struggle that Thai fighters face, even very noble, incredible champions, as they turn from the ring to life, making it plain for all to see. I've just been very shaken by it.

    Maybe it was just the way Namkabuan spoke that sentence: "No, Namphon"..."no, my brother"


    Above is a short video shot by Namkabuan with his brother, posted after his brother passed. In it he says he has been exercising and protecting his health and now is recovered. Look at Namkabuan's smile. Look at Namphon. Muay Thai is the battle and test of dignity. That is what it is. Champions rise because they can dramatize and present dignity under adverse conditions that would make most of us wither. Beyond displaying a "fighting art" or even a test of wills, it is the elevation and preservation of dignity that marks Muay Thai. Namphon's passing more than anything else really makes me feel this, it drives it home like a spike. I've have the privilege of meeting some very, very special men here in Thailand as I tag along in Sylvie's journey up into the mountains of Muay Thai. When we met Namkabuan his effervescence and absolute uniqueness somehow convinced us all the more how special these fighters are, men who lived in the pressures of high stakes fighting, amid the mafia, the huge promotions, in a circle of absolutely elite fighters, all graced with skills perhaps as no other time in Thailand's history. With the loss of Namphon, at age 47, more than anything else I just can't help but feel that we all lost something, a piece of a time, a thread in the fabric of something that will never be again. Karuhat, Hippy, Dieselnoi, Burklerk, Sagat, Namkabuan, Kaensak, Orono, Samart, Yodkhunpon, Somrak, Lamnamoon, Namsaknoi, Pudpadnoi, Coban, Jongsanan, Sakmongkol (and so, so many more) ...men of a fraternity of proven dignity in the face of time.

    Rest in Peace, Namphon. Let's remember Namphon.

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