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Everything posted by dtrick924

  1. Christi Brereton just uploaded some of her fights to youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4oQhsXYP9JHVzw6E3BlGPg/videos Her Awakening athlete profile is here.
  2. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/nextrondarousey-british-teenager-inspired-ufc-7086817 Article about up and coming Muay Thai amateur Dakota Ditcheva. She's considering switching to MMA because she is having a hard time finding fights. Dakota's most recent fight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWwFOmVLFw4
  3. Vote for your favorite women in Muay Thai and MMA. Voting is open until January 1, 2016 and results will be announced on or after January 7, 2016. http://www.awakeningfighters.com/awards/
  4. That's too bad. I definitely had some issues with regard to how they thought female fighters should present themselves but it was great to see a promotion focusing on women and hosting all female cards.
  5. Lionfight 14: Jorina Baars vs Cristiane "Cyborg" Justino Lionfight 20: Jorina Baars vs Chantal Ughi
  6. SPONSORED MUAY THAI FIGHTERS: EXPLOITATION OR MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL? Article from Sumalee Boxing Gym's blog talking about their criteria for sponsoring a fighter and what benefits the gym and the fighter receive from the sponsorship.
  7. FightNetwork has a very interesting podcast/video series called the Mentality of Combat Sports. MMA fight analyst Robin Black discusses confidence, mental toughness and other topics with sports psychologist David Mullins. Full playlist here. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr7REBc1Y94_jCzlltyiJ5G584WWFc6fI
  8. Finally got to see the installation today. It was awesome to see in person. So much going on it was hard to take it all in. I found that if I stood facing a corner of the room it was like watching a split screen with a closeup/highlight of the fight on one side and the main fight on the other. The soundscape was very minimalist, just the grunts and breathing of the fighters, the sound of gloves hitting flesh, and feet shuffling on canvas. No music or background crowd noise. Natalie Fuz's low kicks sounded especially dramatic, really hard, sharp slaps.
  9. Natasha Sky has a video on her face book of a ginger concoction she uses on her shins for bruises. https://www.facebook.com/396482173770626/videos/vb.396482173770626/740537932698380/?type=2&theater
  10. Interview with Martyna. The Martyna Krol Story: Partied Hard in Thailand, Visited a Muay Thai Gym on a Whim, Instantly Turned Pro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29emUAngp7M
  11. Part 3: The Show Key elements: Diverse crowd, good commentator, a clear cut road to becoming a professional fighter
  12. No advice on how to fit it into your schedule but you could try a Couch to 5k plan to ramp up your running slowly.
  13. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this analysis. These trends are fascinating to look at.
  14. I hate the ridiculous posturing and manufactured grudge matches of MMA. Although, I found Joanna Jedzrejczyk and her pasta necklaces pretty funny. I think she's my new favorite MMA fighter. Some day I will get up the courage to try muay thai out for myself but today is not that day. I agree that having a story/personality behind a fighter is important, although I can't stand reality television so the only parts of TUF I watched were the fight replays. Having said that, I wish I could find a way to watch the Enfusion reality series that Iman Barlow was in. I mildly follow Angela Hill because I know she and Sylvie fought as amateurs. It's interesting to see how wildly their careers diverged. I ran across a hi-light reel from Angela the other day that had a few quick flashes from their fight. Back when the fights happened Angela and her camp wouldn't let Sylvie post the full fights on youtube.
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