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Everything posted by dtrick924

  1. Here's Sylvie's Gym list. The Gym Advice & Experience Forum has lots of different gym threads with advice and experiences from people who have trained there. Is there a way to pin Sylvie's list to the top of the forum so it doesn't get lost?
  2. Iman Barlow vs Meryem Usla - FULL FIGHT - (Lion Fight 34) - (2017.02.03) - /r/WMMA https://eroshare.com/0a0p82rk
  3. The 2016 Awakening Awards are here. Nominate and vote for your favorite female fighters in Muay Thai and MMA. Here's last year's forum thread. The results for 2013, 2014 and 2015 are posted on Awakening's website. Nominations – Dec 26th – Jan 3rd Voting – Jan 8th – Jan 18th Results – Announced approx Jan 23rd
  4. Muaythai Angels announced on their facebook page that Christi Brereton has applied for season 2.
  5. Is she interested in re-matching Sylvie? What was it like training at Phet Jee Jaa's gym?
  6. Lion Fight 31-9/2/2016 Iman Barlow vs Jeri Sitzes https://eroshare.com/k07csbaz Jorina Baars vs Angela Whitley Antonina Shevchenko vs Paola Cappucci
  7. Emma, what exactly are you doing to help out the organizers? I'd love to hear what's going on behind the scenes of the production.
  8. Emma talked about training at Yokkao in the latest 2ITK podcast. http://8limbs.us/podcast-2-ladies-in-the-kingdom/why-its-hard-to-fight-female-thai-fighters-2itk-podcast-e06. She said the training was great but it was very expensive.
  9. "Candy" Hoi-Yan Wu (Hong Kong) vs Loma Lookboonmee (Thailand) 16 August 2015 at National Stadium in Bangkok IFMA ROYAL WORLD CUP 2015
  10. Looking forward to reading your writings here. I always enjoy your posts on Sylvie's blog.
  11. It's beautifully shot. I appreciated the English language voiceover, sometimes I have a hard time reading subtitles.
  12. This image and rant crossed my facebook feed. I loved the initial image, it felt very powerful and pro-woman to me and I wanted to give it a thumbs up. Unfortunately reading the rant below it ruined the image for me. "Liking" the image felt like co-signing the rant. The ranter managed to get his digs in at Western female fighters fighting in Thailand and strip Thai female fighters of their agency at the same time.
  13. Cocopuff W. Santai/Saifa sor Suparat at Kalare Stadium, Chiang Mai, Thailand 2/26/2016 Cocopuff W. Santai/CHERRY GOR. TOWIN GYM at Thapae Stadium, Chiang Mai, Thailand 11/9/2015 Cocopuff W. Santai/TANANCHANOK SOR. GEELA LAMPANG Thapae Stadium, Chiang Mai, Thailand 3/10/2013
  14. I think your first podcast went really well. I enjoyed hearing about what was going on with all the different fighters and the general state of female muay thai in Thailand. Maybe that could be a regular segment of each podcast.
  15. The International Olympic Committee has revised their guidelines for transgender athletes. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/transgender-athletes-olympics_us_56a5bc6ee4b0d8cc109a8e9 There was a great discussion on the Ronda Rousey thread about cisgender and transgender women competing together.
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