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Found 11 results

  1. The Male Gaze in Women’s MMA - Part 1: Genesis, Gina, and getting past Dana The first in a five part series from Bloody Elbow about how the male gaze, gender norms and beauty standards impact the careers of women in MMA.
  2. The 2016 Awakening Awards are here. Nominate and vote for your favorite female fighters in Muay Thai and MMA. Here's last year's forum thread. The results for 2013, 2014 and 2015 are posted on Awakening's website. Nominations – Dec 26th – Jan 3rd Voting – Jan 8th – Jan 18th Results – Announced approx Jan 23rd
  3. Lion Fight 31-9/2/2016 Iman Barlow vs Jeri Sitzes https://eroshare.com/k07csbaz Jorina Baars vs Angela Whitley Antonina Shevchenko vs Paola Cappucci
  4. Vote for your favorite women in Muay Thai and MMA. Voting is open until January 1, 2016 and results will be announced on or after January 7, 2016. http://www.awakeningfighters.com/awards/
  5. Lion Fight 23: TIFFANY VAN SOEST vs. MARTYNA KROL via Martyna's facebook page. Super excited for this fight as I follow both fighters on social media. They have very different styles so it should be an interesting match up.
  6. Fightland: JOANNA CHAMPION'S STRIKING CLINIC We were discussing Joanna's loss to Duannapa Mor. Rattana Bundit at World Muay Thai Angels in another thread and how styles, rules and judging make fights.
  7. Black Bird Fly Blog Found a new muay thai blog to follow. The latest post is a review of of Santai Muay Thai Gym
  8. Sports Illustrated article, Julie Kedzie: This is what it feels like to cut weight for an MMA fight. This sounds horrible, like cutting weight is one of the hardest parts of fighting professionally.
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