Short version
I am a natural southpaw and starting to work on striking in both southpaw and orthodox stances.
Work schedule does not line up with class schedules of local gyms, so working on this solo at home. Allready watched Karuhat, Samart & sifu mcInnes patreon sessions.
Looking for advice on switching between stances in a fight, specifically: solo drills, possible pitfalls and which fighters to watch.
Long version
I am a natural southpaw, and have been casually training (1 class / week for a year) + 1-3 Heavy bag sessions / week at home (1-2hours at low - medium intensity). Not in shape (when going for a run, after 2-3 km I'm done). For the past few months I haven't been able to go to classes due to a new work schedule, but I still do heavy bag sessions by myself.
In these heavy bag sessions, i'll do sets of about a 100 of single strikes & simple combos (e.g. 100 teeps, 100 1-2's, 100 knees, 100 midkicks, 100 elbows, ... ). I aim to do about 2000 strikes per session, with a couple hundred of each type of strike and about a 1000 teeps. For the last few weeks I've been dividing these sets evenly between Orthodox and southpaw stance. There's still a huge gap between the effectiveness of my strikes in southpaw and orthodox, but I'm definitely making progress.
Since I plan to continue working on striking out of both stances, it seems like a good idea to carve out some extra time to work on actually switching between both stances. Usually I'd turn to Youtube for guides at this point, but I've found surprisingly little information on switching stances effectively. Most video's on this subject fall in 1 of 2 categories:
The video explains "The stance switch". Which is basically the movement you'd make when throwing a switch-kick. (Which seems a little limited, if your goal is to develop a switching style)
Videos like Sylvie's Patreon content, specifically the Karuhat videos. In these, you can see the way Karuhat is moving, which in itself is very helpful.
However, these videos lack specific drills or exercises you can work on if you don't have a switching master to correct you.
Rather than rambling on and turning this post into a long wall of text, at this point I'll simply list a number of questions, which could help me and hopefully others who want to work on stance switching:
1. What are some good fighters to watch for switching footwork?
Already looking into:
2. Are there any specific videos you would recommend (Patreon or otherwise)?
Already looking at:
On the forum: Tim's sessions with general Tunwakom (specifically the movement drill in day 1 vid 1)
On patreon: all Karuhat sessions
On patreon: session with Sifu McInnes
On patreon: session with Samart
3. Do you know of any specific drills I can work on?
I am Mostly looking for drills without a partner. However, drills with a partner will probably be useful for other readers, so please post those as well.
4. What are some pitfalls of stance switching, I should look out for?
The answer that's all over the internet, is: Your defense will suffer. However, people never seem to feel the need to go into details here. I would appreciate any answers with specifics.