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Found 4 results

  1. Struggling to be strong in clinch,feels like getting out strengthed by people 15kg lighter. Thai trainer keeps saying strong but can’t figure out like the right muscles to use. Also been told to sit down in clinch but struggle to find this as well what do you do with your feet ?
  2. Posted about another few gyms on here and got some great feedback so hoping for the same! Going to Thailand soon and I’m considering spending some time at the famous F.A. Group gym as I’ve spoken with them and they now do accommodation. Has anyone been here and trained or spent a bit of time there? Any information very thankful
  3. I'm posting my article on the pros and cons of training clinch barehanded (the Thai way) or with gloves (the way we fight), creating a space for longer form conversation of our experiences. I found benefits to both, but lately I've turned to gloves for reasons outlined in the article. Should You Train Clinch With Gloves or Barehanded?
  4. Hi, Travelling soon to Thailand and have free time for training in Bangkok,anyone knows which gym has good clinch techniques cause I want to improve mine... Last year have been training in Luktupfah and Penang96 both good training but not really in to the better clinch work(or teaching it) Thanks ;-)
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