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Giulia Caruso

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Giulia Caruso last won the day on December 1 2015

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  1. OT: vinegar. Oh my god, I love it too, with tea tree essential oil is what is saving my gear (gloves,shinguards and everything else) from smelly town.
  2. This (turning the foot out while also stepping out) is what I'm working on right now, while trying to stay light on the ball of the foot and pivoting. Sooo many parts to a movement, it feels like learning to drive with a manual shift ;)
  3. I think I saw it in the pad work vid you posted recently, it's like a full arch from your face and then back? It looks hard to do fast ;) On the low kick I'm actually keeping the arms still in guard, but the step outside help enough with the movement. Middle and high kicks are impossible without balancing with the arm extension, indeed, so I do the guard level extension. If you have the time to vid something it would be cool, but no pressure, really. I'm just trying to figure things out, having more than one trainer is a mess... ;)
  4. My first concern is not to offend him in any way, thai culture and italian culture are so different and tattoo conventions are such a chaotic space... I'll try to do my best and follow the advice you gave in the past. As for the Yant subject, I'm not really worried, it could also be only words/symbols, I'll let him decide, I really want to do it for the function not the looks ;) The idea of a tattoos as a living element is something I always looked for in my others, and even if I'm always worried of unconscious cultural appropriation, sak yant seem to really have what I am looking for in this situation. And it's thanks to you that I was able to discover that, your words are really making a difference.
  5. I've just discovered that Arjan Pi is coming to a tattoo convention in italy in april 2016! I was thinking about getting a sak yant from him, maybe something for my legs (between knees and veins they're a mess and would really need some support and protection). Thank you for sharing his work and vision, it's very inspiring and I love the "not a pretty thing" approach of sak yants.
  6. Just to add info for european folks: I bought it from this website http://www.muay.itwhich is the italian interface of an import from slovenia (??) I could order it and pay in cash at the postal guy, it took one week, no problems. Here the list of all european distributors http://www.nammanmuay.eu/en/where-to-buy/ I still have to use it, I'll let you know!
  7. Thank you so much for your feedback! @Sylvie do you have a reference for what you're practising now? The "across the chin and then straight out" thing? Right now I'm working on crouched/stepped outside low kicks with my guard up and middle kicks (still with step outside) with the arm at guard level (like the pic emma posted). I also noticed that without bringing the arm down I have to focus 100% on turning my hip and it's actually helping me a lot to learn the cinetic chain of the kick.
  8. I found this old post while looking for kick related posts before opening a new one. So: up! I was following a running training where there were skipping exercises to learn how to run with your butt. If you look for "how to skip" on youtube you can find lots of football players/coaches showing different variations.
  9. I made a new one trimming it before molding it and it makes a world of difference, my god. I could have probably trimmed it even more. I'll buy some disinfectant and see how long this lasts. Also a training partner told me that now they have gel ones at Decathlon at very low price and they are very comfortable, but I think the shops are only in europe :(
  10. We were practising kicks the other day and my trainer said something among the lines: "If you step outside/pivot on your standing foot enough there's no need to lower/straighten the kicking leg arm, it's better to keep your guard up when kicking than risking a counterhit". What is your kicking leg hand/arm position in kicks? Does it changes with different kicks? Have you noticed different outcomes with different positions?
  11. So inhale through the nose between strikes and exhale through the mouth (eventually with sound) on the strikes. I'll work on that, thank you!
  12. The fact that Micc pointed out that you should change it every 3-6 months AND the fact that last session it fell from my fingers into a puddle of sweat on the tatami PLUS my ipochondria made me decide to buy a new one and try to trim it before molding it. (Still a Leone, it's the only one they have in the shop close to me.) I'll let you know if it gets better. How do you clean it between sessions? I usually wash it with a toothbrush and some toothpaste. @Emma: I looked online after your post and it looks like there's a place in Milan where they make custom molded mouthguards for around 150-200€. Still kind of expensive for something you should renew often... Or maybe it's a different material that lasts longer? Or since they already have your mold the next one is cheaper?
  13. I agree with michelle. Stress management is part of a training too. And stretching/yoga do wonders for me. I always take 20 minutes to myself to stretch slowly in silence at the end of a session. It's a moment of closure before rushing out to work and life problems.
  14. Damn. Stupid body needing stupid oxygen... I'll look for some deep breathing tutorials online, the only technique I know is the counting/numbers one, like: inhale, pause, exhale, pause - but I really don't know how to apply that while throwing punches...
  15. What kind do you use? How do you mold it? I have a Leone but it's not a good fit for me, I have a small palate and when I put it on it always makes the gums on my back theet bleed. (I have very sensitive gums :( ) Any suggestion about smaller/softer brands?
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