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I want to quit the gym


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After having a bad experience at one gym, I found another place to train, I’ve been training there for around six months, and everything about the gym is great. The other students, the trainers, lesson layout, the fact I can see myself progress with this gym, all good, except.. it’s about 40 miles away, so a 90 minute lesson, works out at 4.5 hours, what with traffic ( or traffic jams with rush hour ) plus petrol is costing me around £400 a month on top of member fees.

There’s a new gym opened up a lot closer to me, I know the guys running it and we get along great, they know I want to eventually fight and I’m sure they will help me achieve this ( as would the other gym )

Problem is I feel so guilty wanting to leave my gym, as they haven’t done anything to upset or annoy me, it’s purely a monetary reason

I don’t know if I should change gyms or stick where I am

( I can afford my gym, but the new one I would save about £250pm, and it’s only 20 mins away )

Anyone else had a similar experience or any advice on what to do?

( even if my gym let me train for free, I wouldn’t want that as my trainer still has to make a living, but I would still be spending lots of petrol and it’s still a lot time wise )

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I think you’re overcomplicating this. :) Unless you have a membership contract that needs breaking, there is no reason to feel guilty for moving somewhere that better suits your location. That’s too far when you have closer options that are viable.

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Maybe this can help you a bit; http://8limbs.us/muay-thai-forum/topic/236-on-changing-gyms


Maybe you just can talk about it with your current gym I think they will understand, since £250/month is not nothing :wink: and timewise also... And you pay for the training, so you should do what is the best for your progression, wallet, time, ...you aren't betraying them by choosing for yourself.
Or maybe first try the new for a short time, before making the change.

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Hey Lucy! I am also in the process of switching gyms because school and full time work is preventing me from training at my home gym. Since school is only for the summer, I plan of going to a different gym close to work for the time being. I know that my coach will understand because he knows how much I want to fight and learn from other instructors. I've actually thought about leaving for a while......The issue that I have with my home gym is that we really don't have any fighters (at all) other than myself. I want to have a group of teammates that do fight camps and fight alongside with :( Don't get me wrong, my coach is wonderful and I am truly going to miss being under his wing.

At this point, you're just going have to ask yourself, is it really worth your time to spend gas and many hours trying to go to the gym that's just too far away. This is your time and money, you should do what feels right and NO you are NOT BETRAYING the gym you're planning of leaving.

Like my current coach, he understands my situation and he wants me to learn from others, he respects my passion. I will always be forever grateful for his wisdom but in order for me to learn and grow, I must find a place that will work out for me. 

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Hey Lucy, we've had lots of experiences in changing gyms, or training at multiple gyms. This is the golden rule that we follow. Just take some time and make an experiment. You don't have to make a final or big decision all at once. Maybe tell yourself that you are going to take a month and try the new gym, with the new habits process and just see how it feels. How things feel (including all the elements you are talking about, including the drive) is maybe the most important thing in training. After a month in the new settings you'd be a much better situation to access your needs. Maybe the new gym situation isn't as great as it seems? The glow might wear off after a couple of weeks. Or, maybe the old gym will be missed, but you won't know it until you make the change for a bit. After a month think about it. You'll also know better what you'd like to say to your old gym if decide to make the change permanent.

Another option might be to blend gyms. Go to the close-by gym regularly, but take maybe 2 privates a month with your old kru. A private session might be worth the drive and money. It could be a way to maintain a good relationship.

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Also, your trainers ought to be encouraging you to try other trainers - different instructors will give you different experiences, and a different take on style, technique etc.

It's not 'betraying' your old gym at all, although I can understand why you feel like that. Just go along to the new one and give it a whirl. You might not like the atmosphere there! On the other hand you may love it!

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