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Ashley Nichols is Coming Back to Thailand - Her GoFundMe

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Ashley Nichols announced this morning that she'll be coming back to Thailand on February 23rd and created a GoFundMe for anyone who would like to donate and help her stay here and fight for as long as possible. Click here to see the page.


"In the last year, I applied one of the diploma's I earned in college to work and took a full-time job in the security field while teaching once to twice a day and training as well.  I recently competed in a world title fight with the best in the world at a Lion Fight Promotions Muaythai event. During camp, my daily schedule was 5am or 7am start to about 10pm end, 7 days a week, non stop, grinding hard. I teach and train a morning class from 530am-730am, 3 days a week; this includes class, weightlifting, and a hard running session. Next, work for 830am to about sometimes 6 or even 630pm for the 9-5 job. Afterwards, I'd go to the gym to teach and train at the same time from 7pm-9pm, and finally complete a conditioning work out at the gym or track til 10pm with the help of my team mates by my side to keep the intensity. Through out I would also travel about twice a week to Niagara falls for boxing and Georgetown for functional peak training. Although at the competition, I came out on the lesser side of the decision and lost the match, I gained great ring experience, and insight into where I want or even need to be right now if I want to continue with the momentum I've built from the match.

I spent the year out of the ring doing my best at the job I chose and was a good experience in the end.  My goal  now is to return to Thailand, train, live, and get the chance to fight each month out of Kaewsamrit Gym. I quit my job and my ticket is booked and I leave February 23, I  didn't think I'd use this funding source because I feel others are in more need, but if I can raise even a little, that will help with costs of living and training. 

I am at a point in life where I believe if I choose this one option, move to Thailand, gain experience training, living and competing as often and for as long as I can, it will contribute to the lasting legacy I wish to leave behind and build upon my return. It will contribute to strengthening the benefits of it all, and I can better share with the future generations, and the inspired  when I return. I can share the challenges, set backs, courage to continue, and all the experiences on this journey with them through teaching, work shops or seminars, and sharing the stories of a way of life that has benefited me in positive ways with a vision that they too will feel inspired, and courageous on their journey in life as well.

Through Muaythai, I have been able to commit to something meaningful, grow and set goals and achieve them, gain experience and learn from miscalculation, also breaking free from the turmoil of residential school aftermath that effected my family for generations and which I still sometimes battle today. And where often, looking back and to the future, remember the support of my first nation's community, the Muaythai community, my peers, and family, I am reminded of the work I've done to choose the right each day even when some of my past choices haven't always been the best but taught lessons. I see the significance in choosing, of cultivating positive lifestyle change, community, and staying dedicated in moving forward. When I am my authentic self, humbled, and surrounded by the culture, choosing warrior culture and working on my craft, balancing myself and preparing the best version of myself, surrounded by the lifestyle and the family I have in the Muaythai camp, I will get opportunities in the ring, and in the community to represent the camp I stay at to the complete and best of my ability. I share my gratitude with you should you see my story as inspiring or meaningful in its humbling beauty. Thank you."

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