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Struggling getting full potential out of my roundhouse

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Hi, I've been training muay thai now for roughly a year but only really became properly dedicated to training this past couple of months, all other aspects of my technique are at the level I feel they should be but my right body kick seems a bit weak, I have trouble putting my hips through the kick and really getting all my power. I have had problems with my hips as well, often getting sharp pains in the hip flexor when kicking but I have taken on a stretching regime given to me by a physio to try and remedy this, has anyone else had a similar problem or can anybody help me out in any way

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Hi, I've been training muay thai now for roughly a year but only really became properly dedicated to training this past couple of months, all other aspects of my technique are at the level I feel they should be but my right body kick seems a bit weak, I have trouble putting my hips through the kick and really getting all my power. I have had problems with my hips as well, often getting sharp pains in the hip flexor when kicking but I have taken on a stretching regime given to me by a physio to try and remedy this, has anyone else had a similar problem or can anybody help me out in any way

Hi Kavi,

Without seeing your kick I can only wager some guesses, but the issues I've had with my kick and how I've solved them have come from my standing leg and my arms, not the kicking leg itself. So if you're kicking with your right leg, the hip pain might be from trying to "turn over your hip" as we say in the west or "close your hip" as they say in Thai. If you're flat-footed, the hip pain may be a result of that. Try getting on your toes a bit more, whether or not you turn on that standing foot, getting on the ball of the foot should help. 

With the arms, keeping the opposite side from the kicking side tight to your head in guard will help your balance and then pressing your shoulder on the same side as the kicking leg as you turn will help rotate the hip without focusing at all on the actual hip. Don't lean back too much with your upper body; the turning of the shoulder should help with that a bit, too.

Let me know if any of that makes a difference. 

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Thanks for the advice sylvie, I will have to try and get a video of a couple of kicks to see what advice any one can give me, I think staying up on my toes is definitely something I need to work on and my arm position could definitely do with some work. Keep kicking ass and good luck with your next fight!

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Thanks for the advice sylvie, I will have to try and get a video of a couple of kicks to see what advice any one can give me, I think staying up on my toes is definitely something I need to work on and my arm position could definitely do with some work. Keep kicking ass and good luck with your next fight!


This is a stretch that I've used for the kick, you might want to try this too:

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Thank you so much for all your help sylvie, I can't tell you how much my kicks have improved on both legs, and I thought I was just not flexible enough, turns out it was all technique in the end, even getting some high kicks off now :) can't thank you enough!!

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Thank you so much for all your help sylvie, I can't tell you how much my kicks have improved on both legs, and I thought I was just not flexible enough, turns out it was all technique in the end, even getting some high kicks off now :) can't thank you enough!!

Cool! I'll bet you'll discover tons of little adjustments that will just keep it getting better. I'm really inflexible - can barely touch my toes - but I can kick over my head. There's a big difference between static stretching and then the explosive movement of kicking high, so I think technique can make these huge differences whereas the "just stretch more" advice is too one-dimensional. Very happy your kick is coming out more easily though!

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I find it fascinating how different instructors can try and tell you the same thing but it's all in the delivery.  The 3 phrases that stuck with me about kicking are push off the floor and move forward motion not up (I then realised I wasnt pushing with my kicking leg just flicking my hip. Secondly a student told me she imagines her standing leg as a tree with roots, strong, straight and supporting the rest of the bosy and thirdly and most amusing rather than kick up imagine my partner is a sausage and try and slice them in half with my leg! It certainly made me turn my hips over! Different things work for everyone though.Sometimes the most amazing fighters cant actually tell you how they do something it's so innate but some are brilliant at breaking it down

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  • 1 month later...

God morning, 

I have the same issue, i can suggest a partnered stretch using resistance bands.

Here is a link explaining how to execute the stretch http://rocktape.com.au/video/rockband-hip-mobility-partner/

I agree with some of the previous posts, that the focus should not be on the legs. The pelvis is already in the kicking position when you are in fighting stance. Rotation of the hips will come when the supporting leg is in the correct alignment. The power does not come from your hips, it comes from the force applied to the ground as you push off to launch the kick. Pivoting the supporting leg will allow the pelvis to be in the optimal open position. Think of kicking through the back of your opponent and as mentioned up top, not kicking up (this will engage your hip flexor instead of utilising the whole leg).

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Yeah, my trainer says to imagine that I'm cutting through him, and also to 'aim' for halfway through him or even his other side, so there's plenty of power at contact.

Actually, when I want more power I just picture A Certain Unloved Person there and bam! Cut through...

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