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Could the opposite approach to Ruup work?

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In Jiu-Jitsu there are a lot of competitors that always look tired from start to finish so you can not tell if they are tired or not which is the complete opposite of what is discussed about in how in Muay Thai you hide the fact you are tired by just not showing it which I think is what Sylvie and Kevin talk about when talking about Ruup. I would think it would be easier to just always looked tired even when your not but it probably not work for Muay Thai because of judging system style and cultural perspectives involved? 

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On 4/13/2020 at 9:47 PM, Cysole said:

I would think it would be easier to just always looked tired even when your not but it probably not work for Muay Thai because of judging system style and cultural perspectives involved? 

Ali played a lot with "just looking tired" in an exaggerated way, to buy himself time to rest, or to create dramatic reversals when he really hit the gas again. Instead of tired, great femeu fighters like Samart or Somrak instead look disinterested, or like they aren't fighting hard. They still have ruup, in the sense that they aren't staggering around, but instead they make it all look like it is effortless, and nothing is effecting them.

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I was about to bring up Ali in that first fight against Frazier as well. I don't know how Jiu Jitzu is judged, ultimately, so I can't say how looking tired would affect the impression you're giving to judges. In a 1-1 interaction with your opponent, maybe you can get the effect you're talking about that was in that Frazier/Ali fight, where he seemed to kind of dishearten Frazier a little bit by looking ready to go and then not being able to be knocked out... but I've never personally been one to be impressed in any sort of way by someone looking tired, even if they continue all through.

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