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Found 10 results

  1. Great interview by Kevin about Kero's experience training with Sylvie long term. I really like Kevin's question about what women who want to train with Sylvie should expect. I got the impression that training with Sylvie is best for someone who is self motivated and can do their own work. Sylvie is very generous with her time but she's not there to motivate anyone else or hold their hand. Sylvie will be gone from the gym fighting and filming so female fighters need to be willing to be the only woman in a thai family gym. That means being will to ask for things like sparring that male fighter receive automatically, otherwise they will be left out.
  2. The Male Gaze in Women’s MMA - Part 1: Genesis, Gina, and getting past Dana The first in a five part series from Bloody Elbow about how the male gaze, gender norms and beauty standards impact the careers of women in MMA.
  3. There will be 2 female bouts on Thai Fight Samui this Saturday. Juliana Rosa vs Phetchnapa Kiatkitiphan @ 58 kg Promo poster @muay.ying instagram account. https://www.instagram.com/p/BTZFJvnga7Z/?taken-by=muay.ying Joanna Walorska vs Mungkornkhao Pollamai-Plakad Gym @ 67 kg Promo poster @muay.ying instagram account https://www.instagram.com/p/BTZE7eoAprj/?taken-by=muay.ying How to watch Thai Fight Samui In person: Pru Chaweng, Samui Island. Free admission. Doors open at 4:00 pm, show starts around 6:20 pm. Thai TV: Channel 3 SD (33) 6:20-8:00 pm, then Channel 28 from 8:00-9:45 pm Online: It is quite easy to watch Thai TV channels through your computer. You can head over to Channel 3’s website to watch the fight streamed live (be sure to choose the HD channel)
  4. As some may know, after I published my favorable review of the Lobloo Aeroslim Female Groin Guard the company reached out to offer a 15% discount on that particular guard to any of my readers. It already was pretty reasonably priced, but this brings the price down to about $28 including free shipping anywhere in the world, so it's a pretty nice deal. Read my post on what I think about it - in short, its fantastic - and I'd love to hear feedback on it as well. The promo code on checkout is: SYLVIE-AEROSLIM You can find the Aeroslim here. It looks like this:
  5. Interview With Z1 Female Muay Thai Champion Miriam Sabot Always great to see interviews with female fighters.
  6. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/nextrondarousey-british-teenager-inspired-ufc-7086817 Article about up and coming Muay Thai amateur Dakota Ditcheva. She's considering switching to MMA because she is having a hard time finding fights. Dakota's most recent fight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWwFOmVLFw4
  7. Not sure what the rules are for Kunlun, but Valentina, who may be the best female Muay Thai fighter on the planet right now, is very confused by what seems to be a rule that you can't cross your hands, even briefly in the clinch. The ref seems to explain "no elbows" and "no clinch" before the fight. But fantastic action, fight starts at 5:24, as she tries to adjust on the fly to the rules and a very aggressive opponent. It's crazy how many female fighters seem to have negative experiences fighting in China.
  8. An excellent interview of Anne Lieberman who conducted her Fulbright research in Thailand, in part, interviewing western female fighters, including myself (back on my first visit in 2010). She's a great voice for female fighting and is a Muay Thai fighter in the NYC area now. One of the first people to inspire me to research and study Muay Thai and not just live it. https://www.themuse.com/…/fight-like-a-girl-the-role-of-wom… an excerpt: "...But there's another layer to training as a woman in Thailand—one that is more controversial—and that's about the sexual politics at play, especially between male trainers and female fighters. Few farang female fighters come and live in Thailand for extended periods of time. I had the opportunity to interview several of them, as I felt that their experience was integral to how female fighters are viewed in Thailand and how they constantly negotiate their place in a male-dominated sport. Many of them expressed that they felt some kind of sexual pressure from their trainers. The intensity varied: One woman I interviewed was almost raped, another was verbally harassed and made uncomfortable by a trainer's advances; several ended up dating their trainers. In some cases, if a woman wouldn't sleep with her trainer, this affected the kind of training she received. This is not unique to Thailand, though—these kinds of sexual dynamics take place everywhere. (The story of the woman raped by her Jiu-Jitsu instructors in Maryland is a prime example of this.) But what was unique to Thailand is that there seemed to be this perception that farang women were promiscuous partiers and that white women would (and wanted to) sleep with almost anyone. This is one of the many ways the fraught relationship between tourism and sex and sexuality in Thailand bubbles over into the Muay Thai world..."
  9. "In our first short, Director Mikka Gia focuses on four fighters (Tiffany Cass, Janice Lyn, Yumiko Kawano and Olivia Loth) training and fighting out of the Krudar Muay Thai Gym in Toronto, Canada." Love this video edit of their female fighters. More and more the images of women in film are changing. You can feel the calm intensity of their training. Their focus. Love the song choice too.
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