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DrunkenMaster last won the day on December 5 2021

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  1. Yes many low level and amateur even starter fights so with shinpads etc both boxing and Muay Thai ...in Phuket I’ve seen new people Fight but they start with no protection at all depends on what you prefer l. gyms are expensive anywhere in Bangkok you can find some for 4000-6000 ,Muay Thai academy is only 2000 a month even Chiangmai/ Phuket and most other places are 10000 a month for most gyms . If you can get down to 78kg even only for the weight in that’s mostly a day prior you will be fine to get fights and to be honest it doesn’t come that close a few kg give or take is fine I’ve seen it a lot here . ive had a lot of opportunities myself and I’m fighting around 78kg , it’s mostly about finding a trainer who cares and he will help you out I’m based in Bangkok myself but my trainer offered my fights everywhere , I think most of them are connected with promotors anyway from their past . But if you are alone I would definitely choose Bangkok more contact with other foreigners / more Thai that speak English and easy public transport (cheaper grab and taxis too in other city’s they can be way more expensive ,Chiangmai and Bangkok are the cheapest , Phuket and Pattaya really expensive) send me a pm if you want some specific info
  2. I would just visit any gym and improve you’re flaws , low kicks don’t really score and coming from a Dutch kickboxing background I also have / had a hard time adapting to Muay Thai as the middle kicks or higher are basically what scores the most
  3. I don’t understand why everyone thinks Bangkok is the most expensive ... phuket is waaaay more expensive then Bangkok you can get a condo for the same price as a shitty 1 bedroom room in Phuket + Bangkok is way more easy to get around in Phuket you will need a scooter or car . Bangkok has many smaller fights that gyms organise like Kru dam gym does every few months boxing / Muay Thai I’ve seen a fight there with big guys like 100kg+ . its all about who you know to get fights too not only how good you are skill wise or you’re weight a good promoter can organise any weight class
  4. Hello any tests required before a fight ?(in Thailand ) or it’s basicly just weight in’s (some times ) and then on with the fight ? any medical tests beforehand and how and where do I get them ? As many fights are in short notice I wonder how it works here I can’t see someone spending a bunch of money getting tested and then the fight getting cancelled. also wondering for the bigger stadions like lumpini so they get tested and what for?
  5. I’ve had contact with Rambaa only problem for me is transportation in Pattaya as I have no car or scooter and rambaa is far from anything I’m thinking about hua hin looks really cheap now on Airbnb or Chiang Mai but in Chiang mai I know lanna Muay Thai is great
  6. Hello I’m currently in Bangkok and I’m looking for a gym that’s in a cheaper area I’m almost in central Bangkok atm and the rent is to much for me ... any area with a good gym and cheaper rent ? it does NOT have to be in Bangkok I’m willing to travel the most important thing is good training , decent rent prices and convenient for food around the area, a plus would be far away doen bars and nightlife and other things like that ... Pattaya seems to be really cheap atm but not sure what gym is good to go and in a more fairly friendly area ?
  7. Hello im in. Bangkok atm im looking for a gym that offers a Muay Thai visa does anyone have recommendations? i see Fairtex offers it but it’s not clear to me if they have a gym in Bangkok or pattaya only ? im willing to travel
  8. I was thinking the same about the meal the problem is most of them always seem in a hurry to go home after training / I don’t speak any Thai and they don’t speak English so I will try to ask them to get a meal before I go home in about 6 weeks. the trainer that spends most time teaching me / holds my pads will receive a tip at the end before I go ... when they bring some snacks like dried fruit they share it with me too they already feel like family after 10 days trainingen
  9. Having a lot to worry about now so sleep isn’t great , my visa , girlfriend’s visa . no information at all and have to live say by day
  10. What is an appropriate small gift for my trainers at the gym ? I was thinking about bringing them some fruit or something like that ? Is this oké to do and will it be appreciated or will they think it’s a strange thing to do ?
  11. Im a terrible sleeper last night I had a decent sleep and training felt great
  12. Hello I’ve been training for a week now Tomorow is my 11th session.( have 1 yr experience training atleast 6x a week in gym + roadwork and conditioning by myself ) in in bkk right now and Everything in my body hurts I went all in again after a couple months of nothing due to corona ... my hands and hips hurt my power and energy seriously lack compared to the first days should I ease it up or will it improve as I keep striving to do 2 a day training sessions for about 6 more weeks while I’m in bkk ? Im 23 but feel like crap but I feel guilty not going to the gym because I love it and want to improve
  13. Does anyone know a decent and cheap gym close to Patong area ? I don’t know if I can drive so I will look for a accommodation nearby.
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