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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2024 in all areas

  1. You can look through my various articles which sometimes focuses on this: https://8limbsus.com/muay-thai-forum/forum/23-kevins-corner-muay-thai-philosophy-ethics/ especially the article on Muay Thai as a Rite. The general thought is that Thailand's traditional Muay Thai offers the world an important understanding of self-control in an era which is increasingly oriented towards abject violence for entertainment. There are also arguments which connect Muay Thai to environmental concerns.
    1 point
  2. I was a student there for 2 years straight, the longest of any foreigner there. I loved it. I grew a lot, you chose well.
    1 point
  3. Hello everyone! I just joined the group. I fractured one rib at training for a stupid drill, today I find myself thinking if maybe it’s better I quit Muay Thai. I am a female, 31yo started 1 year ago for self defence, I suck at it and it’s frustrating me so much because I love this sport but I still can’t perform a roadhouse kick, is that normal ? What’s your advice ?
    1 point
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