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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2023 in all areas

  1. I'd say it largely depends on your personal endurance, how much time you need to heal/recover from a fight, and your gyms ability/willingness to find you a suitable match/promotion regularly. Are you wanting to fight in stadiums or at small village night markets? I'll share a few of my observations... The Thai stadium fighters I know fight once a month on average. Their routine is... fight, take 3-7 days off away from the gym to recover, return to gym to live/train for 3-weeks, fight. But I've also seen them fight as many as 3x in 3-weeks and 2x in 1-month. For example, they might fight 2x in a stadium then 1x at a village festival to help bolster the promotion and gambling action. You just hope the fighter doesn't sustain an injury that messes with their stadium circuit obligations. Without knowing any more information about your situation, I'd say you could realistically expect to fight anywhere from 1-3 times depending on how favorable everything goes for you. Go for it and report back with your results.
    2 points
  2. While I can't give any Muay-Thai-specific info on this, there are some resources and communities in Thailand that might be useful for you. There's a Facebook page for trans men in Thailand that you might want to reach out to, TRAns Man Peers - TRAMP เพื่อนทรานส์แมน. The content is mostly in Thai, but I'm sure they'd be happy to help if you sent them some questions in English. I'd also recommend contacting Young Pride Club, either on Facebook or IG. It's run by student activists who have been putting on lots of community events in Thailand. There's also the TEAK - Trans Empowerment page. ILGAAsia is also a good resource for information on trans rights here. I hope this helps!
    1 point
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