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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2020 in all areas

  1. Hey guys im new, I have a technique question. there at alot of different voices on the correct kicking technique, e.g. i saw samart saying.. always straight leg (both legs) and pull the kicking leg bag quicker. and I've seen one with singdam saying to bend the knees slightly (to not over flex the knees??), to put myself on the spot.. ive provided a video of me kicking a bag. i do have alot of other questions but i thought i'd take the plunge . thanks. john. video-1586170597.mp4
    1 point
  2. I've found the blending of the feminine and the masculine within Muay Thai (from my very fresh eyes mind you) to be one of the most fascinating things about it. As a person who's learned more and more about my own identity as time has gone on, finding a focus and a confidence through this art makes it a powerful space for me. Knowing that Saenchai exists right along side Buakaw, that -Grace Balance and Beauty- are just as important as -Power Speed Resilience-, that it's a dance as much as it is a martial art. I'm just in love! This community seems to capture all the complexity of that. Blessed I've landed here amongst you.
    1 point
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  4. As mentioned above, all gyms in Aus are closed now, all events cancelled. My gym was hoping to organise some outdoor sessions with small numbers, but public gatherings are limited to two people now. So just have to be patient...
    1 point
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