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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2019 in all areas

  1. I'm very tall and thin and I like Boon shinguards a lot.
    1 point
  2. The gym's not there anymore, sadly. Kevin posted about it in another topic earlier this year. Kevin von Duuglas-Ittu Posted June 2 'Yes, Somrak has been on everyone's list, including our own! We got very, very close to filming with him when he had his own gym in Bangkok. We visited and filmed there (he wasn't around, so we filmed with some of his trainers), and then we visited again just to talk with him, and how do I say this delicately...he was several sheets to the wind, but kind of amazing. He said then he doesn't train people anymore, at all really, and we got the sense that he spent almost all his time in the part of the gym where chicken fighting was being done. But, he took Sylvie in and said yes, he would definitely film with her for the project (photo below). So, we were almost there! But, he then lost his gym in a very heavy gambling debt (I think). We literally drove up to it before the news broke and it was completely bulldozed. Like it was nothing but a lot. Without a gym, and with probably a somewhat carefree lifestyle, it will take some doing to get to the place where we can film with him. My own intuition is that this is something not to rush or push, but to just let it naturally evolve. When it happens it will be special. '
    1 point
  3. He teaches out of 13 Coins in Bangkok. Contact Sylvie, she can set up a session for you. https://web.facebook.com/pg/sylviemuaythai/
    1 point
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