Forty-Forth Fight – Faa Chiang Rai
May 20, 2013May 18th, 2013 – This rematch was suggested immediately following the draw between Faa Chiang Rai and I on my 41nd fight in Mae Wang, but it took a few negotiations to actually come through on... -
Motorbikes and Chiang Mai – Residency, Purchasing a Honda Wave, Helmets
May 19, 2013Chiang Mai Motorbike Culture Chiang Mai is a motorbike city. Where I come from in Colorado, folks love to ride their motorcycles along the big roads between developments and on the winding roads over mountains... -
The New Lanna Muay Thai – Renovations and a Blessing [+vid]
May 14, 2013Blessing Ceremony and Tour Changes at Lanna Muay Thai – Kiat Busaba Starting just after Songkran (mid April) Lanna gym-owner Pom started taking a hammer to... -
Forty-Third Fight – Phetmuangfang Sor. Sor. Chiangmai
May 10, 2013It’s a surprise to nobody by now that I fight frequently. So, as the tape was being peeled off my hands at my fight on the 1st I asked Den if I could fight again in... -
The Beauties of Muay Thai – Female Muay Thai Image, Culture and Market
May 6, 2013(aired 4/23/2013 on Thai television – translation & subtitling is mine) Sud Suay Muay Thai I first became aware of this video the day after it aired on Channel 7 by a British woman who trains... -
The History of Women’s MMA [vid] – Filmmaker Cynthia Vance
May 3, 2013Female Imagery – Female Filmmaking Rare is it that women get to be strongly involved in the shaping of the images of women fighters. Watch this remarkable “History of WMMA” by Cynthia Vance it’s beautiful.... -
Forty-Second Fight – Nong Kwang Wor. Suwan
May 2, 2013May 1, 2013 – I waited for this fight the way a kid waits for Christmas. And it took forever because, unlike Christmas, it had a few false starts. The stadium where I normally fight is... -
If/Then – Mental Training Technique for Fighting and Muay Thai
April 28, 2013I wrote a blog post on How You Know When You’re Ready To Fight in order to cover some of the things I often discuss with folks at the gym (or online) who would like to... -
What I’m Working On – Late April
April 27, 2013It’s been a while since I’ve contributed to this series and now is a good time to continue. In general I’m still working on the things I’m always working on, which are getting kicks online, boxing... -
Reading Notes “Toms and Dees” by Megan Sinnott – Part 1
April 25, 2013Why Toms and Dees? On more than one occasion I’ve heard from one of the men or teenaged males who corner for my fights that I will be fighting, “a tomboy.” This information is always delivered...