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Ring Control - Advice, Videos and Patreon Suggestions

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43 minutes ago, LONGLONG said:


Looking for advice/videos/patreon videos on how 

control the ring, stay off the ropes, cutting off the ring and creating angles.


Thanks very much

These are 27 Muay Thai Library sessions filtered out with some Emphasis on Ring Control:

Ring Control: Muay Thai Library

You can see these filtered out on the Posts Page of Sylvie's Patreon, and scrolling down. You can see tags there, it looks like this:

Ring Control.PNG


One session that really sticks out in my memory is Kru San of Sitmonchai, you can see that session here:

#33 Kru San Sitmonchai - Control of Pace & Distance when Advancing  (56 min)

There are lots in that list though. If you really want to dive in you can watch the Intensive Series Sylvie did with Karuhat, which is over 30 hours long. It's not all ring control, but large portions of it are. Karuhat has a whole system of leading the opponent where he wants him to be, limiting options, and then striking where they are going. Intensive Series here.


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His footwork is the best lol. I seriously love it so much. I dunno, I just "get it" (I think so anyways). I'm torn between his footwork and Namsaknoi's for my favorite (they are very different, but I love both). There is so much balance/power coiled up in there but at the same time it's hard to follow where he is going if you are busy watching his shoulders or head. Every thing comes from his feet off the back foot but with almost equal balance, then the hips follow almost right on top of it. It fucks everything up from a distance standpoint, nothing is consistent. He can be both closer or much further away from you than you would expect. I also really like how he turns both feet out, not many people do that. I'd be curious to know if that is based in Muay Korat style or if he calls that his own. In his movement there are full steps, half beats, feints, etc. Just the general basic movement is a lie, and it's absolutely beautiful. 

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2 hours ago, Tyler Byers said:

I'd be curious to know if that is based in Muay Korat style or if he calls that his own. In his movement there are full steps, half beats, feints, etc. Just the general basic movement is a lie, and it's absolutely beautiful. 

99% sure it is just his own. He told us he pretty much invented his Muay Thai after success with a single kind of elbow. People started just waiting for it, because his reputation grew, so he had to invent a complete Muay Thai to make elbows possible from any position. I'm sure he would say that he just created it. Karuhat tells us the same thing about his footwork. Nobody taught him, it came from nowhere.

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4 hours ago, Kevin von Duuglas-Ittu said:

99% sure it is just his own. He told us he pretty much invented his Muay Thai after success with a single kind of elbow. People started just waiting for it, because his reputation grew, so he had to invent a complete Muay Thai to make elbows possible from any position. I'm sure he would say that he just created it. Karuhat tells us the same thing about his footwork. Nobody taught him, it came from nowhere.

Hahaha that's such a Thai answer.... I should have re-worded that. I would be curious to know if there is a base to this from a documented style or if it is truly unique. Like some of Karuhat's stuff is truly "Karuhat style" (the way he folds elbows in while climbing people), but it's also based in very old technique that he may not have been consciously drawing from.

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