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Found 5 results

  1. Phetjeeja fought Anissa Meksen for a ONE FC interim atomweight kickboxing title 12/22/2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu92S6-V5y0&ab_channel=ONEChampionship Fight starts at 45:08 Phetjeeja won on points. Not being able to clinch really handicapped her. I was afraid the ref was going to start deducting points for clinch fouls.
  2. Long time martial arts practioner/teacher (karate/jujutsu/mma/kickboxing) Health club cancelled my program about 4 years ago so I said "I quit teaching" and enrolled at my friends gym. He calls what he does Dutch muay thai and I assumed that meant the style of muay thai done by the Dutch. I had occasion to train at a gym recently who had to say "Dutch" muay thai is a sloppy perversion of Thai muay thai and cannot be considered "real" muay thai. You all are practitioners of what I understand to be muay thai from Thailand so I've got to ask what are your views on Dutch muay thai: Garbage done by the Dutch OR I don't care what it's called, if they hit me good for them if I stop them and hit them better for me. I have a thick skin so I won't be insulted by anyone calling it garbage. I like my friend's gym, his coaching style, the people training with me and I'm learning stuff. He could call it Combat Ballet for all I care.
  3. I am interested in eventually getting a custom skirt. I'm envisioning the Gladiator style with built-in compression shorts. I've talked to Defila Sport and they price a customized Muay Thai skirt starting at $200.00. Does anyone have recommendations on where to go or look for custom shorts or skirts?
  4. I'm listening to Joe Rogan's podcast with Dominick Cruz. If you're familiar with Dominick Cruz, Cruz is well-known for having a unique style, a style that is both offensive and defensive. It got me thinking about styles in fighting - how people develop them, when they develop them, etc. I'm wondering, do you consider yourself to have a specific style? How would you describe it and how did you develop it? When did you start to notice that you had (or were in development) of a style?
  5. https://youtu.be/O06JQiVDvwc I like Kenshin, and I think this video is worth watching -- in fact, better for you to watch it before reading my thoughts. I have a quibble, though. I thought I'd post about it here, since he frequents this forum and might join in. I was a bit put off when he started explaining why Somchai was winning exchanges, especially in the clinch. Judging by his name, Somchai trained muay thai, and therefore clinch work. I don't know much about Rijker beyond that sports science episode, but most kickboxers literally don't know how to clinch at all -- or know the inactive clinch of a boxer. Maybe one factor was that only one of them knew what they were doing in the clinch, and not only a difference in strength? I do think there are some physical differences between women and men, but I think we're often too eager to attribute gaps in athletic performance to biology. And I don't mean only in this specific case. When people are explaining how much stronger/faster men are than women, much of their evidence has very little explanatory power. To take an example. Let's say we compare the top marathon times for men and for women. The men's times are substantially faster: the fifteenth fastest man finished about 6 minutes faster than the first fastest woman, and about 22 minutes faster than the fifteenth fastest woman. That's a pretty big gap. But nothing here helps us understand which factors had the greatest influence on the result. For instance: Inherent biological differences between women and men of the same height/weight (maybe hip shape, for instance) Biological difference across populations (men are taller on average, although a given man is not necessarily taller than a given woman) Differences in talent pool (there are almost certainly many more men than women who run marathons. The top 15 out of a pool of 5 million are going to be faster than the top 15 out of a pool of 500 thousand. You get the same effect when you look at the number of olympic medals held by large nations vs small nations.) Differences in training (for various social reasons, it might be that one group trains with greater frequency or higher quality on average) There's absolutely no reason to think that factors 1 and 2 are having a greater effect than 3 and 4. And yet all I hear about, over and over, all day, is how women can't expect to beat men in fights because of biology. Maybe there are some other things going on, too.
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