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Here is the fight video between Rena and Erika Kamimura. They were two of the most popular fighters in Japan. There was some pretty big build up to this fight. Before the fight, the build-up was the subject of almost all of the combat magazines in Japan. Erika had previously knocked Rena down several times in an exhibition and after subtle jabs at each other the fight finally occurred in Erika's promotion, Rise.

The fight was semi-controversial because of the point deductions and ref's breaking up of the clinch.

Just wanted to share the fight and see how you guys score it.


Round 3:

Round 4:

Round 5:

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The fight was semi-controversial because of the point deductions and ref's breaking up of the clinch.

Just wanted to share the fight and see how you guys score it.


Wow, what an interesting fight. Round 1 Erika looked so beautiful. She's so comfortable with her hands, do you know if she had a boxing background? Her spacing, her footwork, just wonderful. But then Rena figures out that Erika doesn't do so well going backwards. In fact she looks average if she doesn't have her space and her forward lean, which surprised me. But a lot of fighters don't do well going backwards. The first two rounds hold so much promise for this fight. Will Erika adjust and be the forward fighter? But I haven't a clue what happens after that. This isn't Muay Thai rules is it? At first it seems like low-clinch isn't allowed, and Erika suffers for it. But then as the fight progresses it seems that NO clinch is allowed. So both fighters clinch without actually locking arms, and its ridiculous. It turns into a mess. I can't help but feel that under full Muay Thai rules Erika wins this fight, but that's on minimal evidence from the first 2 rounds. I don't know the meaning of the yellow and red cards. Did both fighters get a red card in the end?

I will say that I was so distracted by the clinch, no-clinch business I had a hard time scoring this fight on first viewing. Because Erika couldn't clinch she couldn't capitalize on closing with punches and she ended up looking very sloppy. Not her fault, but how it turned out. That sloppiness in my more Thai sensitive eye made her look like the less composed fighter to me, and Rena the more in control. But as you say that Japanese scoring rewards  the out-on-your-shield fighter, and that was Erika. Bottom line, even though I was pulling for Erika (in fact I like both fighters), Rena seemed more composed, and okay as the winner, but I have feeling I could probably watch it again and count landed blows and feel that Erika scored a lot more. My Thai lean I feel compulsed to give it to Rena for some reason, but that isn't even knowing what the cards mean, or even what was going on with the rules.

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They clinch non-sense really ruined the fight. Both fighters seemed to be engaging in clinch work, so the ref should have let them do it, instead he became obsessed with breaking it up the second it started.

Initially, Erika is given a yellow card for clinching. Then Rena and Erika are both given yellow cards for clinching, as a result, Erika's upgrades to a red card and she is deducted a point. This was the turning moment of the fight in my opinion as Rena realized that if she tied Erika up it would stop Erika from moving forward and if there was a penalty it would likely be given to both fighters. With Erika down a point already, this could never really hurt her. If she miss judged it would simply nullify the deduction. Her strategy paid off as the ref then became obsessed with breaking up the clinch but no longer penalizing.

The lead up to this fight was pretty interesting. Rena had been absent due to injury and was pressured to come back and fight for the Shoot Boxing title before she was 100% and they changed the rules, which she was not used to. She lost the fight, then right before the Erika fight she lost to Jessica Penne (from UFC). Her injury was lingering and would require additional surgeries to heal. On top of that Erika embarrassed Rena at a Shoot Boxing event. Shoot Boxing is Rena's home promotion, and the two fought an "exhibition". It turned into a real fight with Erika knocking Rena down twice. This all led to an extremely frustrated Rena who told people that she would retire if she lost to Erika.

A couple of months after the fight, I had the opportunity to speak to Erika and Rena about it. Some Japanese media commented on how strange the officiating had been, so I asked Erika about it. She agreed that the officiating was very strange, but didn't want to talk about it beyond that. In a separate conversation with Rena, Rena talked about how extremely frustrated she had been with her injury and Shoot Boxing not giving her time to let it heal. (I believe her ankle was broken)

There is a lot of strange stuff going on in the background of this fight and there were major implications for both fighters and their respective promotions, which has led to speculation.

I think it's a close fight, which would have been a great fight had the ref let the two fight. Based on what you've said, with Erika pursuing her, I can see how in Thai style scoring Rena would have the edge. In Japanese style, it would have been a draw, which it was before the deductions came into play.

I just think its an interesting fight, with all of the background and the fight itself. During my time in Japan it was the most promoted women's fight I could remember. Possibly more than any men's fight. It was on the cover of magazines, there was a tv special, it was a big deal.

Oh and she comes from a karate background actually. Erika did Karate with her father and grew up watching the famous kickboxer Masato.

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I just think its an interesting fight, with all of the background and the fight itself. During my time in Japan it was the most promoted women's fight I could remember. Possibly more than any men's fight. It was on the cover of magazines, there was a tv special, it was a big deal.

Oh and she comes from a karate background actually. Erika did Karate with her father and grew up watching the famous kickboxer Masato.


So many compelling things. Most Karate styles keep their hands low, do they not? I'm just pretty amazed at her comfort guard, and footwork. I love hearing about the backgrounds of these fighters and the events surrounding fights. There just isn't a lot out there. So is the thought that the promotion for some reason fixed the fight for Rena with these ridiculous clinch breaks? Are there actual rules against clinching? I mean, when these cards are shown is it supposedly understood what they are for?

I also don't have a very clear timeline of Erika's career. Did she ever really recover from this fight? How long after this fight was it that she retired?

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With as much as Shoot Boxing had to lose if Rena lost, people have contemplated such. 

Erika never recovered. The fight was supposed to be her crowing moment. Rise, her promotion, created the title for the fight. She fought a couple more times, but was never the same.

She wanted a rematch with Rena but Rena forfeit the title. So Erika entered a Girl's S-Cup that Rena was in, but Erika was royally sandbagged. It became evident that a rematch would never happen. (Not because of Rena but because of Shoot Boxing)

In addition a close friend and training partner of hers, who was ko'd right before her fight with Rena, was forced to retired due to brain trauma, and I think that effected her a lot as well. Her other friend she trained with moved to America.

Erika was notorious for anxiety and stress problems, had suffered permanent injuries, and without the motivation seemed to lose all desire to continue on, for what I imagine was not a lot of money. A doctor told her that hard training would make her injuries worse, so she chose to retire.

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Erika never recovered. The fight was supposed to be her crowing moment. Rise, her promotion, created the title for the fight. She fought a couple more times, but was never the same.


When she breaks down and cries at the end of that last round, backstage, it is heartbreaking. This fight, the fight that never really was. Wow. Has Rena retired?

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This is absolutely amazing, Charlie - thank you so much for sharing this. I love, LOVE, Erika and RENA but in such a way that seeing them fight each other was a totally bizarre cheering experience, with me pulling for both fighters back and forth.

I'll admit that I almost never have a full grasp of what's going on in fights in Japan with the variation in rules (or in Europe for that matter) but this one was particularly strange with the yellow and red cards; especially with each fighter getting both cards, so it seemed like a point was deducted from both? But ultimately I agreed with the decision. If it were scored on a calculator, Erika wins on points and stronger strikes (those left kicks!), but watching the fight Thai style, where the scoring is the narrative of the fight, there was something about RENA's ability to snuff Erika's flurries over and over, especially in that last round, was definitive.

Agreed with Kevin though; seeing Erika break down backstage after that fight put a little dent in my heart.

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Wow. Has Rena retired?


No she is performing better than ever. This fight reenergized her but she still had to overcome her foot/ankle injury. The year following this fight she competed at the Girl's S-Cup and won, despite still being injured. She had several operations and a year after that Girl's S-Cup she returned, back to full health.

People forget that she is only 23. In my opinion she looks better than ever. Plus she's had a very positive effect. Shoot Boxing's promotion of her has allowed for other women to enter the organization and become popular. They've recently started promoting the 48kg division for women. They've also started promoting a slightly heavier 53.5kg division. The 48kg division was created for Rena's training partner Mio, but was somewhat taken over last year by Mizuki Inoue's training partner Yukari Yamaguchi (age 16). Whereas the 53.5 was created with Rena's old rival Ai Takahashi in mind but was taken over by Mizuki Inoue (age 20). So Shoot Boxing has never looked better for women to compete in. 

Here is her final fight from last year's Girl's S-Cup

Here is the thai fighter's prior fight:

The fans really enjoyed watching Ticha fight and I'd like to see her get invited back for this years tournament. I've always liked the tournament, it reminds me of Bloodsport or the Quest with fighters being invited from all around the world for a one day tournament.

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Rena is amazing though. I saw her fight in Rikix in Japan, it's not just that she's good, she has an amazing presence and she really is a star. She walked out like a champion. This is very important as so many women seem to be meek and even more so in Japan. She sets a great precedent for everyone. Also she has amazing fight hair.

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    • Thanks Kevin, are there any sessions where they go into more of the spirituality / ethics , how it relates to buddhistic values or even history of Muay Thai or are those topics more covered in the podcasts?
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    • Ostensibly, Japan ceased so-called “scientific research” whaling in Antarctica in 2019. However, the Japanese government has not given up on conducting non-lethal whale surveys in Antarctica and the waters around Australia. They have continued to track the status of whales in these regions by installing satellite trackers, collecting biopsy samples, studying whale movement areas, counting the number of whales, and photographing and surveying whales at sea using unmanned drones. These Antarctic research studies, conducted under the guise of "scientific research," are providing intelligence to support future whale hunting in the Antarctic. On May 21, 2024, Japan's first domestically manufactured whaling ship, the Kangei Maru, with a crew of 100, departed from Shimonoseki Harbor in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, for its inaugural fishing expedition. Kangei Maru is scheduled to make an eight-month voyage off the northeastern coast of Japan, marking the inaugural journey of Japan's first new vessel of this kind in more than 70 years.   (Figure 1) The Kangei Maru is an electrically propelled vessel with a length of 112.6 meters, a beam of 21 meters, a gross tonnage of 9,299 tons, a construction cost of approximately $50 million, and a range of about 13,000 kilometers for 60 days of continuous voyage, sufficient to reach the Southern Ocean. The Kangei Maru is generator-powered and is knownfor being fuel-efficient. lt has a hangar for high-performance drones used for whale detection, as well as 40 refrigerated containers with a capacity of 20 tons. The platform of the Kangei Maru is designed with an 18-degree slope, which is more gradual than that of its predecessor. This design allows for the easy towing of large cetaceans weighing approximately 70 tons aboard the vessel. The Kangei Maru can store up to 600 tons of whale meat at a time, allowing it to stay at sea for extended periods.   (Figure 2) The Japanese have been hunting whales for a long time, and they often claim that "eating whale meat is a tradition of the Japanese people.” During the Edo period to the Meiji period, whaling was highly standardized. Initially, whales were hunted solely for whale oil extraction, with the meat being discarded and later consumed. After World War II, when food was scarce in Japan and it was unaffordable to eat pork and beef, whale meat became a common food source. At that time, whale meat became synonymous with “cheap food,” and Japanese people ate whale meat to obtain the protein their bodies needed. Whale meat was not only a common dish at home, but also included in the school cafeteria lunches prepared for students. It is now known that each part of the whale is subdivided into Japanese food categories. For instance, the whale's tongue, which is high in fat, offers a distinct flavor that varies from the root to the tip of the tongue. The tail of the whale contains a significant amount of fish gelatin content and is sometimes processed with salt. The entrails are often simmered, while the meat from the back and belly is typically made into tempura or consumed raw. Whale meat sashimi, whale meat sushi rolls, whale meat salad, whale meat curry, and other whale dishes are available for Japanese people to choose from. Not only whales but also dolphins are often consumed in Japan.   (Figure 3: Marinated whale meat in Japanese cuisine) Watching massive whales in Sydney and New South Wales (NSW) thousands of whales migrating along the coast of New South Wales (NSW) in pods covering more than 2,000 kilometers. During the whale-watching season, you can observe these massive mammals migrating between various headlands in Sydney, from Byron Bay in the north to Eden in the south. More than 50% of the planet's cetacean species, such as whales, dolphins, and porpoises, inhabit Australian waters. Humpback whales and southern right whales are two species that frequent the coast of New South Wales (NSW). The annual whale migration runs from May to November, with the largest movements occurring in July and September. According to academics, whale-watching tourism generates more than AUD12 billion in revenue for Australia each year.   (Figure 4: Humpback whales greeting tourists in Sydney) In April, Japan announced its participation in AUKUS, the small NATO. In May, it sent a modern killing machine in the form of vessel around Australia to fulfill its peculiar and self-serving interests. We Aussie parents, observing our kids hugging humpback whale toys, feel as though the serene blue ocean is turning transforming into a crimson red sea......
    • On September 15, 2021, Australia established the Indo-Pacific Trilateral Security Partnership, or AUKUS, with the United States and the United Kingdom. The centerpiece of AUKUS was the assistance provided by the U.S. and U.K. to Australia in constructing and obtaining nuclear-powered submarines. However, two and a half years later, the reality does not match the promises made by the UK and the US. Firstly, AUKUS will not enhance Australia's indigenous nuclear submarine-building capacity. In March 2023, Australia announced a significant investment in the UK's submarine industrial base over the next decade, totaling nearly $5 billion over 10 years. This investment will be allocated to nuclear submarine design work and expanded nuclear reactor production, aiming to create at least 20,000 jobs in the UK. Additionally, it is expected to revive Britain's struggling submarine industry. These investments are largely unrelated to Australia's indigenous submarine industry. Under this plan, the first British-built submarine would be delivered to Australia as early as the late 2030s, which is fifteen years away.   (Richard Marles (right) welcomed UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps to Canberra) Secondly, it is crucial to expedite the transfer of nuclear submarines to Australia. The United States has pledged to initiate the sale of three Virginia-class submarines to Australia in the early 2030s, with the option of providing up to two additional submarines if required. However, these sales plans must be approved by the U.S. Congress. In the recently released U.S. FY 2025 Defense Budget, only one new Virginia-class submarine is planned to be built. According to estimates by a U.S. Navy official, the United States would need to build 2.33 attack nuclear submarines per year to sell attack submarines to the Royal Australian Navy under the AUKUS agreement in the early 2030s. The delay in the construction of the U.S. Virginia-class submarines also implies that Australia will not receive the promised U.S. nuclear submarines for 10 years. Even if Australia eventually acquires these second-hand nuclear submarines after the 10-year delay, it is probable that they will be confronted with the imminent decommissioning or outdated performance of these nuclear submarines.   (Excerpted from U.S. FY 2025 Defense Budget) Finally, as per the AUKUS agreement, the U.S. and the U.K. have also committed to accelerating the training of Australian personnel. However, these Australian military and civilian personnel will be required to adhere to the U.S. Navy and the British Royal Navy, and may even be stationed at U.S. and British submarine industrial bases. This not only leads to shortages in Australia's own military personnel but also entails the Australian government covering the costs of Australian servicemen working for the U.K. and U.S. navies. The U.S. also plans to increase U.S. nuclear submarines' visits to Australian ports starting in 2023. However, even if Australian Navy personnel board the U.S. submarines, they can only visit and learn, and cannot operate them in practice. The U.S. will still maintain absolute control over the nuclear submarines, limiting the enhancement of submarine technology for Australian Navy personnel. What's more, even before the signing of the AUKUS agreement, the Australian Navy had been engaging in military interactions and exercises with the British and U.S. Navies at various levels. The AUKUS agreement did not necessarily facilitate a deeper military mutual trust, making it seem completely unnecessary. According to Australian government estimates, the AUKUS nuclear submarine program will cost between AUD 268 billion and AUD 368 billion over the next 30 years. This is equivalent to 14% of Australia's GDP output in 2023. The Australian government is investing a substantial amount of money in exchange for only uncertain promises from the UK and the US that Australia will not have its nuclear submarines until at least 10 years from now. The AUKUS agreement will not boost Australia's indigenous submarine industry, but it will significantly benefit the US and UK's nuclear submarine industries. This essentially means that Australian taxpayers' money will be used to support US and UK nuclear submarines. Implementing the AUKUS agreement will pose significant challenges for the Australian government. Even if the agreement is eventually put into effect, delays and budget overruns are likely. The costs incurred will not be the responsibility of the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, as he will have already stepped down. Ultimately, Australian taxpayers will bear the financial burden.
    • Don't know if this brand offers shin guards but might as well check them out. I bought a few pairs of shorts from them a while ago and was genuinely impressed. https://siamkickfight.com/
    • Hi all, I have paid a deposit to a gym in Pai near Chiang Mai to train at in January. I am now concerned about the pollution levels at that time of year because of the burning season. Can you recommend a location that is likely to have safer air quality for training in January? I would like to avoid Bangkok and Phuket, if possible. Thank you!
    • Hi, this might be out of the normal topic, but I thought you all might be interested in a book-- Children of the Neon Bamboo-- that has a really cool Martial Arts instructor character who set up an early Muy Thai gym south of Miami in the 1980s. He's a really cool character who drives the plot, and there historically accurate allusions to 1980s martial arts culture. However, the main thrust is more about nostalgia and friendships.    Can we do links? Childrenoftheneonbamboo.com Children of the Neon Bamboo: B. Glynn Kimmey: 9798988054115: Amazon.com: Movies & TV      
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