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General - Roundtable | men and women


  1. Our Announcements - Forum Updates and Info

    Get to know the Roundtable. Read the latest forum updates and what we are thinking about. Help design the community.

  2. Muay Thai Technique, Training and Fighting Questions

    Sharing experiences and knowledge about training and fighting in Muay Thai, as well as technical questions and answers. Mental training is also a part of this.

  3. Gym Advice and Experiences

    Sylvie gets a lot of questions about gyms in Thailand. We only have our own experiences to go on, but the community can help inform others too. Thoughts on gyms can go here.

  4. Open Topics - men and women - General Muay Thai Discussion and News

    This is a catch all for posts of any topic related to Muay Thai fighting arts, Thailand, News and Events, gendered experiences, etc. that don't fit into the other categories. When in doubt, just post here.

  5. Archive of Muay Thai Magazines, Photographs & Articles

    A place for threads documenting, preserving and discussing Thai documentation of the art and sport of Muay Thai. Post not-easily-found documentation, help with translation.

  6. Patreon Muay Thai Library Conversations

    Here you can discuss anything related to the Patreon Muay Thai Library - Preserve The Legacy project. Session reviews, questions on particular sessions, opening links of discussion, suggestions for sessions to be filmed and just things that you've learned and loved.

  7. Thailand Culture Experiences & POVs

    If you'd like to open a discussion on your experiences, or if you have questions about Muay Thai culture in Thailand or Thai Culture in general, here is the place to post.

  8. The Fights of Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu with Commentary

    All my fights are live streamed on my Facebook Page but Kevin also films with a much better camera to which I add commentary. Here where you can keep up on my impossible goal of fighting a World Record 471 documented professional fights, thought to be an 'untouchable' record. My complete fight record is here.

  9. Kevin's Corner - Muay Thai, Philosophy & Ethics

    A corner of the Roundtable where Kevin (Sylvie's husband) can assemble his wide-ranging thoughts on Muay Thai, history, ethics and Philosophy and invite discussion.

  10. Discussing What Makes Great Muay Thai Photography

    A subforum where Muay Thai photographers and interested others can discuss this photography genre, and can post their best photos - and even if they like upload higher resolution versions so others can appreciate all the details IG and Facebook lose. Feel free to add links to your streams, photo specs and commentary, or share photography that you admire.

  11. 1+1 Keto And Muay Thai Athlete Nutrition

    I have followed a 1+1 Keto approach which is a version of the ketogenic diet - low, low carb, high fats, moderate protein - plus fasting every other day. It's not for everyone. Discuss this and all other dietary nutrition topics as related to training and fighting. Questions and shared experiences.

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