Muay Thai Bones grew out of the discussions that Kevin and I have, all the time, about all things Muay Thai. It’s endless. Usually we’re driving across Thailand, returning from a fight (as that’s generally when we travel) and we have hours upon hours in the car. This episode is in the midst of the Covid-19 shutdowns all over the world, so we’re sitting on the balcony of our rented room in Chiang Mai. Different setting, but still almost 3 hours of discussion. I rather enjoyed this way of doing it because Kevin and I can actually look at each other (without risking crashing the car, for example), which is how we talk about things when we’re not filming it. It also was filmed as night fell, so you can watch the light change as you would if you were sitting here with us. Feel the heat of the air, like long dinner conversations with friends. I really like it.
episode 15
- 1. The fate of Muay Thai in Thailand (Covid-19], the fate of gyms
- 2. Yoniso – the Buddhistic concept applied to Muay Thai
- 3. Heart rate and skill level
- 4. Skill stacks and fighting out of “prison”
- 5. Muay Thai doesn’t exist anymore
- 6. Legends and their Top 5 Greatest lists
Watch the full episode 15 Muay Thai Bones podcast on YouTube
Some Referenced Material in the Podcast:
*a correction, the theory came from Greg Jackson, not Winklejohn
“Lessons from Rousey: Fight Stacks and Sylvie’s Muay Thai Clinch Game”

The Chamuakpet vs Sangtiennoi Watch With Me
“No Such Thing as Tough – Psycho-Physio Plateaus in Fight Stress”

Mad Scientist of Muay Thai | Andy Thomson – 56 min
Top 5 Greatest Muay Thai Fighters As Picked By Legends – Playlist

All the Muay Thai Bones Podcasts are found in this playlist, below
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