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Muay Thai Bones ep 22 - On Thai Technique, Mechanization, Precision and Correction

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On 9/28/2021 at 8:29 PM, AlexN said:

Yet in the analogy we are assuming we have varying degrees of knowledge of the topics. (German language, German idealism, hegels relationship to other philosophers) And if you did not have these things you wouldn't be able to get off the starting line. Let's go even further if none of you had any prior knowledge but knew where to look you would be looking at Hegel scholars who are individuals who have "special insight".

I hear you, but also understand that probably the most intense, most satisfying reading experience I ever had was as a child having found my mother's Critique of Pure Reason in the garage among so many dusty books - I was maybe 10 years old? - and trying to decipher that text painfully, without any context, as a 10 year old brain, sentence by sentence, almost word by word. I have no idea how far I got into it, but I was at it for months. I suspect I didn't learn very much about Kant's critique but it bestowed on me in the most powerful way a love for the hieroglyphics of Philosophy's over-specialized language, and led to to reading unending volumes throughout my young adulthood years up into my 30s and even 40s. That absolute incoherence, and my belief that special meaning was there, in those words gave me something that empowered my mind more than any cribnotes on Kant ever could. To this day it's a very special memory.

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