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Found 2 results

  1. Hey all, new here I am a long-time lover of Muay Thai. As most I got into it with Tony jaa movies lol. Now buakaw/rodtang and Sylvie I am not trained mind you (I did have a couple month stint with a self trained Muay Thai guy in job corps, like 10 years back. yes not ideal at all but ehh I took what I got.) now I’m 31 5’5” 125lbs had a dual laparoscopic hernia surgery last year( from labor Intensive jobs, FedEx, Lowes Garden center trees, rocks, soil etc)(pretty bad diet of shit I am trying to work on that) had a micro preemie birth 1lb 4oz, 23 weeks gestation (5 weeks I think,) 3.5 months in a incubator, class 3 brain bleed (hemorrhage,) and intestinal rupture, I have mild cerebral palsy (muscle weakness) on my right side (both arm and leg) so my power side is my left, ALL that happened at birth...it’s crazy I’m alive at all lmao... all that being said, Potentially given the right teacher with understandings of my limitations would it be cool to pursue training. I am currently trying to condition myself ( haven’t actually worked out since high school so I’m trying to go slow) with a mile jog/walking, currently doing my own set of a burn out. 125 curls 25 with attempted 10 push-ups in between sets of 25 curls. And some crunch work... what do you all think?
  2. I have a problem - as I'm sure a lot of less experienced fighters do - of backing straight up in sparring (did it in my fight too). Last night was my first hard sparring after my fight a couple of weeks ago and I kept backing straight up sooo bad. Very annoyed with myself as I know this is a problem. Does anyone have links to drills you can do to practice not backing up? I know it sounds super simple to fix, but I feel like I need to practice this outside of regular sparring. It'd be helpful to see some drills or perhaps just watch what/how other people do if they get backed up, but instead of continuing to go straight back they redirect. Any help greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)
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