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Found 1 result

  1. WPMF 100 lb champion Little Tiger came to Thailand and fought on a Queen's Birthday card yesterday. She fought Peung Siam who recently beat PhetJee Jaa in a very controversial decision. I didn't see the Jee Jaa match, but there was an uproar at ringside when the decision was announced, with 400,000 set bet at stake. Awesome clinching by Peung Siam in this fight. It would be my guess that Little Tiger, despite coming to Thailand many times, does not understand the scoring here, with all her lowkicks. She also lacks in the clinch, which is maybe one reason why Saya Ito's recent development in the clinch could cause a problem for her. Saya has been very verbal about how Little Tiger has been dodging her in Japan.I had heard rumor that Little Tiger was going to fight either number 2 challenger Muangsingjiew or number 3 challenger Faa Chiang Rai, both of who I think would beat her. Saya tweeted something along the lines that she was told if she fought Peung Siam and won she'd be allowed to fight Little Tiger September 9th. This seems odd because Peung Siam isn't even ranked by the WPMF, but that's what it seems like is happening. A Saya Ito championship belt would set up a very odd future fight against Phetjee Jaa, who she trains with here in Pattaya, once Jee Jaa gains a kilo or two. Saya Ito is basically learning clinch from Jee Jaa, her family (and me) when she's here. I'm probably left out of all these matchups, even though I've beaten the two most mentioned challengers and Saya Ito as well. Strange to be so close to it all. In any case, a great exciting fight.
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