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Found 2 results

  1. Hello together, two months ago I was moving from Finland to Canada and now need to get settled again over here which is not that easy. So far it's been quite a hard time, I'm lacking proper training and work out, have a hard time arriving here and getting used to everything. That's the reason why I didn't visit one of the 2 gyms over here yet, since they're advertising a lot of combat sports and "being a family, a gang, ...". I'm not in for such group thing these days, I just need Muay Thai. So if one of you knows someone who knows someone, a Thai who's into Muay Thai who moved to Montreal a while ago or so, who would just train me, hold pads, etc - I'd be very very grateful. Thank you all in advance and best wishes!!
  2. "In our first short, Director Mikka Gia focuses on four fighters (Tiffany Cass, Janice Lyn, Yumiko Kawano and Olivia Loth) training and fighting out of the Krudar Muay Thai Gym in Toronto, Canada." Love this video edit of their female fighters. More and more the images of women in film are changing. You can feel the calm intensity of their training. Their focus. Love the song choice too.
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