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dtrick924 last won the day on October 24 2024

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  1. This thread and article are pretty old but it sounds like they. used to do a 5-10 km hilly run in the AM and a flatter 2-3 km run in the afternoon.
  2. Check out Sylvie's article on The Myth of Overtraining – Endurance, Physical and Mental for Muay Thai
  3. Sylvie on Fear YT Sylvie's Technique Vlog - Cutting Fear Out https://youtu.be/W7vhwH0uNKg?si=k56P8pNNVx8JuLBN Vlog #373 - On Nerves, Fear, and Compassion in Muay Thai https://youtu.be/dIrCQ8ZPPKg?si=7u_2rF0gXzgqXMWK Affirmations and Believing, Fear - What "Natural" Means | Sylvie Run Cast #60 https://youtu.be/oDEZ4ifpaNo?si=zjnIIOOLbb3YLUV6 Blog If/Then – Mental Training Technique for Fighting and Muay Thai https://8limbsus.com/blog/ifthen-mental-training-technique-for-fighting-and-muay-tha Fighter Mail: Fight Nerves, Tunnel Vision and Does it Go Away? https://8limbsus.com/muay-thai-fighting/fighter-mail-fight-nerves-tunnel-vision-does-it-go-away No Such Thing as Tough – Psycho-Physio Plateaus in Fight Stress https://8limbsus.com/muay-thai-fighting/mental-toughness-psycho-physio-plateaus-fight-stress-psychology A Fighter’s Fear, Like Feathers Stroking Your Face | How to Accept It https://8limbsus.com/muay-thai-thailand/fighters-fear-like-feathers-stroking-face-how-to-accept-it Fear of Escalation in Sparring and Training Aggression as a Skill https://8limbsus.com/muay-thai-thailand/fear-escalation-sparring-training-aggression-skill
  4. Some of Sylvie's Clinch Content Patreon Clinch Sessions https://www.patreon.com/collection/64835?view=expanded Technique Vlogs (Building a Frame, Clinch in Shadow) https://www.patreon.com/collection/624652?view=expanded Blog Weighted Neck Exercise https://8limbsus.com/muay-thai-thailand/experience-weighted-neck-exercises-thai-clinch Shoulders https://8limbsus.com/blog/muay-thai-strength-training-clinch-vid-yodwicha-uses Pull Ups https://8limbsus.com/muay-thai-thailand/new-pull-ups-clinch-vid-muay-thai-workout Neck Exercises on the Ring https://8limbsus.com/muay-thai-thailand/female-fighter-alliance-young-girl-new-clinch Youtube Playlists Clinch https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFIbj6VvBW03BJlR2Tf-LIKNuCwnv8-SE&si=5k5t1oLGuU5gUoQ_ Home Workouts (Day 5 Clinch in Shadow Boxing) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFIbj6VvBW03iz1nXvyhi1AP9GUhsIdi2&si=j-U8-RV-yKUl6C43
  5. Sylvie wrote a really cool article about why sparring escalates, even when people are trying to go light. A gem from 10 years ago. https://8limbsus.com/blog/brain-science-sparring-gets-control-neurology-muay-thai
  6. Phetjeeja fought Anissa Meksen for a ONE FC interim atomweight kickboxing title 12/22/2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu92S6-V5y0&ab_channel=ONEChampionship Fight starts at 45:08 Phetjeeja won on points. Not being able to clinch really handicapped her. I was afraid the ref was going to start deducting points for clinch fouls.
  7. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Thanks for sharing your experience.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/WBCMuayThai/posts/pfbid0RX14hHTHVgJA6uKaYDGKb1wCobdmKrrP4GdxNGA7dHGM2gRQC8VXLySNBjs1GQcSl Results via facebook Vietnam’s Ha Huu Hieu Huynh captured the WBC MuayThai International minimum-weight title by way of 3rd round TKO over Thailand’s Pornthip Khamthongpanow Highlight Reel of the fight https://fb.watch/m90Iei13OI/ Livestream, the fight intro starts at 3:39:48 https://fb.watch/m90X6vprEc/
  9. Does Sylvie know the Thai woman? I looked through Sylvie's fight record but didn't see a name that matched. I know Thai fighters often change their fight names or their names are transliterated different ways in English.
  10. This post from the WBC on Facebook caught my eye. A fight for the vacant Women's WBC Minimum Weight International Title is taking place on 7/26/2023 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Huynh Ha Huu Hieu (Vietnam) vs Pornthip Khamthongpanow (Thailand). Sylvie fought Elisabetta Solinas (Italy) for the vacant Women's WBC Minimum Weight World Title on 2/4/2023. Fight #275 on the way to #471. When I first say the FB post I didn't realize there were 3 belts at each weight class: World, International, and European. I was trying to figure out why 2 other women were fighting for "Sylvie's Belt" instead of Sylvie defending it. Women's WBC Rankings, Huynh Ha Huu Hieu (Vietnam) is ranked 5th and Pornthip Khamthongpanow (Thailand) is ranked 7th. Fight #275 Kevin's corner video Fight #275 Sylvie's commentary
  11. If I remember correctly @Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu uses only heat, no ice.
  12. @Kero Tide's fight Judy Humber vs. Kèro Tide - (2022.09.21) via ReactQ on r/WMMA https://www.reddit.com/r/WMMA/comments/xnfkcq/muay_thai_judy_humber_vs_kèro_tide_20220921/
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