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Carter last won the day on November 18 2023

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About Carter

  • Birthday 01/02/2005

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    New York
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    Muay Thai, philosophy (specifically metaphysics and epistemology), making music and fine art

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  1. Ive been watching some of Chamuakpet's fights as usual, and I noticed something that mightve been obvious to everyone else. He switches stance depending on his opponents stance. (I watched his fights with, Oley, Pepsi, and Chaidet in a trilogy gomma have to watch some others paying attention to this to see if im right or making an assumption) Im curious about out of the many reasons it could be for what mix or single reason he did this. My conclusions have been the rear knee timing and open side point. Though I thought it might be possible he has a similar mental process as Gen Hongthonglek (except opposite) where he prefers to fight other orthodox fighters because of his mental mapping of the body. And I thought that "hey maybe Chamuakpet prefers the mapping of opposite stances and he adjusts to stwitching accordingly" I believe his ability to do this was one of MANY things that made him an incredible fighter. Just like Karuhats ability to switch was important in his style too. Ive noticed in my switch to southpaw the last 3 months that I actually really like the mapping of opposite stances. PS: been a supporter for about 2 years now since ive started Muay Thai thank you for everything Kevin, Sylvie, and the Legends
  2. Wow, what an amazing post. I knew of the generalized concepts of these things just through watching Sylvies patreon as she does peer into deeper concepts of some things during her voice overs, but as I venture deeper into the ties of Buddhism and Mauy Thai as I'm interested in both. I'm now so grateful that most of what I've learned for my one year and a half experience of Muay Thai is through the Muay Thai Library. A couple of greats that come to mind in this topic is Lahkin and Veeraphol, and really almost all of the golden Era Muay Thai legends. There is a silhouette of the mind that is presented through the fighter not only through expression of the body, posture, attitude, but also their style. Whether it's the swagger of Karuhat pointing at the cut he just made on you, or the stoic like expression on Veeraphol's face after you've been knocked down to your knees, the silhouette of the Charisma is expressed in different ways, and I would agree that it seems to have played a much larger role in Muay Thai of the Golden Era just through watching the fights. Thank you for this post :)
  3. Wow. I never have seen fights in thailand in real life, neither have I seen how intense the gambling community looks. I'm sure it is not the same for every stadium (I might be wrong because these are all assumptions) but I'm just so shocked by this eruption. And there should be no influence from gambling in my opinion on the decision, that saddens me.
  4. I'm sorry I didn't get to reply earlier I've been busy with school this week! But I'm very appreciative about your efforts to help me find and journey through the concept of southpaw fighting as a muay khao and the idea of the advantage of the ambidextrous ability! Last night I went to my class and was doing pad work and sparring in southpaw. It surprisingly for me was quite comfortable (besides throwing elbows). I REALLY noticed a sort of flow coming out of my pressure due to being able to go from southpaw to orthodox by following through with strikes and making that a step into the other stance felt incredibly fluid. I will definitely continue to do southpaw so I can play with what it can do. A problem I've been running into is learning how to close distance, part of it is cutting the habit of being on the "railroad tracks" as Sylvie likes to describe it and learning how to make angles and have good foot work for muay khao style, but I think that is something that will come to me overtime as i work on it. I forgot who, I think it was Yodkhunpon, that had this beautiful galloping foot work that I'd love to get used to. Just thought I'd give an update to how that journey is going! Again thank you for your help and abundant knowledge on the topic! Karuhat has such unique movement in how his fakes are part of his fluid head and body movement. it isn't a jerk of the body.
  5. Wow, this was extremely helpful. I've been watching some of Sylvie's older fights and kept hearing her talk about the overturning problem and how frustrated it made her. Being able to switch I knew had advantages but I didn't think deeply enough to realize that it can help you fight the way you may be looking to fight (more offensively and defensivley), perhaps switching can also point out mistakes you had in your original stance aswell, and would definitely help you fight against someone who is southpaw because you will have a general idea of the advantages and train to counter that. I can see where her evolution went in that, switching stances was important in her journey for reaching where she is now trying to achieve more relaxation. That is absolutely beautiful. And as an aspiring pressure, muay khao style, fighter myself I'll have some more things to look out for and pay attention to. And I really appreciate the link to that video. Again, thank you!!!
  6. (Im new to this so I dont know if my formatting is correct or if Im posting in the right place, sorry) I am heavily interested in the Muay Khao style of fighting, I noticed that Sylvie noted that she switched to southpaw after years of being orthodox in her Muay Thai Library on Patreon. Are there reasons that anyone or Sylvie herself changed to southpaw? Since most of her opponents seem to be orthodox, is it because her left knee to the orthodoxes open side is more available instead of having to switch stance? Thank you for everyones responses in advance! also as an introduction since this is my first post. Hi! Im Carter, im 17 and I started Muay Thai in August.
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