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    Sydney, Australia

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  1. I got the following from a Thai language learning group. Thai script is what they suggested, Romanisation and English are from Google Translate. จับจังหวะ Cạb cạngh̄wa catch the beat ดูจังหวะให้ดี Dū cạngh̄wa h̄ı̂ dī watch the rhythm carefully จับจังหวะให้ดี Cạb cạngh̄wa h̄ı̂ dī catch the beat well
  2. I have a private session coming up with the gym's Thai trainer. There are a few things I'd like to cover: rhythm, timing, and seeing openings. My plan is to search for terms on Google Translate and show him, I think that'll work better than me trying to pronounce words and then not being sure he understands. What words should I plug into Google Translate so I get the proper Thai words? I know rhythm is the right English word since the translation is the same as what I've heard from Sylvie: จังหวะ Cạngh̄wa What about timing? And seeing openings for strikes? Related but not exactly the same topic:
  3. I started last year, at 42. You don't have to fight or even spar if you don't want to. Find a gym with a good culture of learning, safety, and not tolerating unsafe behaviour.
  4. Just adding Samson sessions 3 and 4 https://www.patreon.com/posts/116-samson-isaan-61012013 https://www.patreon.com/posts/123-samson-isaan-68082628
  5. Wow, that seems harsh. Did you see the fight, was someone clearly in the lead?
  6. You may find these sessions in the Library helpful: Session with Rambaa with his take on Karuhat's stance-switching Switching to southpaw with Karuhat
  7. I think this ties back to the Buddhistic (?) principles you and Sylvie discuss on the podcast. Ideas like Ning, Ruup, Samadhi, etc. can be thought to be in the N+1. Having never fought I can't speak to that aspect, but even just in training the regimented structure highlights whether a fighter and the gym as a whole embody those ideas.
  8. Thanks everyone for all the replies! Lots to take in: pad distance from body pad angle from body angle with partner forming a sort of triangle with the top of the pads and my elbows how to meet the kicks We didn't hold pads today but I'll try your tips next time we do. I've got a private tomorrow so I'll ask the instructor to spend a few minutes on that. They have some Fairtex and SKS ones. Not sure of the models but to my untrained eye similar to these: https://www.fairtexaustralia.com.au/~4953465 https://sksboxing.com/shop/coaching-training-equipment/kick-pads/sks-sakyant-kickpad-black/
  9. In all the gyms I've tried (three so far in Sydney, Australia) partner pad-holding has always had a prominent place in Muay Thai classes. Unfortunately I've found that holding pads for roundhouse kicks is my least favourite part of training. I'm a smaller man (162cm, 53-54kg) so there's a significant size disparity with most partners. Even with smaller ones I think that because of the pads the hits aren't localised to, say, the legs, arms, or body. Instead what I think happens is that the impact is spread across the whole body and is transmitted to the head and neck. Sometimes I'll get slight headaches. It's got me a bit worried about brain injuries. I do see some benefits to it: it helps my fight vision and understanding of how techniques work but I feel like if I'm going to take light hits I'd rather do it in sparring or if I'm going to take hard hits then I'd rather do it in a fight. Is partners holding pads a thing in Thailand as well? If not, what do they have instead and can I do that? Is this just a "learn to hold pads correctly and strengthen your neck" issue? There's not been a lot of instruction on that and there are conflicting opinions on the Internet on whether to meet the kick with the pads or resist it. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac as well so it's hard to gauge if I'm overreacting. I don't think it's a "toughen up" issue. Arm, body, shin pain, whatever is fine. But the head stuff is scary.
  10. Not an expert, no experience at all but I think helmets protect against cuts and bruises but do nothing to protect the the brain. In my opinion the larger target and increased mass may even make things worse.
  11. Hi all! My name's JP, I started training around a year ago mostly to get (and stay) in shape. Discovered Sylvie's channel and Patreon soon after and have been getting more and more into Muay Thai every since.
  12. For future readers: Did a free trial at both SRG and Sitshoothon. Went with the latter, the main factor being proximity. Will update this as I go.
  13. Hi everyone! Does anyone have any gym recommendations for Sydney, Australia? Anyone have experience with SRG or Sitshoothon, in particular?
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