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phyfey last won the day on February 27 2020

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  1. I think Parinya Charoenphol would be a great addition to the library. From cursory internet research she had a gym at some point in Pran Buri, Parinya Muay Thai. The most recent facebook post is from 2012. Here is her blog with a phone number and email https://parinyamuaythaigym.blogspot.com/. Not only would I be interested in hearing her experience as a (most?) popular kathoey fighter but also shes just got an awesome style. She has a strong defend and return attack as well a cool side teep among other weapons. Her flying elbows and knees look unique and fearsome and isnt something Ive seen much in the MTL. Heres an intense fight of hers if anyone is interested. Such a close match!
  2. Much love to you threeoaks. Its a nasty disease that more and more of us are becoming closer to. I wish you and your city health and strength! <33
  3. Here in Midwestern United States. Leading up to this had been starting a gym geared toward individuals who were not currently being served by local gyms (queer, trans, immigrant, acab, etc). In the last week we've seen the states around the area closing food and bar establishments except for delivery, with more restrictions on the way. Currently gatherings of over 100 are banned. Its a shame, was really kicking muay thai butt. Now most of our efforts are going to community support, making sure everyone has food and supplies for a suspected lockdown, and self isolating as much as possible. Our trainer has been in Europe and now has had travel restricted in regards to coming back to the states. Also everyone I know are service industry workers and we are all out of jobs atm.
  4. I recently was thinking a lot about this when I switched sparring partners to someone who is much larger and more experienced with me and got my bell rung a couple times. So naturally I took a look through Slyvie's youtube among others and found this discussion to be useful. I think the thing that concerns me more than getting large blows is the repetitive "minor" blows you really rack up in sparring. Ive been experimenting with trying to keep a more playful attitude during sparring and communicating when a blow may be to hard, etc. This is difficult when you also want to be tough, but I like to think about this as strengthening my communication and self worth muscles. Also discussed in that clip is research on heavy gloves affecting head injury occurrence. I did find this anecdotal report of knock outs by punching increasing 10-fold after MMA required gloves. This is obviously for alot of reasons (fighters wanting to prevent hand injury, etc), but the point of getting hit with an added 16oz's of weight on the chin really makes sense to me. These are good things to think about. You can mitigate risks like you would riding a motor bike or driving a car, but in the end combat sports will be always be a risk that you have to weigh the benefits of.
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