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Joseph Arthur De Gonzo

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Posts posted by Joseph Arthur De Gonzo

  1. I had a few ribs injuries and, with bad back injuries, they are the worse. Really hard to work around because even heavy breathing will hurt with the ribcage expansion. Personally, I really kind of stop training and did some very limited cardio at home. 

    At the end of an injury someone sent me the link to a product that is basically a compression clothe for your ribs, said it works wonders and I believe Dominick Cruz went through a camp and fought with a broken rib thanks to this, but I never tried it. In any case, it was something like this https://www.amazon.com/Lumbar-Support-Double-Compression-Breathable/dp/B01N4INMT2/ref=sr_1_15?crid=1SB000COSD2X&keywords=rib+brace+compression&qid=1576825766&sprefix=rib+brace%2Caps%2C171&sr=8-15


  2. So last time I went to thailand I trained at Sitjaopho in Hua Hin, Ramba Somdete in Pattaya and FA Group in Bangkok. 
    But, I did not once go to the beach or anything else than training. 
    This time around I would like to train but also experience the beaches and beautiful spots of the south of Thailand. 
    I am a big guy, 193cm and 100kg, so although I prefer smaller gym, I can't really go to a mostly thai fighters oriented gym, but I have absolutely no interest in going to camps like Sinbi or Tiger. 
    Here are the places I've been thinking of. 
    Singpatong Sitnumnoi: It would be my first choice but it's in Patong and the night life thing does not interest me at all. 
    Yodyut Muay Thai: Seems legit. Price are fair and seems like a good location.
    Sinlapa formerly Kaewphitak : In Phuket, also seem legit, good location. 
    Phuket Fight Club
    Phuket King
    I would really appreciate advice and comments. 
    Thank you
  3. Super Export Shop had pretty good prices and selection for Fairtex gear. I also got Fairtex shinguards from Muay Thai Mall for a decent price, and they seem to be the only store open on a Sunday (it's near Channel 7 Stadium too).

    If you're after a good Thai brand, Thai Smai has nice quality gloves in a wide range of colours. Also much cheaper than your usual Fairfax, Top King, etc

    Boon Sport Shop is also worth checking out. They are my favourite for shorts and shirts. 

    I don't have any experience buying in bulk though. I would recommend contacting the store/s ahead of time as the multi-brand stores may not have everything you want in stock and they can give you prices over the phone.

    thanks, will check these out.

  4. So my question is, is it better to buy gears in Bangkok or Pattaya?

    I heard Action Zone is pretty good in Bangkok, any other address in Bangkok or Pattaya that would be better than Action Zone?

    I need to buy quite a bit of gear that I'll send back to Canada so a place that have good choices, good prices and that will give me discount for buying a lot of gear at the same time? 

    • Like 1
  5. By get your ass kicked, I meant just been dominated. If on top you asked for people to go easy and they did not and it was not only one dude, then maybe the culture of that gym suck. As for being a girl, well I could not know but I often ask to go easy, especially the first few rounds, and I am usually the biggest man in the gym. I just enjoy more a technical, controlled sparring session over a sloppy slug fest although you do need to practice for these once in a while.

    Also, you don't need to spare on the first day, week, month. You spare when you feel ready for it. I often see newbies sparring and I wonder what exactly are they suppose to practice in sparring if they can throw a decent jab, you know?

  6. I'm not good enough for a good gym yet, I guess, it's so embarrassing to admit it! ;( a couple of the people were too agressive for me to handle at my level and I think it'd take away all the fun. And I'm determined to enjoy this, dammit! ><

    I don't think there is such a gym. I mean even pro mma gym like Tristar (seems like yours was also a mma gym) accept and teach to newbies. The too agressive type were probably middle ranger people happy to kick the shit out of someone for once or maybe it's just a bad gym. A good gym with a good head trainer won't let beginners get their ass kick for nothing. Nobody learns anything in these situation. When I spare with a newbie I basically only work on my defence and let them try to catch me. Also, one rule of thumb I follow is the closer to my house the gym is, the better it is. Helps to be steady if the gym is five minutes away for the days where you'll be tired, lazy or a bit beaten. Good luck and you're good enough for any gym :)

    • Like 1
  7. Thank you everyone. 

    Sound advices. Since I saw the video of Rambaa Somdet whipping the dude's ass I kind of want to go try a week with him now.... ahahah although he look like a real small man. But the quality of the technique over the size of the teacher sounds good

    But I think the advice of isolation is a good one. I think I might try Rambaa for a week and then heads up to Sitmonchai. Jeez, so many gym to choose from. Hard to make a choice. Especially from far away. 

  8. I have the same problem. 

    It happened to me maybe 4 or 5 times. I got x-rays, but it was never broken and its pretty rare anyways to broke upper ribs as they are really solid. 

    It just happened to me a month a go. Getting better but I received a punch yesterday and it really hurt.

    I heard chiropractic really helps. Have not tried it. But bottom line, it's a condition I have to live with. I keep my hands a little lower than others because of that and catch kick with the opposite hand instead of letting the kick enter my ribs area. 

    If you ever find a "cure" please let me know. Otherwise. good luck. 

  9. I know I've asked before about gym, but my situation has changed and I will be going to Thailand for a month next summer alone. 

    After reading Sylvie's list my two choices would probably be Sitmonchai Gym or Kem Muay Thai Gym.

    I have two main considerations:

    My size, 6'4" 240 lbs, I need a gym with foreigners even here in Canada I have difficulty finding sparring partners of my size so I can't imagine in Thailand. 

    and Clinch. I want to learn a lot of clinch because in north america we don't, I least in the 3 gyms I've trained we did not do much. 

    Because of the first criteria I am leaning towards Simonchai but Sylvie said they do not clinch much so I am hesitating. 

    And Kem's gym seems awesome, they clinch a lot but I am afraid of lacking people with my size. 

    Any advices or suggestions? I don't really care where it is or how much. It's just for a month and all I want to do is train. 

    thank you


  10. I would think it is just because, regardless of security, the Olympics and sports in general are still very misogynistic. I can't see any other reason that, women are more fragile and that women with cuts and bruises is not feminine, is not okay.

    It is the same reasons, I believe, women in hockey are not allowed to hit and get hit. I remember watching the last winter Olympics women hockey games and not believing the commentators saying stuff like : "well they are going way too rough, they need to calm down, this is lack of sportsmanship, this is not elegant" and other BS like that. The exact same thing would have happened in men hockey and the commentator would have say: "well that a good clean hit, good intensity". Discouraging.  As if women were not able to hit and get it in Hockey just as men do.

    Anyway, can't think of another reason.

    • Like 2
  11. Hey there,

    The question is mostly for Sylvie but of course, anyone can participate.

    So something like a month ago, you did (Sylvie) a post fight facebook live ask-me-question session in your car after a fight. For a while the sound went off, and you talked a bit about the Muay Thai scene in France.

    I did not catch what you were saying. I guess you were referring to Best Of Siam events organized around Skarbowsky's gym both in France and in Thailand.

    I was wondering if you could elaborate on it a bit in terms of what you think of that group, style, influence both in the western world and in Thailand?


  12. There are not really that many Muay Thai movies, and even fewer good ones! Even movies that purport to include Muay Thai, like a fighter with that style, often don't fight in that style. We recently watched this all-female Fight Club, Kung Fu mash had a "Muay Thai" representative, but almost no Muay Thai (this was the trailer, the "Muay Thai" fighter not depicted):

    There seems to be basically only ONE truly outstanding Muay Thai movie, that being Ong Bak (it captured an ideology of Muay Thai), even the sequels didn't do as much. Ong Bak just had an essentialism about Muay Thai history, its rural connections, a critique of Bangkok society that was profoundly simple. Nothing like it.

    The director of Ong Bak's Chocolate hardly included Muay Thai moves in his well-received Chocolate:



    It's kind of amazing that there has been no new Muay Thai great action flick, as almost all of Hollywood has appropriated Muay Thai for its heroes and villains. You can hardly watch a Hollywood fight scene and not see a Muay Thai teep, or reverse elbow.

    Just saw Muay Thai Chaya yesterday. 

    Although it's more Muay Boran and i found that the style of the fights and fighters are a bit odd, I think it was pretty good and also included traditional and modern setting for the sport. Have you seen it?

    • Like 1
  13. Hey there so I have not watch a lot of Muay Thai movies since Ong Bak and I am kind of in the mood to watch some movies with Muay Thai practitioners. Can you list your top 5 or top 10?

    This can include documentaries, I have not seen much well done documentaries about Muay Thai, besides the one on the two girls. 

    I guess I could with general martial arts movies or with boxing movies but besides the Ong Bak I can't make a list. 


    • Like 1
  14. I personally hate having limits placed on me, so I hate writing this, but if your knees are bad enough where you can't train or have decent range of motion, you may need to set more realistic goals.


    I know you mentioned waiting until 2018 to head to Thailand, so I hope this year you can do the things you need to do to heal up and be ready for the demands of fight camp, in or out of Thailand. My American coach allows swimming because it's more accepted here, but I can still run 5-10k at a whack with no issues and do sometimes when the weather begs for an outdoor activity. I don't do it every day because I don't want to be back at the ortho with more tears.


    Depending on the gym and the trainer, it's hard to say what fight opportunities you'll have in Thailand. Take care now so you'll be in top shape and increase your chances of fighting there.

    Yes, it's my third time with this kind of injury. I know that all in all it takes about a year to heal (when you're not a pro that has 40k to put in this). Usually, if I go progressively I can run 5km per day. But from what I read, it's more like 10km in the morning and 5km in the afternoon. That a lot of fucking running. Anyways, I'll see how I am as the year go by. Thanks. 

  15. Well that's where you sit down with your trainer and speak with them about this, I think in the south the gyms are so foreigner friendly they they probably will let you fight, but it still depends on the trainer and the gym. 

    So, I can't really answer this question properly.

    Thank you. Anyways, for sure I will try to do it and cope with it. I guess it would be different if I do it and then if I my knees can't handle it, talk with them about it, than just arriving saying I can't do it.

  16. Have you tried kinesio taping as support for your knee? Some physiotherapist use it even as part of the therapy, but I usually handle my knee pains with kinesio tapes and in a few days the pain is over. I don't have any diagnosed problems with my knees, though. They just hurt sometimes. Warming up properly helps a lot! Kinesio tapes also help me get rid of the "unstable" feeling in my knees when I have a weaker day. I love them!

    That's a good idea. Thx. 

  17. if its going to injure you then don't run, its not worth it.

    Depending on the gym your going to, if its a foreigner friendly gym they probably won't mind about the running since your paying anyway, just train more intensively to earn their respect. The problem may occur if you ask for a fight, training wise should be fine.

    But that's the thing, what if I want to fight? I mean I know this is in part a cultural thing, but there is some boxers and mma fighters that do not run and bike or swim instead. 

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  18. Oh wow ! Hope you're doing fine.

    That's true, I'm happy it's not as serious as the ACL.

    How did you feel after the surgery ? Did it feel normal again ?

    Probably just be extra extra extra cautious when running and have a good warm up..

    Well the surgery I had was in 1996 I am not even sure what I had because back in the day, there was a big transition in the health system and they fucked up everything. Basically it was more butchery than surgery. I have a 4inch scar on the knee. When I came out of surgery they told me to move my knee as much as possible and the week after they put a cast on my leg from ankle to the thigh for 2 months .... 

    Anyway. my knees always hurt, they really are bad. Both of them. Thought it's not so bad when I boxe and kick, the take downs are where I hurt myself. 

    So for now, I am waiting to see an orthopedic to know if I need surgery (I am in Canada, free health care but long health care). I can't train right now. Well I do cardio and upper body stuff but I can do power transfert so I can kick or boxe or clinch. 

    Really sucks. 

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