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Arrow last won the day on November 2 2015

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About Arrow

  • Birthday 01/01/1971

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    Boston - Sityodtong.com

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  1. I think that a female partner sometimes hits too hard because: A) They think they don't have to hold back because you are both female or B) They are scared shitless because they assume YOU won't hold back because you are both female. If she is gassing out, she is probably anxious and tight. That sounds to me like she isn't just out of shape, but afraid. People who are afraid tend to hit too hard in a misguided effort at defense...(in the long run it just makes it more dangerous for them since we, as the offended partner, will likely just hit back harder in frustration as you did!) Perhaps as she gains some confidence, she will mellow out. I think there was already great advise dispensed for asking her to try hitting a few times to calibrate the power of her striking, asking the coach to intervene or set you up with a different partner...but I think you could also just stand next to someone else and grab a different partner for yourself as soon as the pairing up starts. It's no fun to get stuck with the same partner for every class...Even when it's a great partner.
  2. I was told to buy 16 oz gloves because that's all that anyone uses here. I'm 5"4 and have small hands, but I settled on Venum ( real leather ) and I've been pleased with them. I have gel hand wraps that fit inside. Besides the cedar chips, I also stuff dryer sheets inside them to help with the stink. As an aside...I know we are just talking gloves here...and maybe you more professional ladies are too hard core for cushy shin pads...but I adore the Hayabusa shin pads!
  3. I am sure that I am not the most experienced here...so take what I say with a grain of salt...But I think that you can't overemphasize the power of muscle memory. You just have to do those new techniques enough that you don't have to think about doing them when you are sparring...They just come to you naturally. Don't be too hard on yourself that it doesn't come to you naturally when you are just learning something new. Do it over and over and over until those techniques "belong" to you and your body can do them automatically. Also, it is exceedingly difficult to spar well when you are not relaxed...and who can be relaxed when you are trying to think too hard about a new technique. Be kind to yourself and soldier on!
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