This Sylvie’s Technique Vlog is shot at a time when most of us are experiencing “social distancing,” “self isolating,” or “shelter in place,” depending on how it’s called. But we’re at home, quarantined to varying degrees, and largely locked out of our gyms. This technique vlog is perfect for these circumstances because it requires no equipment, no instruction, no sweat, no partners, and practically speaking no space at all. You can do this from bed. You can do this while brushing your teeth. You can even do this while pining for the people and equipment you had access to in your gym communities – you can use that feeling to hone this skill. And we can all get back to our gyms having improved our ability to learn, pick up techniques, and prepare ourselves for training, fights, or whatever else.
Anyone who has even Googled “Mental Training” has come across the importance of visualization. Sounds simple, just picture what you want to be doing in the ring. But, simple as it is, I found it incredibly hard to actually do. So, this technique vlog is how to get started and how to get good at this particular skill. It will help you in countless ways, so honing this skill now, when we have time and lack of access to “real” training, will be to our own advantage when we do finally get back to live training and fighting.
I reference “The Inner Game of Tennis,” which you can get on Kindle.
Watch the full 19 minute vlog as a patron supporter:

Some Helpful Playlists
If you are interested in Mental Training, these were my Mental Training vlogs in real time, as I worked on things in training at the gym, playlist below: