This is part of a series that Kevin and I really enjoy doing, that we call “Watch With Me.” We watch Golden Age fights and just react and talk in a very informal way. These aren’t “break downs,” at all, although we do try to give context to the match ups or the fighters for those who are not familiar with why Kevin and I might be so excited about the fight. It’s more of what I’d describe as a “geek out,” because we do tend to get quite excited.
This “Watch With Me” fight is between two huge names from the Golden Age of Muay Thai. Sangtiennoi (red) “The Deadly Kisser,” was 130 lb Rajadamnern Champion at the time, he’s long and tall, a Muay Khao fighter who was considered a favorite of famed promoter OneSongchai. Sangtiennoi was loved by Mr. Songchai because he was a game fighter, he would face anyone and fight hard. You never got a boring fight out of Sangtiennoi. Chamuakpet was 122 lb Rajadamnern Champion, nicknamed “Mr. Computer Knee” and appears on the “Top 5 All-Time Best Yodmuay” list of other Yodmuay from his time. He was known for fighting everyone, for being able to handle bigger opponents, and he fought for a long time at the highest level.
So you have two knee fighters facing off, one big, tall and long, the other small, short and very strong. And in case anyone missed this size difference, Chamuakpet is fighting an opponent two weight classes above him… not only that, these are two champions. There is a lot to geek out about in this fight. Something that Kevin brings up during our viewing of this fight is that the size difference between Sangtiennoi and Chamuakpet is pretty close to the size difference in the “Holy Grail” fight of Dieselnoi vs. Samart (although Dieselnoi, as the taller, bigger fighter actually weighed in under the catch weight agreement). And yet you see a complete reversal of how those size differences play out in each fight, which is super interesting.
If you guys like this, check out the rest of the playlist in the “Watch With Me” series. You can also study both Sangtiennoi and Chamuakpet in the Muay Thai Library ($10 gets you access to the full Muay Thai Library).
The Watch With Me YouTube Playlist
Both Legends in the Muay Thai Library
Watch the full length Muay Thai Library sessions with Chamuakpet and Sangtiennoi.
#81 Chamuakpet Hapalang 2 – Muay Khao Internal Attacks (65 min) watch it here
One of the all time greats gives his 2nd session of the Library. 9x Lumpinee and Rajadamnern champion, 1985 Fighter of the Year, a man who took belts from both Samart and his brother Kongtoranee, his Muay Thai has been lauded as one of the best that have ever been. In this session he teaches his rising KO out knee, straight up the center, his philosophy of grips, pulls and elbows in the clinch, and just in punching range. Not to be missed.
#49 Chamuakpet Hapalang – Devastating Knee in Combination (66 min) watch it here
The most decorated fighter of the Golden Age with 4 Lumpinee Belts and 5 Rajadamnern Belts, and the Fighter of the Year award (1985), Chamuakpet, a gym-mate of Dieselnoi, teaches his beautiful and devastating Southpaw knee to the open side, in combination. His fast, powerful knee was practically unstoppable and in this session you can see why.
#8 Sangtiennoi Sor Rungroj – Advanced Clinch (52 min) watch it here
The Golden Age Lumpinee and Rajadamnern Champion, a legendary Muay Khao fighter who fought all the greats instructs on the finer points of clinch technique. Small differences that make big differences. Advanced tips on the swim-in and turn, and the importance of going from long distance techniques to short distance grab and lock.
Chamuakpet Session 1:
Chamuakpet Session 2:
Sangtiennoi Session 1:

Check out the full Table of Contents of what is in the Library here