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  1. Hi Folks Two questions: 1. What size glove do you use for training? Do you use a different OZ for bag work vs pad work vs sparring etc...? 2. What brand do you use/prefer and why? I have a pair of Punch Trophy Getters that I bought years ago before I ever started muay thai. I also have a crappy pair of Adidas that I bought while in NZ that sit in the cupboard because the Punch are better. Both are 16 oz and I use the Punch for everything. Should I be using a lighter weight for bag work? This may be silly, but I think maybe I should be using the Adidas now because as I learn to punch better I might want a better, stronger pair of gloves to protect my hands. Whereas right now I don't punch that hard and could probably get away with wearing the Adidas. I'm assuming one day I'll punch like Foreman and just be shredding heavy bags daily. :sorcerer:
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