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  1. Hi all, what diets are you on? Like your normal diets and your diet during training camp (if you do) and weight cut. And more important, are there any vegans out there? Is there anyone doing low carb and vegan, if so Id like to hear any experiences. Im trying to tweek my diet a lot. I hardly every east stuff like bread and pasta, I cook for myself and avoid all processed foods. I have carbs such as oats, fruits or a little rice in the morning or before training, but have veggies and proteins for the rest of the day. When I have to go on a diet to make weight there is usually a point in time when I start deleting off any carbs, usually starting out with fruits and afterwards cutting out oats and rice. So its basically protein and fat left. However this is just a very short amount of time, like weeks and I take supplements like minerals and vitamins in addition. Lately i find myself thinking about how low carb and vegan works with training. I am sourrounded by vegans, but they all eat a crazy amount of pasta, rice and other stuff I simply dont want to eat. Going vegetarian is not a problem at all. Im just such an egg and yogurt addict, I wouldnt know how to deal without it, hence I thought of doing a month trial and see how it goes - vegan and law carb. Whats your ideas on that topic... whats your diets look like?
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