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  1. Hi Sylvie! My name is Jessica and I have a daughter who is 8 years old and she has been training in Muay Thai for about 3 years in Alberta Canada. I was very happy to come across your website and to your forum. Several parents at the Muay Thai gym my daughter trains at want to take the kids to Thailand next June/July 2018, to give them the experience to train with the pros. The Kru from the gym goes to Sitmonchai and speaks very highly of his experience there. But, I am trying to research camps that may cater to kids. Would you know of a place in Thailand where they are open to training kids or if there is a school where kids come together to train? One of the parents is talking about Tiger Muay Thai but I feel since it is a large camp it would be too busy. I have never been to Thailand and there is not much information on the internet about kids training camps in Thailand. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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