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  1. Hello everyone (first poster): I'm learning mt primarily as a movement discipline and not for fighting. (I'm 49.) I learned kicking via Tang Soo Do and American full contact fighters years ago, but couldn't take all the bloody noses and thereafter have practiced for the joy of the movements. I haven't found any free resources to help me on how to breakdown throwing a head kick in mt that makes it look much different than a TKD roundhouse. I've checked out Sylvie's video on this with Master K, and it almost looks like he is throwing a Tang Soo Do or Wushu style crescent kick to the head. (Perhaps I'm missing something though.) I found another video that breaks down the head kick, making it look like a TKD style roundhouse (knee up with chambered leg and hips square to target, then turn over hips and extend leg, the only difference from a TKD style being that the kick is delivered with the posted leg on the toes to allow more follow through.) Any pointers/tips welcome and thanks! A bit off topic, by learning the mt roundhouse (the variant with emphasis on turning out the posted leg and pulling up a straight or near straight kicking leg) I have seen that it is in a way a mirror of the Korean/Japanese/Chinese spinning wheel kick as far as follow through goes and leading with the hips of the posted leg. (With the spinning wheel kick, you lead with the internal rotation of the posted leg, as compared to the external rotation of the posted leg in the mt roundhouse.) -T
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