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  1. What kind a gym are you training at? Big ,small? Many members? Are there child classes?Do they have many training day? Is there any gear for sale in the gym? Things like that... First I'll tell about the gym I train at: We are located on the outskirts of Antwerp,we train Thai boxing on monday,tuesday,thursday and friday evening, saturday at midday and also on tuesday and thursday morning with our adult group. On monday,wednesday and saturday we have kids training. On monday and wednesday we also have classic boxing class. We work with 2 head trainers and 5 or 6 fighters who also teach classes in the gym. Because we have various training hours we have about 300 members who train at the gym.We welcome all levels of experience,long or short stay. Average class consist of 20 advanced students and fighters and about 25 students in starter class. In our gym we have about 25 active fighters in various weight and class both woman and men and also kids who fight.Our gym is not small but when its a busy training it feels very crowded...its fully floor covered, we have a ring,4 heavybags,weight area. We also sell all fight gear at the gym; brands are : Booster,Twins,King,Queen. I think training at our gym isnt cheap but neither too expensive, because all student get appropriate guidance. Love to hear about your gym. Nick
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