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  1. Hi All, I am matchmaking for a Muay Thai show in Shakopee, MN (not far from Minneapolis). We are constantly in need of pros at a select few weights (have to be able to match a local), but also we are always in need of ammys - especially Class A women. We encourage people not to wear much padding (elbows only) if they are competing as a class A, as it makes the transition to pro a little easier. We have a third party - TBA-SA (the one that puts on that monstrous tournament every June in Iowa)- sanctioning all events. The only medical required is bloodwork. They are streamed online and we have a great photographer. Send me your info if you feel like it KailtlinRYoung@hotmail.com. The next show is May 12 and we are pretty desperate for women 155-165 at all experience levels. :-) Sylvie and Kevin - Please let me know if this is not ok to post.
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