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Found 2 results

  1. Heyho, just wanted to let you know this forum isnt just web based, just as Sylvie and Emma established it and knew each other. Darina and I met through this forum and last weekend we were able to meet up in Berlin/ Germany for the first time for some sparring! Darina just moved to Berlin from Thailand and we are almost exactly the same height and weight, what coincidence! Keep this forum going, good things happen!
  2. (I hope this is the right section) Today a friend of mine accused me of being a fitness junkie because I train four times a week. I suspect it was because I said I couldn't do something with her because I had training. My question is: are we all endorphine junkies or people who don't train regularly perceive us as such because we have different priorities? Is there an actual addiction to endorphine problem when you train almost every day? What is the reaction of the people around you (family/friends) to your training schedule?
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