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  1. Sa waat dee kha :) So yesterday my trainer finally told me I'll do my first fight in 54 days (really excited about it!), and told me that it is forbidden to fight with contact lenses. For a while I was sparing without contact, but since I wear them I've seen a lot of improvement in my blocks and distance to throw jab/knee/kick. I thought "it could be great because if I don't see clear there is less chance I'll be "intimidated" by my opponent and the crowd".... however, there is also less chance that I can see punch, kick, knees coming or the ref or my trainer. Then I was wondering if I could just "cheat" and put my contact lenses after seeing the doc... Or basically just fight "blind" (I am astigmatic and short-sighted - both eyes). Did anyone has ever been in that situation? Any advices? Khawp khoon maak kha !
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