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Found 2 results

  1. Rare fight footage. Very little video of Erika Kamimura is around. Japan's Erika has been thought of as the best low-weight female Muay Thai fighter in the world until she retired about a year or more ago. She has unusual power for her size. Here she fights Loma Sitajou who is probably a weight class under her at the time. Erika held the 105 lb WPMF title, Loma easily fought at 100 lbs. I've fought and lost to Loma twice and she is very difficult to deal with in the clinch, the best clinch fighter I've faced near my weight, by far. In this fight it's basically her clinch vs. Erika's power combinations. Loma is currently on the Thai National team. Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
  2. This is the promo for the May 31st 105 lb WPMF championship fight between current champion Duangdaonoi (Thai) and the Japanese challenger Tajima. Duangdaonoi only recent won the WPFM belt which was held for a very long time by Erika Kamimura who retired. Duangdaonoi is from a huge family of Thai fighters, most of them sisters (photo below). It's a shame she has to defend her title so quickly while other champions hold their belts for a long stretches without fighting. I'm pulling for her to win.
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