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Bannorkbannork last won the day on February 8

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  1. And then obviously Sylvies Patreon she goes all over the place with all the best trainers
  2. Follow fightersvault on instagram he does quite a few privates all over Thailand you might see one trainer you like
  3. Ok thanks buddy I’ll give hippys page a try only gonna be in bkk a few days mostly staying kalasin prachinburi and Krabi over Songkran so hopefully he’s available thanks for your help
  4. Awesome I didn’t know about that page I only knew about his fb page where he sings and plays guitar I’ll send them a message! just out of interest do you know any gyms or trainers that do privates near prachinburi it’s my Mrs home town apparently the gym that used to be there closed which is a shame can’t find anything online only places that are too far away
  5. I would suggest going to Pattaya or Bangkok as there’s more people and things to do if you go to a smaller city or town you might feel isolated as not everyone will speak English I had a ladyboy friend in ubon and when I walked with her everyone would look and stare not in a bad way but I don’t like to draw attention in Pattaya and bkk no one bats an eyelid but wherever you go I’m sure you will fall in love with Thailand people are very accepting and friendly throughout the country ….good luck
  6. I’ve been trying to book some privates with hippy singmanee via his Facebook but he hasn’t responded yet check out Sylvies video on her Patreon he seems like a pretty chill guy I guess it all depends what area of Bangkok your staying in as there’s so many gyms
  7. I allways hit the pads full power to completely exhaust myself unless my coach tells me to take the power out and focus on technique! Sometimes if I’m doing something like teeps and knees we will switch to the bag and he will hold it instead of me smashing him full blast in the belly pad loads of times
  8. I’ll be traveling to Thailand in April for 3 weeks I’ve already booked a week at khunsuek in Krabi and some privates in bkk I’m also traveling to kalasin during Songkran but not expecting to train and then prachinburi where my wife’s family are from does anyone know of any gyms and trainers that can do privates for me and my son? Must be near the centre of prachinburi ! Cheers guys
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