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Nak Muay

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  1. Hi! Sorry to post twice in a row this is the last one! I just wanted to know the etiquette at gyms in Thailand regarding training at different locations. Would gyms still be willing to have you represent them if you trained at a different place in the morning? I just didn’t know if that was appropriate to do/ask or if that is a no no. Thank you very much again.
  2. Hi everyone! I’m going to be in Bangkok for the month of April. I am defiantly going to try out FA Group. Does anyone know of the training quality since the head trainer left? But I wanted to jump around for the first week or two. Was planning on going to Tded99 as well. Any other gyms that are geared toward fighters but also accepting of foreigners in Bangkok? Thanks everyone. I’m 5 7 in height and 160lbs but want to get down to 145. I have done western boxing for almost 20 years now (I’m 35) and competed in golden gloves and also have coached. But I want a new challenge and love Muay Thai. I have only done it a little though so hoping a month in Thailand will help me improve a lot. Thanks again!!!
  3. Thanks! Yeah I’m hoping that’s the case just wanted to see if anyone had experience over there. It seems like it wouldn’t be a big deal as they start training so young over there. Thank you!
  4. Thank you so much for the info! I’m a member of the library so I will check it out!
  5. Does anyone know of teachers in Thailand who are known for good instruction on sweeps and dumps? I love the way superbanks fights and it would be cool to do a private or train at a gym that is known for this.
  6. Hi everyone! I am planning a trip next year to Thailand to train and hopefully fight. I do have a 5 year old daughter who will be with me for at least some of the time. I wanted to know if anyone knew of any gyms in Bangkok that wouldn’t mind my daughter hanging around the gym while I train? I have heard from Sylvie that looksaikongdin gym has a lot of kids running around there, so if anyone knows about the quality of training at that gym, that would also be helpful. I do want to get the best training possible even though this may be difficult with a kid in tow. But my daughter actually trains Muay Thai and is pretty good, plus I was thinking I could find a babysitter to watch her in the gym while I work out. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all. I put a video of my daughters first day at Muay Thai below for fun. IMG_0799.MOV
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